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  • Stella O'Malley & Scott Newgent" 2 Irish Same Diagnosis of Gender Dysphoria 2 Different Paths Taken

    Stella O'Malley & Scott Newgent "Two Irish Woman With Gender Dysphoria - Same Diagnosis But Two Different Paths To Freedom From GD I never realized I had gender dysphoria until a therapist told me I did at 42. I was circled and rounded up into the trans craze at a vulnerable place. What I didn't realize then that I know now is how common gender dysphoria is for females. Take a step back and wonder back in your mind...Whatever you feel is irrelevant, society holds women in a confined box, with not much wiggle room, and that is the truth. What women can and cannot do or be or feel in our society is akin to a coloring book 'Don't go outside the lines.' If you color outside the lines, you are instantly believed to be a lesbian, autistic, and numerous other things. But, that fact is women come all different ways whether or not it makes you feel uncomfortable. What if we removed the confined spaces and celebrated all women in all the ways we come. Would that help stop this crisis as our young girls flee from womanhood? Maybe the solution is to accept women...mmm that's like a punch in the nose, right? It stings a bit, huh? Reality, is such a bitch...Reality is an asshole that's I'd like to kick the shit out of daily if I could, Instead, take a journey with two Irish women who suffered from gender dysphoria, two different ways to treat it. You might not like the truth, but the fact doesn't care. Here is: 'Two Irish Woman With Gender Dysphoria - Same Diagnosis But Two Different Paths To Freedom From GD' Welcome To TReVoices Blog By, Scott Newgent If you believe in what we are doing, consider helping us with a gift. Sometimes as I sit back from my journey into becoming a transman, some things are just too painful to face. For me, this interview with Stella? This was the hardest thing for me yet, it threw me for a loop, and I had no idea why...Maybe it was her being a therapist and me not being able to hogtie her to what I wanted her to think; she thought as a trained professional, few are trained from this place, and few can hogtie me. Stella did! In the end, this one was hard, and I understand why it has gotten so many views; it's raw! We recorded this over a month ago, and today I decided to watch it. I don't watch things that I record because they are painful; being this open is uncomfortable. In the end, when the music came on, and the last screen ended with me wiping my face? I was full of tears, and the tissue I grabbed 30 minutes prior was soaking wet unable to take any more tears....I was spent and exhausted! For some, medical transition may be beneficial, but not many and the trauma of a successful medical transition alone has and will continue to break many. The truth needs to be embraced, and if it takes me doing this, I will continue because I made a promise, and I will not break it...I will SCREAM until no child is subject to medical transitioning, and I would love it if you joined Stella and me. .....PS Don't let Stella corner you or at least make sure you have kleenex available...Damn you STELLA! Scott Newgent - Join US SCREAMING Today Our Journey Into The Trans World & Why Our Hearts Beat With Passion To Save Gender-Confused Kiddos TReVoices - Truth From Trans Stella O'Malley - Leading International Psychologist & The Co-Founder Of, speak about gender dysphoria and how it played a crucial role in her career path. Scott Newgent - Leading Transgender Speaker & The Founder of, talk about the same thing.... Both journeys led them here...SCREAMING... Medical Transition Is No Place For A Child!

  • Yes, All True, But What Does It Mean? I Won, I'm Scaring The Doo Doo Out Of The Right People! YES!

    I am fine and not going anywhere! Yes, I was fired the day after my speech at the Matt Walsh Nashville Rally by my nonbinary manager, who's married to a transman 'Guitar Center' <--In Case You Were Wondering. Nashville SPEECH That Flipped People Out! Yes, I was banned from TIK TOK, an account run by a PR firm professional that followed all the rules. Yes, my LA Speech had over 2 million views in 7 days on TikTok BANNED; minutes after my Nashville speech, YES, my TikTok went nuts from 14,000 to over 24,000 in less than an hour..BANNED, no reason given...Yes, Yes, Yes & Yes. This is not a distraction or event that pulls the oxygen out of me. For me? It does the opposite...HOW EXCITING! I am scaring the SHIT out of people. Super exciting, right? I must be doing something right. Who else was banned after the Rally...ummmm no one. So for me, it's like winning the gold! I'll take the bumps and get back up knowing that "I won, I won, I scared the people that needed to be scared!" Yes! Social media has created an echo chamber of untruths, creating a society that genuinely believes that butchering an entire generation of children is about love and not the monumental amount of money it generates. We have polarized ourselves into these unseen boxes, unable to stick our heads out and say, "What in the f%$#*? That's not right!" We are like robots salivating at the social media stars creating the left/right taglines regurgitating the tag lines.....brilliant way to generate stardom but leaves society-----unable to see around corners. The Tik Tok Video Viewed 2 Million Times In 7 Days Hear The Entire LA Speech Here Link Shame on you if you are a left/right activist, hold yourself to a higher standard... that's lazy activism! If you shout left/right with each tweet? You are not just part of the problem; you are the problem! Support TReVoices - Donate For me? All this attention? Man, it pumps me up! I just needed to get pissed for a couple of days.....but I'm back and TWITTER...TIKTOK......Screw you! I only have 327 followers ban away, you communist trifle of hell butchering children for the dollar...Shame on you. Here's to hoping Elon Muskinth Musk dares to join the fight and SCREAMS Louder.....STOP TRANSING KIDS! Until then I will keep bobbing and weaving, getting knocked around but I will never quit! What can I say? I may look like a Dad, but what you see, this heart....All a Mama fighting for children! SCREAM Louder! -Scott Newgent Hold tight....Realigning Things - & You Know The Whole Job Thing? Hold Tight! PS...To all the grammar people. Comments are open....Have at it..Me? Yeah busy saving other people kids. Grammar? Really? Ok Have at it! Next you can make fun of my name....So many things! LMAO

  • Live Speech - Detrans Chloe Cole & Transman Scott Newgent - Live From Nashville

    Within 60 minutes of this speech TReVoices was banned on Tik Tok No Reason Given - Shadow Banned on Facebook & Twitter. If you think these speeches are useful? You have to post on social media! Newgent's Speech In Written Form: My name is Scott Newgent. You may have seen me in a little documentary made a while back. You may have heard of it? What is A Woman? During that interview I had no clue who Matt Walsh was. I just thought, WOW this dude has an awesome beard! I was the transman who has been called the hero of Matt’s groundbreaking documentary. The hero? That’s pushing it, all I did was tell the truth. I am a woman, and I will never be a man. No one can change their sex. Medical transition is experimental, cosmetic, and only creates an illusion of the opposite sex. But, medical transition doesn't cure anything as society is being led to believe. Donate Today But who I am? My most important role? Is that of a parent to three incredible children. I am a mother, and as a woman who has given birth, carried life and as someone who fell for the relentless onslaught of glitter bombs & unicorn farts by the new LGBTQ, I am here today to put an end to the idea that medically transitioning children is about human rights. It is not, it is about money. We need to stop pushing puberty blockers, hormones and surgeries on children and youth. Stop telling kids that they were born in the wrong body. They are just different. Different is ok - in fact different is a superpower! You see the truth is that awkward children, the gifted, the mentally ill, austistic, the abused and the same sex attracted are being targeted as a new cash cow for, “Transgender Health.” This series of dangerous, experimental and costly medical procedures has no long term study that states it’s beneficial or safe. How are we butchering an entire generation of youth in the name of tolerance and acceptance?! This is hypocritical! These kids are not accepting their bodies! Drastically changing their physical appearance through puberty blockers, hormones, and surgeries and this in itself is the act of true intolerance. Market research predicts that gender-”affirming” medicine will generate more than 5 billion dollars by the end of this decade. If the current rate of kids that are being transitioned continues, we are going to have a whole generation of sterile humans, and life-long patients without them ever having a disease. If I as an adult couldn’t resist the temptation of a quick-fix elixir, do you really think someone with an immature frontal lobe can? These children need people in their lives to help them embrace, accept and love themselves so they can flourish for who they already are - not a delusion of something they will never become. There are many reasons a child or teenager might think they are transgender. But transgender isn’t a condition. It is a verb, it’s something you do through a choice that you make. No one is born in the wrong body. That’s hogwash. There are major medical organizations calling on big tech and the Department of Justice to investigate, prosecute and silence us. But the truth is on our side. A lot has been happening lately - exciting progress being made all around the nation from Robin Lunstrum’s Bill in Arkansas to lawmakers here in Tennessee and many other states working on legislation. Vanderbilt Hospital temporarily halted performing gender-”affirming” surgeries on minors thanks to the pressure of people like us who won’t stop sharing the truth. You may not know that I have been in this fight for over 3.5 years. I founded an organization called TReVoices - Its mission is to SCREAM LOUDER that medical transition is no place for a child. To educate that the transgender craze is NOT about ‘Human Rights,’ it is about the oldest greed since the beginning of time…MONEY. If everyone knew the FACTS then we would all be calling it what it is: child abuse. My objective is to transfer my passion and experience as a transman, as a lesbian to encourage everyone to talk to your children, parents, sisters, brothers, cousins, even your neighbors and co-workers. I want to inspire people to have those difficult conversations with those that might not agree with them - Do the work and get outside of the twitter echo chambers. This debate is not political, not about human rights and we need everyone here in Tennessee and abroad to be brave enough to release their own SCREAM and join together with millions more in unison as human beings, something we all have in common, joining hands creating one colossal SCREAM that ‘Medical Transition Is No Place For A Child.’ Because within this debate, a bigot today will be a hero tomorrow. My question is are you willing to take the heat today to be a hero tomorrow to save a whole generation? I can tell you I can…The question is can you? Children deserve us to adult better …Grab my hand! Thank you.

  • SCREAMING in Brazil-Transfazem alerta para riscos que cirurgia de mudança de sexo pode trazer

    TReVoices get several hundred people from Brazil a month roaming our site for information. Well, this post if for you. Looking for translation - See Transgêneros fazem alerta para riscos que cirurgia de mudança de sexo pode trazer Alguns homens e mulheres se arrependeram da operação DOMINGO ESPETACULAR 16/10/2022 - 21H28 Donate Today

  • Tik Tok Bans TReVoices 60 Minutes After This Speech - Reason? None Given

    TikTok Bans Scott Newgent’s Organization Hour After Newgent Spoke At Matt Walsh’s ‘Rally To End Child Mutilation’ The official TikTok account for Scott Newgent’s organization TreVoices was banned from the platform after the activist and star of Matt Walsh’s “What is a Woman?” gave a powerful speech at Walsh’s “Rally to End Child Mutilation” Friday. Read The Rest Here Every time I get to the point where I can monetize, I am permanently banned on all social media, TWITTER, YouTube & now Tik Tok. I have no support. People do not seem to understand that speaking out as I do ensures I get NO support. Effective? Yes! Support? No! Sure, people appreciate, but support...NO! I have no community that gets behind me! Lesbian community? No! Trans community? No! Christian? No! Liberal? No! Conservative? No! Watch Newgent 39 minute mark - This speech Got Newgent BANNED To support me means that you piss off your central ideology. Christian? I will not denounce my homosexuality...Nope Feminists? Nope, I am a traitor! Homosexuality? Nope, traitor! If I declared DETRANS or cured of homosexuality, I would have lines of people trying to support me, but I will not sell out. We have created such a divide in a society of left/right that we have a huge blind spot where I don't know...we are butchering an entire generation of children under the guise of love, and society has NO clue what's going on! None, totally ignorant to a comical angle where we have suburban moms SCREAMING 'Trans women are women," not understanding what they are saying or doing! Left/Right is a great business model.....A get-marketing scheme in creating an army mentality, but it's lazy activism and terrible for society! I refuse to give in, running on pennies and truth, never giving up, and social media keeps banning me, but I keep getting bigger. Why? I have the ultimate truth without any other driving force, fame? Funny Money? That's fucking hilarious! I will not STOP until transing kids stop or I no longer am breathing and THAT....That is the passion that is needed! Keep SCREAMING! Donate

  • Police Investigated The Trevor Project LGBT Chat Rooms - Protecting Minors from Predators

    Several parents and teachers in California issued complaints to police about The Trevor Project and its affiliated TrevorSpace chatrooms. Minors as young as 13 are engaging in discussions with adults about gender and sexuality. Parents are concerned these chat rooms are a sexual predator's playground and it's putting youth in potential danger. Read the full article written by Brad Jones at the Epoch Times. Celeste Fiehler is a parent in Coachella Valley, California, and head of the Moms For Liberty chapter in Riverside County, according to the Epoch Times. Fiehler filed a report with the Riverside County Sheriff's Department in July after learning Desert Sands Unified School District was promoting The Trevor Project to elementary students on its website. Fiehler said she found what she believes to be predators in chatrooms with minors and is concerned that it could lead to children being trafficked, exploited and harmed. At the very least they are grooming young children. The Trevor Project did not respond to the Epoch Times for this article. According to the Trevor Project website, it states that their purpose is to help struggling LGBT youth and provide counseling. On the homepage, there is a link to the TrevorSpace chatroom site that invites LGBTQ young people ages 13-24 to sing up for free and start chatting. Investigation Into the Organization Riverside County Sheriff's Department told Epoch Times that they did investigate, but the case has now been closed. Their anti-human trafficking team looked into the complaint but said they found no criminal behavior in the chatrooms. Riverside County Sheriff Chad Bianco said they will continue to monitor the chatrooms for criminal activity. Bianco warns parents that all social media can be dangerous and to keep a close eye on what your children are doing on the internet. "These parents, of course, they're angry, and they should be angry," he said, "but law enforcement has absolutely nothing to do with this other than looking into it to make sure there's no criminal [activity]. There's absolutely nothing criminal about that website or even having the chatrooms. This is no different than Facebook or Snapchat." Bianco encourages everyone to start voting for people who will make this sort of behavior a crime. We Need to be Protecting Children Fiehler said she is disappointed that the police couldn't do more, but she won't stop warning other parents and school boards about these dangerous chatrooms. "Your children come first, and that's it. We should be protecting them in any way that we can," she said to the Epoch Times. "We're desensitizing ourselves to sexualizing children to where we think this is not a big deal... or these chat rooms are therapy... We need to stick to our morals and protect our children." In order to dig deeper into the TrevorSpace chatrooms, Fiehler created a fake account posing as a 16-year-old. She points out that anyone could be lying about their ages, just like she did. Adults are having conversations with children about sex, gender and dating in these chatrooms often without parental knowledge. Fiehler found a chatroom with adults requesting to private message minors after they posted suggestive photos of themselves, as well as chatrooms for different kinks like "Littles", and chatrooms targeting people with mental health conditions like DID - Dissociative Identity Disorder which is a mental health condition previously known as multiple personality disorder. One chatroom is called "Chosen Family." It's described as, "A place to find a chosen family who loves and supports you. Meet people who are like siblings, parents, etc. to you." She saw someone over 18 responded to an underage boy's request about wanting a boyfriend. Fiehler also claims she found content about bestiality on the site and reported it to the police. Removing the Links from the School's Website Fiehler continues to urge all school districts to stop promoting organization like The Trevor Project and TrevorSpace and encourages parents to monitor and report suspicious online activity to law enforcement. She learned that The Trevor Project's "trained counselors" are just volunteers and professional counseling experience is not required. According to The Trevor Project website, "You don’t need a degree or a license to become a trained Trevor counselor, but the role does require passion and commitment.” It also says volunteer counselors must be at least 18, “have passion for supporting LGBTQ young people” and live in the United States. They must also have access to a private space, make a one-year commitment, and agree to work a three-hour shift once a week." After bringing all of this to the school district's attention, school officials removed all the links from their website for The Trevor Project and TrevorSpace. The Trevor Project receives funding from more than 200 "corporate partners" including including Google, Abercrombie & Fitch, Macy’s, Puma, and Lululemon, which have each donated more than $1 million to the organization, according to the Epoch Times. Kenny Snell, a Desert Sands high school teacher said he is concerned about similar content being promoted if groups aren't properly vetted going forward and encourages teachers to speak out in their districts. Teacher Reports The Trevor Project Another teacher, Brenda Lebsack, asked the Santa Ana Police Department to investigate The Trevor Project about a year prior. She told the Epoch Times that there are posters advertising the Project in the bathrooms and hallways at several schools in the Santa Ana Unified School District. Lebsack pretended to be a gender confused child who was afraid to talk to her parents and texted the National Suicide Hotline. They referred her to The Trevor Project and was sent a survey about gender identity. According to the Epoch Times, "The survey asks respondents to select from agender, boy/man, genderfluid, genderqueer, girl/woman, intersex, non-binary, trans, trans masculine, trans feminine, two spirit, prefer not to identify, or “Write in how you identify.” It also asks about sexual orientation such as asexual, bisexual or pansexual, gay or lesbian, heterosexual or straight, questioning or unsure, or other." Santa Ana community members and leaders asked school trustees at a board meeting to investigate both The Trevor Project and TrevorSpace chatrooms, but just three days later, the school's superintendent Jerry Almendarez sent out a letter resolution recognizing Oct. 11 as National Coming Out Day and Nov. 20 as Transgender Day of remembrance "to honor the many achievements and contributions of the LGBTQ+ community," according to Epoch Times. Watch Out for Online Predators The Epoch Times also spoke to Jon Uhler who is a licensed professional counselor and has counseled sex offenders and sexual abuse victims. He said online chatrooms like these are a perfect breeding ground for sexual predators seeking to harm young people. "You take kids that are suicidal—therefore probably sexually abused—[and] kids who have been sexualized because of the internet, and you’re going to start discussing what with them?” Uhler asked. “It’s a predators’ playground.” Uhler said he is concerned that even if everyone abides by the age guidelines, there are still 24-year-ols potentially interacting with 13-year-olds and having conversations about sexuality and gender. He worries that chatrooms like "DID Littles" are luring in curious and vulnerable children, to chat with "sexually deviant adults." Chatrooms like "Chosen Family" use similar techniques as cults in the sense that cults separate their recruits from family and friends in order to isolate and control them. "Cults often use euphemistic terms such as “community” and “family” to set themselves apart and start talking about outsiders in pejorative, derogatory, and dangerous ways to create an “us versus them” mentality," he said, according to the Epoch Times. Parents, teachers, school board members and lawmakers need to be aware of these potential dangers in chatrooms and how it's exposing already at-risk youth to more harm. Lack of Moderation in these Chatrooms Another parent explored the TrevorSpace chatrooms and was shocked at what she found. Using the pseudonym Rachel Miller to protect the identity of her 16-year-old daughter who identifies as transgender, she told the Epoch Times she saw children as young as 13 talking to adults about porn, bestiality, sexual positions and how to hide it all from your parents. “I saw kids begging for more moderation to keep them[selves] safe from harassment and trolls, and just very little moderation," she said to the Epoch Times. One user on TrevorSpace goes by the name 'slutty little kitten' and was teaching minors how to secretly buy chest binders without their parents finding out, Miller said. Miller urges corporations and individuals who donate to The Trevor Project to learn more about the organization and the potential harm its causing to children. Originally, she contacted The Trevor Project to get counseling for her daughter but when she asked about "detransitioners" they became dismissive and rude. “There is no off-ramp,” Miller said to the Epoch Times. “There is a lot of encouragement to transition and to pursue medicalization, but there is absolutely no playbook for what is to happen when you feel uncomfortable with the idea of transition.” Over in Paso Robles Joint Unified School District, a newly appointed school trustee, Kenny Enney is calling for an external investigation into The Trevor Project by the San Luis Obispo County District Attorney's Office. The school has removed all links associated with The Trevor Project which were previously listed under "Student Resources" on it's website. Enney claims there is a feature in the TrevorSpace chatrooms that allows users to instantly hide chats from their parents. Enney brought up the chatrooms at a school board meeting and warns that school districts need to be more concerned about legal liability if it was found that a child was harmed as a result of these chatrooms. Read the full article written by Brad Jones at the Epoch Times.

  • Join TReVoices & the Daily Wire Oct 21!

    UPDATE: Scott Newgent will be speaking at Matt Walsh's rally on Friday in Nashville, TN! Not only that, but our director Jane and our producer Daryan will be driving from their hometowns to join Scott for this historical event! Travel expenses for Daryan and Jane are being covered by your generous donations. Thank you so much for whatever you can spare! This is an especially exciting event because of the elected officials who will be there -- they are trying to pass laws in TN that will prohibit all hospitals and gender clinics from medically transitioning minors. This is what we need! We need this all across the country! What an exciting time. If you can come out to Nashville and join us -- please RSVP for FREE tickets at and comment below if you plan to be there. Wear a TReVoices shirt to show your support for Scott! Hope to see you there!

  • The Federalist: In the Genital Mutilation Market, Business is Booming

    According to market research, predictions estimate that the "gender-affirming care" industry will grow to $5 billion before the end of the decade. Read the full article by Jay Richards here. "I spend my days studying a new line of business called "gender-affirming care." That's a euphemism for the current craze of treating teenagers who struggle with gender dysphoria." Jay Richards writes in the Federalist. Richards claims doctors who participate in this practice are using drugs and performing surgeries that cut into these patient's young bodies to "affirm" their self-diagnosed internal sense of gender. "Don't ask for a better explanation. There isn't one," Richards said. Referencing a new report just released by Grand View Research, Richards describes growing jaded after reading about "top surgeries," "bottom surgeries," and sterilizing teenagers. According to the report, just in the United States, the market for such surgeries is estimated to grow to $5 billion by the end of the decade. In 2021, the market was valued at USD 1.9 billion but is expected to have a compound annual growth rate of 11.23% from 2022 to 2030. "Business is booming because of “rising incidences of gender dysphoria and the increasing number of people opting for gender confirmation surgeries," Richards wrote. The report fails to account for potential revenue stemming from complications that arise from these procedures. "Simply cutting out a uterus, or cutting off a penis, may only generate revenue once. These tend to be one-and-done operations. But constructing a simulacrum of a penis and attaching it to a woman involves the rerouting of blood vessels, skin, urethra, and nerves. This is far from simple. The initial surgery can take many hours. The follow-up for complications, infections, and maintenance can stretch out for years," Richards writes. Here is testimony from one patient, Scott Newgent: During my own transition, I had seven surgeries. I also had a massive pulmonary embolism, a helicopter life-flight ride, an emergency ambulance ride, a stress-induced heart attack, sepsis, a 17-month recurring infection due to using the wrong skin during a (failed) phalloplasty, 16 rounds of antibiotics, three weeks of daily IV antibiotics, the loss of all my hair, (only partially successful) arm reconstructive surgery, permanent lung and heart damage, a cut bladder, insomnia-induced hallucinations—oh and frequent loss of consciousness due to pain from the hair on the inside of my urethra. All this led to a form of PTSD that made me a prisoner in my apartment for a year. Between me and my insurance company, medical expenses exceeded $900,000. It seems that Grand View Research overlooked testimonies such as this. Richards also points out how much money is to be made for each transgender patient. "And this is to say nothing of the life-long need for cross-sex hormones. You see, even after a woman has had her breasts, uterus, and fallopian tubes removed, and the skin, nerves, and muscle from her forearm stripped and refashioned in a neo-penis, every cell of her body is going to go right on thinking it’s female. That’s hard on the patient, but if she lives to be 70 or 80, can you imagine the revenue from exogenous testosterone alone? How did this financial research firm miss this part of the story?" Richards asks. Read the full article here. Jay W. Richards, Ph.D., is author of many books including the New York Times bestsellers Infiltrated (2013) and Indivisible (2012), and the William E. Simon senior research fellow in Heritage’s DeVos Center for Religion and Civil Society.

  • JOIN Matt Walsh NEXT FRIDAY @ "The Rally To End Child Mutilation"

    I hope you don't miss this historical event! We strongly encourage all of our supporters to attend this rally if you can --- And spread the word about it also! See Speakers and details, & Register for a FREE ticket here: LET'S SCREAM!! Support TReVoices - Donate Today 4pm, October 21, 2022 War Memorial Plaza 301 6th Ave N, Nashville, TN 37243 (This is a FREE event, please RSVP here)

  • Copy of I Wonder: "What Do Docs Really Think About Childhood Medical Transition? Dr. Silenced Fills

    A rare occasion when I don't have anything to say...It's a miracle, quite frankly! So in the words of my 6'4, 300-pound hairy Irishman of a father, I am going to take his line and say: "I'm just gonna sit here and look pretty." <----He said that about himself FYI - Hilarious WOW! -Scott Newgent An email I received from a physicians. The physician is remaining anonymous, but TReVoices has verified that this is a real physicians. Hold Tight Support TReVoices Donate Today \ Dear Scott, I wish I could come out in public support of your work (Jane is my political pseudonym), but as a physician I feel that the issue of pediatric transgender care has become so political that I would face cancel culture and career annihilation should I speak out. I read the article you published in Newsweek and it very much enlightened my practice as a physician and I would like to thank you for bringing to light an issue that is historically unquestionable in medical circles. I also wanted to share my small part of the story as I hope it will encourage you in your work. First and foremost, as a former family medicine resident physician, I would like to apologize for the grave injustices you faced going through your gender transition process. It sickens me to know that even as an adult no one truly gave you INFORMED consent for your procedures and also required you to go back to the same physician who mistreated you for ongoing care. You are most correct that transgender hormonal and surgical therapy is experimental (for children and for adults) and your physician was oath-bound to ensure that you understood what consequences were already known, what were still theoretical, and what was still unknown. Your physician violated their Hippocratic Oath to "first do no harm" and I am so very sorry that you had to pay such high consequences for their actions. Secondly I wanted to share with you my physician experiences of the medical culture surrounding transgender care. I am a heterosexual female physician and while I do not pretend to know all the social issues surrounding LGBTQ+ care, I do not think that pediatric transgender hormonal delay and surgical therapy is appropriate for the very same reasons you outline in your article -- it's experimental, we don't know the long term consequences, it is unethical to experiment on a child who cannot fully consent to the procedure due to lack of understanding, and we have not sufficiently ruled out other psychological co-morbidities or even let the child's psyche fully develop before we present them with a absolute decision about their gender. I have interacted with the pediatric transgender clinic system only peripherally, but what I have found has largely been disturbing. Occasionally a transgender pediatric patient will be admitted to the hospital, usually due to a psychiatric crisis, and as their primary physician in the care team I feel it is my duty and my professional right to know everything about them as it pertains to their admission to the hospital. However, often as I search their chart, the only documentation I find for their transgender care is a sparse note from the endocrinologist. There are no psychological assessments, surgical planning notes, or any other detailed information on where the child is in the process of their transition despite the fact that the pediatric transgender clinic is a part of the same system as the hospital itself (i.e. they should share the same documentation system). Additionally, supposed transgender psychologists visit the patient while they are in the hospital, but I have yet to even see one of these elusive professionals on the floor nor see one of their inpatient care notes despite my nurses saying that they visited the patient. The secrecy surrounding these pediatric transgender clinics, even to other physicians who are supposed to be looking out for the best interest of the child, disturbs me to my core. If the pediatric transgender clinic thinks it is really doing what is best for the patient, why do they feel they have to hide information? Additionally, before I approve ongoing transgender care to the patient, I want to know that the patient has had a full and un-biased psychiatric evaluation and ongoing assessment to rule-out comorbid psychologic conditions or alternative diagnoses. There are many things that can masquerade as gender dysphoria, my main concern being Borderline Personality Disorder. BPD is a condition that causes the patient to seek attention in increasingly extreme ways -- through increasingly elaborate suicide and self-harm schemes or through claiming gender dysphoria and seeking transgender care when they are not gender-dysphoric. Personality disorders cannot be diagnosed in children because the child's personality is still forming, but as a physician you develop a sixth sense for predicting which teens are likely to manifest BPD in adulthood. Since BPD cannot be diagnosed in childhood, but GD can, it poses a problem that a child can undergo hormonal and surgical therapy before their psyche is fully developed and can be properly evaluated. Psychiatric evaluations exploring other possible diagnoses are rarely documented and it is my belief that in the fervor around seeking gender-affirmation, such possible diagnoses are overlooked. In my residency program, I have faced consequences for standing up for what I (formerly) believed to be best for pediatric transgender patients. For example, I had a 17yo transgender patient on my outpatient panel who had completed both hormonal and surgical therapy by the time they became my patient. As they were a pediatric patient, I could not ethically support their transgender treatment plan and yet nothing could be done to change it as they had already completed therapy. I did not feel that I could sign prescriptions and consults or coordinate their care without ethical distress. Therefore, I felt the most ethical thing to do would be for my residency program to transfer the patient to someone who was supportive of the transgender treatment plan and could sign the necessary orders without ethical distress. I subsequently received severe backlash from one of my supervising physicians who was (or claimed to be) a transgender advocate. He stopped using my name, questioned all of my work, gave me bad evaluations, and told me that he didn't think I should be a physician. After reading your article, I wish I had made a different decision than to have my patient transferred, because I now realize that I essentially fed my transgender patient to a wolf who was going to continue a dialog of toxic affirmation rather than let the patient fully explore their identity in an unbiased way. So I want to thank you for changing my practice of medicine and making me a better doctor for the future. Also, I want you to know that there are many in medicine who share your same goal but without a voice to do so. There is a growing "elitist" group of physicians in medicine who pretend to understand LGBTQ+ issues and look down on those they think do not understand the LGBTQ+ community as they do. These "elitist allies" can often be identified by rainbow buttons on their lapel, an over-affirming attitude toward any gender issues, and a disgust for anyone who does not also wear a rainbow button. They often think bigotry is any sort of disagreement with them and they have a considerable amount of power in silencing dissent. While you likely have at least 50+% of the medical community who think the way you do about pediatric trans therapy, I fear that you will have a hard time getting statements from individual physicians due to their fear of job loss from this elitist faction (as you can see, I didn't use my real name either). Additionally, groups of physicians will want to preserve the reputation and influence of the organization they represent and in today's political climate ward off accusations of institutional bigotry. Cancel culture in medicine is not unique to transgender issues (notice the COVID-19 lab-leak theory is very quietly not gaining any traction), but it is those of you on the outside of medicine who are poised to make the biggest difference and unsilenced the true state of science around transgender care. I thank you so much for your bravery. I wish I had a magic bullet to make cancel culture go away, but do know that there are secret allies on the inside of medicine covertly working toward the same goal of protecting our gender questioning youth. I wish you all the best in the fight for truth and justice and hope that one day I too can break my relative silence. Dr. Silenced

  • Stop Mutilating Children! - Liberty Station Podcast

    Bryce Eddy from the Liberty Station podcast interviews Scott Newgent about transgender ideology, those being manipulated into transitioning, and how to fight back against this evil movement to sexualize and sterilize children. Full Podcast Interview Watch on Rumble Background I am a 49 year-old lesbian - at 42 I found myself in a vulnerable place and circumstances led me to question if I was born into the wrong body. I began the process of transition and after the last surgery I had, a phalloplasty, which has a 67% complication rate by the way, I've experienced complication after complication finding myself with reoccurring infections. All of transgender health is experimental except for breast augmentation and mastectomies. I've lost my job, my house, my car, my marriage, my everything. I've woken up in my own urine, in my own blood. I realized I was dying. In that moment, I thought about my kids. I went from, "thank god this is almost over," to, "I can't go anywhere." I made a bargain that day... now I'm not a Christian but I believe there is a god. I had a serious conversation that day and I promised if we could figure out a way to make me better, for me to be there for my kids, then I would speak out about this. The intensity that people see, is me, a mom, fighting for my kids. Agree to Disagree I just spent the morning in a church service. Now, there's a lot we probably don't agree on, but there is also probably lots that we do agree on. When we've come to a place in society where you believe one way and I believe another way about one subject, but we can't come together to talk about other subjects, well we've lost our way. We've gotten to a place where we are so left or right, one way or the other where we've left a huge blind spot. We've left a huge open space that allows for an entire generation of children to be butchered. I'll listen to people that I don't fully agree with and I'll find the things that we do agree on. Unfortunately, in today's society, we don't listen to people who are supposedly bigots. Right now, you need to lead from behind. You're not going to win this fight without the rainbow people. You have to push us out up front until we get over that mountain. Reality is Not Bigotry Transgenderism is cosmetic surgery. It doesn't cure anything. It's the same as getting your breasts done or getting a face-lift. You do you. It's great if it makes you feel better, but don't make society live in your delusion and stop going after our kids to make yourself feel better about something you've done. I am a biological woman and that will never, ever change, but I took testosterone, which is a cross-sex hormone, and I will never, ever look like a traditional woman again. First Do No Harm Rally We've gotten to a place where some of the craziest people are out front. I mean, they make absolutely no sense. I was just at the rally in Anaheim, listening to their rhetoric and I'm thinking to myself, these are the people running our country. What in the hell is wrong with us? Something amazing happened though, and the rainbow came out. We had lesbians, gay men, transgender people and detransitioned people. We were walking around to everybody, and no one wanted us to be part of their "groups," but that's the people that need to be promoted right now. We are the people that will change things. The Big Lies The biggest lie is that if we don't medically transition children then they will kill themselves. "That's the most manipulatively evil thing I've ever heard. " - Bryce Eddy It's criminal. Where do you go as a parent? If you don't know about transgenderism or about homosexuality and you go to these so-called professionals, and they go, well here's your options: you can either transition your child or they will kill themselves. What parent is going to choose death? It's manipulative, dishonest and wrong. The reality is that the odds are these kids WILL kill themselves... AFTER transitioning. In fact, 7-10 years after transition. The only long-term study was done in Sweden from 1973-2003, and it followed 324 medically transitioned adults. It found, when you first start medical transition there is an elation - a honey-moon period. Sweden Study Many of these people don't feel that they belong, possibly same-sex attracted, maybe awkward or autistic. We are telling them that, "hey there is something wrong with you, but don't worry we have a magic cure-all solution." It prevents young people from growing a thick skin and prevents them from embracing their differences. People sell this lie that once you start hormone blockers you'll feel better, then once people stop mis-pronouning you, you'll feel better, once you get surgery, then you'll feel better. Once you medically transition, you'll feel better. The problem is, these children and young people get to the end of the process and realize nothing has changed except for the permanent damage they've done to their bodies. It's All About the Money I like to say that being different is a superpower, but every child who is different that they convince is transgender is 1.3 million dollars just in cross-sex hormones. That doesn't include surgery and that doesn't include complications. When you prescribe Lupron (hormone-blocking drug) to a child compared to an adult, it's 8x more profitable when given to children. In 2017, 98,000 children identified as "transgender." If those 98,000 children were all on Lupron, it would equate to four billion dollars. Fast forward four years, more than 300,000 children identify as "transgender," which equates to 14 billion dollars just in hormones blockers. About TReVoices I have dedicated my life to stopping the medical transitioning of children worldwide and making trans health safe. My work unites fronts, joining hands with those who have never worked together before. If you are interested in supporting Scott and ending the medicalization of children donate here, or check out our merch shop. About Liberty Station Each episode of Liberty Station with Rob McCoy and Bryce Eddy includes commentary, analysis, and guest interviews on topics such as the Biblical foundations of American history, equipping pastors to become leaders in the culture, and understanding current events from a Christian worldview. Learn more.

  • Fight: Every School System In The US That You Don't Know About! Media Goes Black - You are not alone

    by Chrissy Clark This is a glimpse into email after email I am getting, yet they never seem to make it into the media. If you believe you are alone, transphobic, fighting to stop transgender ideology in your county school system? Think Again -Scott Newgent Montgomery County Schools Saw 582% Increase In Reported Gender Nonconforming Students Over Two Years, Data Shows Maryland’s largest public school district saw a 582% increase the number of students identifying as gender nonconforming in just two years, according to internal data posted to an educator’s Twitter page. Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) gathered this data from forms school counselors fill out when students approach them to talk about gender identity issues. Because the numbers rely on self-reporting, the near-sevenfold increase from 2019 to 2022 could indicate a massive increase in the number of gender-diverse students, an environment that encourages those students to be more open with counselors or both. The data — which is not publicly available to parents or taxpayers — was posted to Twitter on Oct. 6 when educator Elicia Eberhart-Bliss shared an image of a slide show presented at a meeting of the district’s “Pride ALLiance.” During the 2019-2020 school year, a total of 35 students reported gender nonconformity to a counselor, including four elementary students, 19 middle school students and 12 high schoolers. During the 2021-2022 school year the total number of students reporting gender nonconformity spiked to 239, including 18 elementary students, 129 middle schoolers and 92 high schoolers. The data state that 423 students filled out the form with a counselor, and 45% of those students are considered “non-binary.” The data were collected across 84 schools, including 20 elementary schools. Christopher Cram, the spokesman for MCPS, told the Daily Caller that a “full accounting” of LGBTQ+ students is “impossible,” as the data can only be compiled on students who fill out forms with the district. “A full accounting of students who may identify as LGBTQ+ or gender nonconforming is impossible to know,” Cram said. “This information is covered by privacy rules and is only collected if a student offers that information to a counselor. Therefore a percentage ‘of’ or ‘rise’ cannot be determined to be considered accurate in any way.” According to MCPS guidelines for dealing with students who identify as gender nonconforming, kids have a “right” to keep their in-school gender identities private. The form used to collect data on which students identify as gender nonconforming states that parents can be involved only “if the student states that [the parents] are aware of and supportive of the student’s gender identity.” (RELATED: Maryland Schoo’s Guidelines Claim Kids Have A ‘Right’ To Keep In-School Gender Identities Private) Bethany Mandel, a conservative activist and parent in the Montgomery County area, told the Caller that the data show an “explosion” of gender-confused children. “This isn’t data that the outside world has seen before; it was accidentally shared and is incredibly illuminating,” Mandel said. “There is a clear explosion of gender-confused children year-over-year, and it’s clear the majority of those are legitimately children, middle school and below. This isn’t just a Montgomery County problem, it’s nationwide; we were just able to get a glimpse of the data here.” Colin Wright, an evolutionary biologist and journalist, argued in an August Substack post that the definition of “transgender” was edited in recent years to be synonymous with people who are gender nonconforming, leading to a spike in transgender-identifying people. If a girl gravitates toward trucks and cars as a child, she is considered “gender nonconforming” and “transgender,” even if she shows no signs of gender dysphoria, according to Wright’s analysis. This expanded definition is used by prestigious medical institutions and activism hubs including the American Medical Association, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Planned Parenthood. “It is urgent that we all fully understand that the definition of transgenderism used by our most highly regarded scientific, medical, and human rights institutions now literally encompasses common gender nonconformity, and this is the main reason so many children are now claiming to be transgender,” Wright wrote.

  • Protests Erupt in Southern California Over ‘Transing’ Children

    By Brad Jones October 10, 2022 Updated: October 10, 2022 As thousands of doctors gathered at the Anaheim Convention Center in Orange County, Calif., over the weekend, mounting tensions erupted outside between transgender rights groups and protesters opposed to the “transing” of children. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) held its convention Oct. 7–11 in Anaheim, while parental rights groups and a handful of dissenting AAP members have recently accused the organization of silencing debate on its “gender-affirming care” policies for children. Donate - Help TReVoices & Scott Newgent To STOP Childhood Medical Transition More than 150 peaceful protesters wearing purple T-shirts and carrying signs at the First Do No Harm Unity Rally on Oct. 8 crowded the sidewalk and nearby hotel parking lot to hear the stories of detransitioners—those who regret gender transitioning—and their supporters when trans rights activists crossed the street to disrupt the speeches. hat morning, as families sporting Mickey Mouse T-shirts and girls wearing fairy princess dresses arrived at nearby Disneyland, a counter-protester screaming profanities stepped in front of a van displaying digital billboard messages such as “Stop Transing Gay Youth, Support the fight to protect children” and “If they think children can consent to a sex changes, what else do they think children can’t consent to?” The counter-protester shouted at protestors and prevented the driver from circling the area for several minutes before security agents asked the individual to leave. “Billboard Chris”—a Canadian father opposed to the idea that children can be born in the wrong body, who walks along sidewalks across North America wearing sandwich boards with slogans such as, “Children cannot consent to puberty blockers”—attended the protest and mingled with detransitioners. At noon, the smoke and aroma from food vendors filled the air, as two masked trans activists, one wearing all black garb, pushed through a crowd of peaceful protesters lining the sidewalk. The duo shouted insults and mocked parents like Abigail Martinez as she tearfully shared the story of her daughter, Yaeli, who committed suicide after starting medical transition. The incident escalated into a face-to-face yelling match between the two agitators and one of the protestors. No one was hurt in the otherwise peaceful event, and the agitators left after a few minutes. One of them, wearing a head garment and mask, refused to comment on the incident to The Epoch Times. Rally Moves Indoors Anticipating their message would be disrupted, the protesters led by Erin Friday of Our Duty, an international group that rejects transgender ideology, moved indoors to a conference room at the Clarion Hotel. Counter-protesters tried to enter the conference room, but were stopped by hotel security. Once inside, Friday called for unity among all groups who oppose gender-affirming care for children and adults under 25. She urged them to put politics aside and children first. Martinez told the rest of her story—how the courts removed Yaeli from her care because she refused to take the advice of a social worker to hold a “funeral” for her daughter and call her by a male name and pronouns. Yaeli identified as transgender when she was about 16, was placed in foster care, and started taking testosterone. The experience was emotionally and physically painful for Yaeli, who at 19 laid down across train tracks to end her life. Later, Chloe Cole, sobbing for a moment, told supporters she deeply regrets having both her breasts removed three years ago when she was 15. “I was fast-tracked on a destructive path, including puberty blockers and testosterone at 13 years old,” she said. “I come here today to represent fellow detransitioners and to sound the alarm on these abusive practices.” Detransitioners are “routinely harassed and browbeaten into silence for being an inconvenience” to popular narratives around gender, she said. Cole denounced the AAP, American Medical Association, and Children’s Hospital Association for endorsing a “gender-affirming care” model that prevents medical professionals from questioning a child’s self-reported transgender identity and exploring other possible causes of their unease. She also criticized these three groups for sending a letter to U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland and the Department of Justice (DOJ) last week insisting that “disinformation” about transgender medical treatments must be blocked and people who spread it should be prosecuted. Cole panned the groups for trying “to silence the reasonable voices of concerned critics calling for a more cautious approach to experimental medical practices impacting vulnerable children.” “We bear the literal scars of this medical violence. The medical safeguarding of children should not be a political issue,” she said. Cole told supporters she has formed a support group for detransitioners called Detrans United that wrote a letter to Garland in response to the three groups. “We are writing as a group of individuals who formerly identified as transgender. Many of us were young teenagers when we decided on the direction of medical experts to pursue irreversible hormone treatments and surgeries to bring our bodies into closer alignment with what we thought was our true gender identity. Many of us had extensive history as a mental illness, many of us had experienced significant childhood trauma. But all of this was ignored because we uttered the word ‘gender,'” the letter reads. “This utterance placed us on a narrow medical pathway that led us to sacrifice our healthy bodies in future fertility and obeisance to the claim that our suffering was a result of having a gender identity that did not match our biological sex. In other words, we were born in the wrong body. We didn’t know better, we were young, and we trusted our doctors. Our parents were also misled. They were told the common myth out if they did not affirm our new identities, which until fully approving our medical transition, then we would likely commit suicide,” it states. ‘We Do Not Want Children to Be Harmed’ Abel Garcia recounted his male-to-female gender transition, and detransition back to male. Garcia claims he has suffered atrophy to his genitals from estrogen and “tucking.” Even though he did not get “bottom surgery,” Garcia got breast implants but then had the implants removed through chest reconstruction surgery. “I’m here asking the AAP … to take a step back from the current model right now because the only model we have right now is to affirm and affirm, only we do not ask questions of why a child wants to transition,” Garcia said Detransitioners and others who ask questions are accused by activists of being hateful or transphobic, “but we are not hateful,” he said. “We do not want children to be harmed.” Cat Cattinson, a singer, shared her story of regret for taking testosterone, which she said ruined her singing voice. “While I still have to work through continuous vocal discomfort and pain, I survived adolescence and early adulthood with my body intact,” she said. “I still have the option to have children breastfeed and have intimate relationships. But tragically, a rapidly growing number of detransitioners cannot say the same,” she said. Although more detransitioners have come forward to expose how they were “ushered down the trans path” and show they’ve suffered irreversible physical and psychological damage “our stories are just the beginning,” Cattinson said. “Today gender ideology is being taught in schools promoted on social media, and even featured in kids TV shows,” she said. “Children are being groomed to believe they could be in the wrong body and that it’s perfectly acceptable to reject the biological reality of your sex and seek surgery to change it.” Scott Newgent, a woman who gained international notoriety after appearing in the documentary, “What is a Woman” produced by Matt Walsh, talked about how the idea of being trapped “in the wrong body” almost killed her. Once known as Kellie King, Newgent said she was convinced female-to-male gender transition treatments and surgery would make her happy, but ended up “destroying” her health. Scott Newgent, a woman who gained international notoriety after appearing in the documentary, “What is a Woman” produced by Matt Walsh, talked about how the idea of being trapped “in the wrong body” almost killed her. Once known as Kellie King, Newgent said she was convinced female-to-male gender transition treatments and surgery would make her happy, but ended up “destroying” her health. “I am seven years post-trans, and just like the only long-term study predicted, I have regret. But, after nearly dying from transition surgeries, I cannot detransition. I cannot endure another knife into my skin or open myself up for more stares and questions. I accept my body today because I have to,” Newgent said. “I’m a lesbian and I’m a trans man … who underwent a massive amount of irreversible surgery and cross-sex hormones to create an illusion of a male … but I am still a woman, and I will always be a woman.” As a mother who has given birth to three children, Newgent said she fell for “the relentless onslaught” of transgender propaganda, which she calls “glitter bombs and unicorn farts.” “I ask, beg, and plead that the American Academy of Pediatrics to reverse course today—not tomorrow, today … Stop pushing puberty blockers, hormones, and surgeries on children and youth. Stop telling kids they were born in the wrong body.” Children who describe themselves on social media as FTM (female to male) or MTF (male to female) or nonbinary are celebrated as “tens of thousands of strangers cheer them on” in Tik Tok videos of supposedly happy transition people “making double mastectomies” look like Disneyland, said Newgent, founder of, a website that opposes medical transition for children. Pediatrician Speaks Out Scott Newgent, a woman who gained international notoriety after appearing in the documentary, “What is a Woman” produced by Matt Walsh, talked about how the idea of being trapped “in the wrong body” almost killed her. Once known as Kellie King, Newgent said she was convinced female-to-male gender transition treatments and surgery would make her happy, but ended up “destroying” her health. “I am seven years post-trans, and just like the only long-term study predicted, I have regret. But, after nearly dying from transition surgeries, I cannot detransition. I cannot endure another knife into my skin or open myself up for more stares and questions. I accept my body today because I have to,” Newgent said. “I’m a lesbian and I’m a trans man … who underwent a massive amount of irreversible surgery and cross-sex hormones to create an illusion of a male … but I am still a woman, and I will always be a woman.” As a mother who has given birth to three children, Newgent said she fell for “the relentless onslaught” of transgender propaganda, which she calls “glitter bombs and unicorn farts.” “I ask, beg, and plead that the American Academy of Pediatrics to reverse course today—not tomorrow, today … Stop pushing puberty blockers, hormones, and surgeries on children and youth. Stop telling kids they were born in the wrong body.” Children who describe themselves on social media as FTM (female to male) or MTF (male to female) or nonbinary are celebrated as “tens of thousands of strangers cheer them on” in Tik Tok videos of supposedly happy transition people “making double mastectomies” look like Disneyland, said Newgent, founder of, a website that opposes medical transition for children. Pediatrician Speaks Out All we can do is keep offering the information and see if we can get through because I really feel like most pediatricians are not on board with this. I don’t think most pediatricians feel like the best solution to an unhappy 12-year-old is to block their puberty and put them into menopause,” she said. Following her speech, Mason told The Epoch Times she began to doubt the AAP leadership after she read Dr. James Cantor’s paper (pdf) criticizing the AAP’s 2018 statement touting gender-affirming care. “I was alarmed that AAP did not fact-check what they published in their own journal,” Mason said. “I just tried to reach out to rank-and-file pediatricians and let them know what the leadership is doing in their name, because I think they don’t know.” The AAP has not responded to multiple Epoch Times inquiries. Describing herself as a “lifelong liberal” who has been a supporter of the Democratic Party since she turned 18, Mason is perplexed about the party’s support for “gender-affirming care” and the recently passed state law making California a trans sanctuary state. “It does not seem liberal to shut down discussion and debate. It’s really concerning. I don’t know what’s going on. I don’t know where this is coming from,” she said. “I feel politically homeless.” Mason was shocked to find out all the young patients with gender dysphoria—a feeling that one’s gender identity doesn’t match one’s physical body—whom she referred to a gender clinic were “affirmed” without a thorough mental health care assessment. “I realized that every single one of them was being transitioned without question. There was no evaluation. There was no gatekeeping,” she said. Mason dismissed the latest “standards of care” published mid-September by the World Professional Association for Transgender Health which abolished all age limits for gender transition surgeries. “I do want to push back on the idea that those are guidelines, because there are rules about medical guidelines, and those don’t meet any of them,” she said. Mason suspects money may be one of the biggest motivators of gender-affirming care. Some unscrupulous surgeons follow the association’s recommendations because it brings them more customers, she said. “If you ask a surgeon what to do, they’re going to recommend surgery. It’s just who they are. It’s what they do—to cut is to care.”

  • Doctors Challenge Push for ‘Gender-Affirming Care’ for Children

    Read original article (by signing up for a FREE Epoch Times account) Here Doctors and other medical professionals are denouncing a leading association of pediatricians for allegedly refusing to listen to dissenting voices among rank-and-file members who oppose “gender-affirming care” for minors. A pediatrician using the pseudonym Dr. Grace Clark out of fear of retaliation told The Epoch Times that years ago, when she first learned puberty blockers were used to treat children, she was intrigued. Like other doctors, she said, she assumed a treatment so new and radically different must be based on solid medical research and evidence. But, she has since lost faith in the specialists and medical institutions she once trusted. “I feel betrayed by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), honestly, because I came to realize I can’t believe them. They’re telling me something that defies common sense,” she said. In a recent letter to the AAP, doctors and other supporters raised concerns that the association is supporting only one set of views on how best to treat children who have gender dysphoria—the feeling that their biological sex is different from their gender identity—namely social and medical transition. “Many of our children have received this care and are anything but thriving,” read the July letter by the organization Genspect. Chloe Cole, an 18-year-old woman who regrets surgically removing her breasts, holds testosterone medication used for transgender patients, in Northern California on Aug. 26, 2022. (John Fredricks/The Epoch Times) The group also urged the AAP to adopt a resolution authored by five pediatricians at its annual leadership conference in August that called for a “rigorous systematic review of evidence and policy update for management of pediatric gender dysphoria.” However, in an unusual move, the AAP blocked pediatrician comments on the document, according to Genspect. The resolution was later rejected in a vote at the conference. A similar resolution in 2021 calling for more debate and discussion on the risks, benefits, and uncertainties of medically transitioning children received 80 percent positive feedback in comments, according to a report by the nonprofit Society for Evidence Based Gender Medicine, although it was also voted down. AAP Policies Clark, a member of the AAP and a pediatrician for more than 30 years, said her own daughter once identified as transgender. “When it’s your own child, you see more clearly what the stakes are. That’s when it becomes a little more real,” she said. Clark has since rejected the association’s recommended transgender policies. Suggesting to children they may be the opposite gender, putting them on puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones, and allowing gender transition surgeries is “terrible” and is destroying families, she said. On Oct. 3, the AAP, the American Medical Association, and the Children’s Hospital Association sent a letter urging the U.S. Department of Justice to “investigate and prosecute all organizations, individuals, and entities” that share information deemed to be false about transgender medical treatments for minors. Critics said it’s another attempt to silence dissent. Opponents of the “gender-affirming care” model for youth are planning a protest on Oct. 8 outside California’s Anaheim Convention Center, where the AAP is holding its next convention. Dr. Julia Mason, another pediatrician and AAP member who criticized the organization for blocking the resolution asking for a “systematic review” in August, is expected to be at the First Do No Harm Unity Rally in Anaheim. The organizers say other doctors, parents, and detransitioners—those who regret transitioning and attempt to reverse the process—will attend and demand an end to the gender transitioning of all people 25 and younger. The AAP did not respond to multiple inquiries. However, Lisa Black, the group’s media relations manager, previously told The Epoch Times via email the association does not promote cross-sex hormone use or sex change surgery for children. The AAP’s policy guidelines, issued in 2018, state the association recommends insurers offer coverage for transgender and gender-diverse youth including “medical, psychological, and, when indicated, surgical gender-affirming interventions.” In response to the resolution from August that called for a rigorous review of the evidence on transgender policies, Moira Szilagyi, president of the AAP, wrote a blog post arguing it was unnecessary, since “evaluating the evidence” is already routine for the association. “Critics of our gender-affirming care policy mischaracterize it as pushing medical or surgical treatments on youth; in fact, the policy calls for the opposite: a holistic, collaborative, compassionate approach to care with no end goal or agenda,” she wrote. Yet, in its guidelines, the AAP labeled any attempt to encourage children to feel comfortable in their own bodies as “unfair and deceptive” and akin to “conversion therapy,” which has been banned in several states. A transgender children’s book in Irvine, Calif., on Aug. 30, 2022. (John Fredricks/The Epoch Times) Meanwhile, an influential international group called the World Professional Association for Transgender Health on Sept. 15 released the 2022 version (pdf) of its recommendations for transgender treatments, which includes an updated section on youth. According to the document, adolescents should exhibit “several years of persistent gender diversity [or] incongruence” before being given hormones or surgeries. However, the group also removed all age restrictions for transgender surgeries in the updated guidance. Changes in Europe Some European countries, such as the United Kingdom, Sweden, Finland, and France, have also recently made changes to their model for treating children diagnosed with gender dysphoria. In the UK, a critical report (pdf) by Dr. Hilary Cass released in February exposed concerns about safety regarding standards at a gender identity clinic for children in London, prompting the National Health Service to announce in July the clinic would be shut down. Cass’s review of the Tavistock clinic noted there are “major gaps” in the research regarding appropriate assessment and treatment for children, as well as questions about the strength of the evidence for the use of some medications. She also found primary and secondary care staff felt pressured to adopt an “unquestioning affirmative approach.” Tavistock is now facing legal action by up to 1,000 families because of the “life-changing and, in some cases, irreversible effects of the treatment they received,” according to the lawyer behind the case. As the UK’s only gender identity clinic dedicated to children, the clinic saw a sharp rise in referrals over the last decade from fewer than 250 referrals in 2011-2012, to more than 5,000 in 2021-2022, according to the National Health Service. The health service now says it is moving towards a new model of care with “strong links to mental health services.” The Tavistock Centre in London in an undated file photo. (Aaron Chown/PA) In February, Sweden’s National Board of Health and Welfare ended the practice of prescribing puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones to gender-dysphoric patients under the age of 18 excluding “exceptional cases,” saying the risks outweigh the benefits. In 2021, Sweden’s Astrid Lindgren Children’s Hospital had already decided to stop giving such hormone treatments to children under 16. “These treatments are potentially fraught with extensive and irreversible adverse consequences such as cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, infertility, increased cancer risk, and thrombosis,” stated hospital officials (pdf). In 2019, Christopher Gillberg, a psychiatrist and professor at Gothenburg’s Sahlgrenska Academy in Sweden, warned hormone treatments and surgeries on children were “a big experiment” that could prove to be one of the worst medical scandals in history. A documentary called “Trans Train” featuring interviews with detransitioners also swayed public opinion in the country against the transgender movement, according to the Canadian Gender Report, a gender treatment watchdog group. In 2020, Finland’s health authority announced new guidelines backing psychotherapy rather than puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones for children. And in March of this year, France’s National Academy of Medicine announced “great medical caution must be taken” with transgender treatments for children due to “the many undesirable effects and even serious complications that can be caused by some of the therapies available.” ‘Big Picture’ Approach Critics of “gender-affirming care” have cautioned that failing to heed these warning signs overseas could have dire consequences for youth and their families in the United States. Dr. Michael Laidlaw, an endocrinologist who spoke to the House of Lords in British parliament in May 2019, said evidence showed puberty blockers, opposite-sex hormones, and surgeries had harmed children in the Tavistock system. He questioned whether children as young as 8 who are eligible to receive such treatments “have the capacity to make an informed consent decision as to their future adult choices with regards to bearing children and sexual function.” Clark, the AAP member, said countries like the UK are moving away from a hyper-focus on gender identity and transitioning, meaning doctors who are not necessarily gender specialists will be expected to examine gender dysphoric children for depression, eating disorders, and autism—ailments that often accompany gender dysphoria—and look at the child’s home life and whether they have a history of trauma. “Let’s look at the big picture here. That’s what they’re saying,” she said. “We’re going to look at you as a whole person. We’re not going to look at you as a walking gender identity. Of course, that’s the way to do it, but that’s not what’s happening in the U.S.” Historically, a small number of children with gender dysphoria were primarily prepubescent boys, but in recent years evidence shows there has been an increase in referrals of adolescents—particularly adolescent females—to gender clinics. Clark defended the work of Dr. Lisa Littman who suggested a “social contagion” especially among girls might have caused the recent surge in the number of children identifying as transgender. “I think pediatricians are confused, but they just can’t bring themselves to distrust the specialists and the institutions like the AAP,” she said. “They just don’t realize the enormity of what’s going on.” Clark describes herself as “a liberal—or used to be,” but said in such circles among some of her closest colleagues, she’s often viewed “almost as a conspiracy theorist” for doubting transgender treatments. “They’re shocked. They’re in denial. It’s like they’ve got their hands over their ears,” she said. “They know I’m not crazy. They know I’m a very diligent, careful, physician.” Most doctors, including pediatricians, also don’t understand the havoc trans activism and “gender-affirming care” is wreaking on families, she said. “It’s such a disruption of the parent-child relationship, and the role parents should have in their kids’ lives. It’s heartbreaking to me as a pediatrician and parent myself,” she said. “We know as pediatricians that kids explore their identity at this age. It’s just what they do. It’s just part and parcel of adolescence.” ‘No Guardrails’ The medical community in the United States has largely dismissed the stories of a growing number of detransitioners such as Chloe Cole, 18, who regrets having both of her healthy breasts removed at the age of 15, say critics. Erin Friday, an attorney and co-lead of the U.S. chapter of the organization Our Duty, who is helping to organize the Oct. 8 protest in Anaheim, also has a teen daughter who once suffered from gender dysphoria. While European countries are moving away from the “gender-affirming care” model, Friday laments most U.S. states, and especially California, are doubling down on it. Her efforts to oppose “gender-affirming care” legislation in the state Legislature failed last week when Gov. Gavin Newsom signed into law Senate Bill 107 to make California a trans sanctuary state and Senate Bill 923 to push what’s known as “trans-inclusive care.” Both bills were authored by Sen. Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco). Friday is outraged by Newsom’s claims that children who aren’t given “gender-affirming care” are at higher risk of suicide. A study published by the American Urological Association in The Journal of Urology found that in California from 2012-2018, suicide attempt rates more than doubled among transgender patients after vaginoplasty or phalloplasty surgeries—3.3 percent post-surgery compared to 1.5 percent before. Also, the rate of psychiatric emergencies did not decrease in the two years after surgery compared to the two years before. A Swedish study of 324 transgender individuals from 1973 to 2003 also found sex-reassigned adults, compared to same birth sex controls, were 19 times more likely to commit suicide. The study shows deaths among transgender people increased sharply compared to other adults starting about 10 years after medical interventions. As a result, the recent increase in transgender medical interventions could result in a surge in suicides within the next decade, said Friday, who is also a leader of the group Parents of Rapid-Onset Gender Dysphoria Kids in California, which aims to educate parents about the transgender issue. Most of the children in her group suffer from other forms of mental health issues, such as anxiety and depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, autism, eating disorders, body dysmorphia, and ADHD, she said. Except for Florida and a few others, most states are “ignoring the science,” she said. “It’s as if they want to transition as many kids as they can before the science catches up to them. It’s a conveyor belt in California.” In California, a parent can walk into a gender clinic and obtain puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones for their minor child in an hour or less, she said. “There are no guardrails … not even a requirement in California that there be a diagnosis of gender dysphoria,” Friday said.

  • Exciting Article published Today featuring Scott Newgent!

    Read "39 States Take Sides in Pivotal Trial Over Ban on Child Transgender Surgeries" Here (with a free Epoch Times account) Combatants on both sides of the war over gender-altering drugs and surgeries for minors are crying out: “We’ve got to help these distressed children!” But trying to chart a course toward that goal is like trying to see clearly through a dust storm. Arguments over medical standards, morality, and money are swirling through statehouses and courthouses, schools and churches, hospitals and homes. Undisputed facts are in short supply, obscured by waves of emotion and evolving, politicized terminology. At the same time, a rising tide of juveniles experiencing gender dysphoria, a persistent dissatisfaction with one’s gender, demands urgent attention. Against that backdrop, Arkansas, home of the nation’s first ban on gender-altering procedures for children under 18, will see if its law holds up in court. The law’s constitutionality goes on trial in Little Rock starting Oct. 17, less than three weeks after a very different law became official, declaring California the first “sanctuary state” where out-of-state minors can come for transgender-related medical treatments. The California law will likely face a court challenge, too, as a conflicting patchwork of legislation on the issue blankets the nation. For now, the spotlight is glaring on Arkansas’ Save Adolescents from Experimentation (SAFE) Act, as forces line up to prop it up or shoot it down. As the case heads for trial, the SAFE Act counts 19 states, primarily Republican, in its corner, along with some two dozen other groups, transgender people, and doctors. The American Civil Liberties Union, which sued to overturn the act, counts 20 predominantly Democrat states in its corner, plus dozens of families with transgender children and several dozen medical societies and activist groups that promote human rights and LGBT rights nationally and globally. The law’s fate could greatly influence how America responds to a small but widening pool of families and children in turmoil over a child’s gender dysphoria. No Middle Ground The complex debate has split into two polar-opposite groups, each with its own set of catchphrases. One group favors making puberty-blocking drugs, cross-sex hormones, and gender-altering surgeries available to youths, saying such procedures constitute “medically necessary, life-saving, gender-affirming care.” Those phrases repeatedly appear in court filings opposing the Arkansas law. In the other camp, supporters of the SAFE Act and similar legislation decry the “medicalization, manipulation, and mutilation” of vulnerable children, driven by groupthink and profit motives of a new, multibillion-dollar gender-transition industry. The nation’s largest medical groups support the “gender-affirming” approach and have thrown their support behind the American Civil Liberties Union’s (ACLU) lawsuit, which says “a well-established medical consensus” guides treatment plans for gender dysphoria and doesn’t always advocate medical intervention. Critics say the medical establishment has silenced dissenters’ concerns about altering children and teens’ developing bodies when the science is far from settled; long-term effects remain unknown. They question the wisdom of rushing the procedures, citing studies showing the vast majority of transgender-identifying youths later “desist” and revert to the gender that matches their biological sex. Rep. Robin Lundstrum, who introduced the SAFE Act, said, “There have been plenty of times in the past when medicine had said, ‘This is the right thing to do,’ but they’ve been wrong, and common sense and science have won out.” Politics By all indications, the number of children and teens identifying as an alternative gender is surging, perhaps because of social contagion, under the influence of peers and internet sites that glorify transitioning. According to a Reuters report released this month, 42,000 U.S. children and teens were diagnosed with gender dysphoria in 2021, a caseload that nearly tripled since 2017. The Gender Mapping Project, which calls itself “an educational resource for anyone who has been affected by the gender industry,” says a handful of gender clinics for children existed in North America a decade ago. The number now exceeds 400, as confirmed by a force of unpaid volunteers who work in secret to gather evidence on the clinics’ activities. Advocates argue that the availability of “gender-affirming care” can tamp down suicides and attempted suicides, which occur at alarming rates among gender-dysphoric youths. In Arkansas, a half-dozen transgender adolescents attempted suicide within a few weeks after the SAFE Act’s passage, the ALCU said in a court filing, implying that the impending ban may have pushed those teens over the edge. Lundstrum’s reaction: “If you have children wanting to kill themselves, there are some serious underlying issues that need to be addressed.” Anyone who is suicidal needs to go to an emergency room and a counselor’s office, not to a plastic surgery suite or an endocrinologist’s office, Lundstrum said. She cites a lack of solid, long-term studies showing medical interventions help the suicide rate among transgender juveniles. And, she said, there’s convincing proof that sex-reassignment surgeries worsened the problem among adults. A respected, 30-year Swedish study showed sex-transitioned adults committed suicide at a rate 19 times greater than the control group. Lundstrum, a Republican, laments that the warring factions in this controversy have split along political party lines. She noted that few Democrats in Arkansas—or elsewhere in the U.S.—have spoken out. When Lundstrum heard about a Georgia lawmaker willing to oppose transgender treatments for minors, she contacted his office to offer moral support. But a staffer told her that the legislator faced immense blowback, so he bowed out. Leaders need to set aside political agendas, Lundstrum said, and drill down to the core issue: What influences might be compelling children to feel they need to change their bodies dramatically? “We should be locking arms across the political aisle and telling these kids they are incredible just the way they are,” she said. “If we don’t, I think that, in 10 years or less, as the science comes out, people are going to look back and say, ‘I can’t believe what we’ve done.’” Unlikely Ally Surfaces After taking one glance at the SAFE Act and its sponsor, a Southern Baptist from a red state, some people assumed that Lundstrum surely must be misguided, anti-transgender, or “transphobic.” But those labels, lobbed at Lundstrum and her legislation, are laughably inaccurate, says Scott Newgent, a biological woman who medically transitioned to appear male. Newgent calls Lundstrum a friend. Scott Newgent, 49, of Texas, opposes transgender surgeries and drugs for youths, citing his regret over transitioning his own gender. Now living in Texas, Newgent, 49, became medically masculinized at 42. Since then, Newgent has undergone eight surgeries, endured repeated complications, and amassed $1.2 million in medical bills. The costs will continue climbing for the rest of Newgent’s lifespan. Doctors brushed off Newgent’s questions about the risks of transition procedures; many “gender-affirming” advocates do that, too, Newgent said, blinding gender-dysphoric children and their parents to the dangers of the proposed panacea. Newgent says the transgender-rights movement is not motivated by “love and acceptance,” as society was led to believe. Instead, it’s about making money. “Every child that they say is ‘transgender’ equals $1.3 million” for the medical and pharmaceutical industries, Newgent said. A parent of three children, Newgent vehemently opposes “medical transitions” for minors. Because of his transgender journey and impassioned pleas to shield children, Newgent has drawn international attention. Skeptic Was Suprised Upon hearing about Lundstrum’s bill, Newgent agreed with its stated intent but was prepared to hate it. Many people in Lundstrum’s primary political sphere are conservative, heterosexual, and presumably clueless about the thorny issues entangling medical gender transition, Newgent said. Without that understanding, it would be impossible for her to produce a well-crafted piece of legislation to restrict the procedures. Newgent also was skeptical of Lundstrum’s motives. Had she latched onto the hot-button issue of the day to make political hay? After investigating, Newgent was pleasantly surprised about the bill and its sponsor. He found the SAFE Act was worded accurately, backed by research, and potentially very effective. “I say, ‘Bravo.’ A few tweaks and this could be a nationwide HALT to medical transitioning children,” he wrote in a May 2021 blog post. Newgent commended Lundstrum for citing “the experimental nature” of using puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones on children. The SAFE Act also lists “serious known risks” of these drugs’ legal but off-label use, including blood clots, osteoporosis, diseases of major organs, and irreversible infertility. He contacted Lundstrum to apologize for unfairly prejudging her. Over the phone, the two struck up a friendship; they communicate often but have not yet met in person. Despite coming from starkly divergent backgrounds, Newgent and Lundstrum found common ground. “Imagine me, Scott Newgent, a fully transitioned transman, saying the words of Robin Lundstrum: ‘Those kids are precious. Some of them may choose to be transgender when they’re older. That’s OK. …. But when they’re under 18, they need to grow up first. That’s a big decision; there’s no going back,’” Newgent wrote. “In fact,” Newgent wrote, “I have said almost these exact words, many times now.” In its lawsuit against the SAFE Act, the ACLU declares that a person’s gender identity, or sense of belonging to a particular gender, “is durable and cannot be altered through medical intervention.” If that’s so, how can people declare they are “gender-fluid” and frequently change their genders? Newgent’s take: “Gender is not fluid. Masculinity and femininity are fluid.” But neither of those attributes replaces “a biological fact,” he said: DNA imprints a person’s sex as male or female, and no amount of drugs or surgeries can change that. “I will never be a man,” despite outward appearances, Newgent said. A high percentage of the young people who declare, “I am trans,” are autistic, abused, mentally ill, or just oddballs who feel lost and isolated, Newgent said. Proponents of medical transition are selling them a fantasy: “They can be cured of this oddity,” Newgent said. Lots of these people later come to important realizations, Newgent said. They see their deep mental and emotional scars remain after the procedures. Some recognize their confusion was over sexual orientation rather than gender identity. That helps explain why some gays and lesbians have sided with Lundstrum, a mother of two and grandmother of four whose political base is populated with Christian evangelicals, Newgent said. Lundstrum said some people over-emphasize her religion. “People think I’m going to thump them over the head with a Bible,” she said, laughing. “I’m not that way.” Newgent said Lundstrum has demonstrated that she doesn’t have to be in lockstep with her base: “She does what is right and doesn’t back away from it.” ‘Like Seeing a Car Wreck and Not Calling 911’ Unbeknownst to Newgent and most others, Lundstrum’s educational background influenced her to propose the SAFE Act. She holds a doctorate in health sciences and has always been keenly interested in children’s studies and human sexuality. She worked as a rape crisis counselor and educator for a hospital. She also taught at John Brown University in northwest Arkansas. After leaving academics and becoming a state lawmaker in 2015, Lundstrum stayed abreast of her former field of study. “Never in a million years did I think my political life and academia would merge like this—never,” Lundstrum said in an interview. But in late 2020, Lundstrum and other Republican women gathered for “The Dream Big Caucus.” They brainstormed legislation that would have the most significant impact on Arkansans. Lundstrum piped up: “You know, there’s a lot going on in human sexuality.” She mentioned learning about minors’ “chemical and surgical transition” in other states, particularly along the east and west coasts. She recalled saying: “What I’m seeing is really terrifying because these kids have no clue what’s going on…Is anybody else seeing this?” Yes, her fellow lawmakers responded, telling her that it was happening in their state, too. “And I was like, ‘Whoa, whoa…not in Arkansas,’” Lundstrum, a near-lifelong resident, said. She found websites proving that Arkansas hospitals were promoting transition processes for minors. Lundstrum dug around and was alarmed when she saw the procedures were becoming more common than most people knew. Then she saw post-surgery pictures of teens. “It is brutal. It’s cruel. It looks like something out of a Nazi camp. And I don’t think that’s an exaggeration,” she said. “No 13-year-old should ever have their breasts removed. And no 17-year-old boy should ever have his penis and scrotum removed.” She felt compelled to act: “It’s kind of like seeing a car wreck and not calling 911. When you see a car wreck, you call 911.” Act Passed Swiftly A few months later, in February 2021, Lundstrum introduced the SAFE Act. Within weeks, it passed the House, 70-22, and the Senate, 28-7. One Democrat Senator broke rank; Republicans cast all the other votes. In April 2021, Republican Gov. Asa Hutchinson, at the urging of medical groups, vetoed the SAFE Act, calling it government overreach. He said parents and doctors should make treatment decisions for juveniles, not the government. The next day, both chambers of the Arkansas Statehouse voted to override the veto. The bill proved timely. In May 2021, Sweden’s Karolinska Hospital ranked as the eighth-best in the world, made an announcement that sent shockwaves through the transgender treatment realm. The hospital said it would stop using puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones as treatments for youths. “This is a watershed moment,” the Society for Evidence-Based Gender Medicine said. The shift reflected a dawning global awareness of “the low quality of evidence” in studies investigating benefits of the treatments for youths, the Society said. As a result, efforts to help gender-dysphoric children may shift away from medical interventions and toward “ethical psychological treatments and support,” the Society said. The Swedish announcement made some supporters of the SAFE Act do a virtual “I-told-you-so” dance. The Family Council, a Christian advocacy group that influenced Lundstrum’s bill, wrote that the Swedish hospital’s shift in policy “is just more evidence that Arkansas was right to pass the SAFE Act.” Several states responded by proposing bills patterned after the SAFE Act; the ACLU responded with its lawsuit. Unconstitutional Discrimination Alleged In its initial federal court complaint, filed in May 2021, the ACLU said it was representing four Arkansas families with gender-dysphoric youths, plus a pair of doctors who treat that condition. The SAFE Act “threatens the health and well-being of transgender youth in Arkansas” and also is unconstitutional, the ACLU alleges. “It discriminates on the basis of sex and transgender status,” the ACLU said, noting the law forbids certain treatments “only for transgender patients and only when the care is ‘related to gender transition.’” The plaintiff families in the lawsuit have transgender children who were ages 9-16 when the suit was filed. The youngest, Brooke Dennis, was “designated as male on her birth certificate, but her gender identity is female,” the suit says. Brooke “always knew who she was,” the suit says, describing affinity toward activities and clothing traditionally considered “feminine” since age 2. Brooke went to a school counselor due to stress over gender issues, including classmates’ debates over which sex-segregated restroom Brooke should use. After adopting female pronouns and a new name, “Brooke has returned to being the happy, bright-eyed child she used to be.” Brooke was diagnosed with gender dysphoria in late 2020 and expressed anxiety over “going through a typical male puberty” and having a male body. “She recently cried and told her mom that she didn’t want to get an Adam’s apple,” the suit says. Given all of that, Brooke’s parents were intending to start “puberty-delaying treatment” at the first signs of puberty, the suit said. The family has contemplated moving out-of-state to get treatment for Brooke if the SAFE Act is enforced. Lundstrum expresses compassion for such families. But she can’t help but wonder what the future might look like for these children, especially because she has heard so many stories of regret. Chloe Cole, now 18, is one teen who has gone public with a cautionary tale. She was born female but hated girls’ clothing. Discussions on social media sites convinced her she was transgender. She revealed that belief at 12. At 13, she got puberty-blocking injections, followed by testosterone, and eventually a double mastectomy. She now calls her transition “brutal,” and embraces her femininity while regretting the damage to her body. She has started a group called “Detrans United,” to support fellow “detransitioners.” Cole is not listed among the official supporters of the Arkansas law, but she has publicly stated she supports a proposed nationwide ban on medical transitions for youths. Deep Pockets In July 2021, before the Arkansas law took effect, U.S. District Court Judge James Moody Jr. granted the ACLU’s request to block Arkansas from enforcing the law, pending the lawsuit’s outcome. A federal appeals court recently sided with Moody and kept the temporary injunction in place, cuing a preliminary victory lap for the ACLU. In a news release applauding the decision, Chase Strangio, an ACLU lawyer on the case, said the ruling showed “the state’s ban on care does not advance any important government interest, and the state’s defense of the law is lacking in legal or evidentiary support.” Some fuel for the ACLU’s fight comes from its Jon L. Stryker and Slobodan Randjelović LGBTQ & HIV Project. In 2021, Stryker and Randjelović bestowed the ACLU with a $15 million endowment to fund that project, the ACLU said in another news release. “The gift is the largest LGBTQ rights-focused gift in the ACLU’s history,” the release said. Stryker is the founder and president of the Arcus Foundation, the largest non-governmental organization devoted to the LGBT cause, according to Jennifer Bilek, a journalist who has spent years tracking how money is connected to transgender activism. Bilek believes that billionaires are behind the scenes, pushing for global acceptance of “gender identity” and “transgender” ideologies. The goal, she said, is to create new markets for medical services and products. Bilek has called the transgender crusade “big business dressed up in civil rights clothes.” ‘Body Art’ Illegal In response to the ACLU’s filings, Arkansas Attorney General Leslie Rutledge pointed out that laws commonly forbid juveniles from making choices that are perfectly legal for adults. Under Arkansas law, minors are barred from buying certain cold medicines. They can’t legally play bingo or the lottery. They can’t bet on horse races or dog races. And they also cannot have their nipples and genitals pierced or tattooed—not even with parental consent. So that’s why it seemed logical to outlaw removing or altering those parts of a child’s body for gender-transition reasons, Lundstrum said. She sees the SAFE Act as a logical extension of the state’s child-protection measures. “There is a huge list of all the things that we do to protect minors. ….You can’t drive until 16. And you can’t vote until 18,” she said. “But we will chemically castrate our children without thinking about counseling first, without finding out what the problem is, finding out why a child would want to disavow the sex that they were born with? It’s the irony and the sickness of that.” Lundstrum says her legislation prompted great conversations with many transgender people. A few told her that transitioning made them feel more comfortable about their identities, “but the pain, the long-term issues have cost them dearly,” she said. One of the most poignant observations came from a male who medically transitioned to female and told Lundstrum: “So I’m living two lives at the same time, with all the health complications that come with living both genders.” Support TReVoices Help Us Not Be Silenced - Donate Today

  • 'Do No Harm Rally' Anaheim, CA - A Message From Scott Newgent About Conduct & Latest News

    Support TReVoices Don't Let The Department Of Justice Silence Scott Newgent - Donate Today If you have followed me for a while, you know I am passionate, loud and in your face with the medically transitioning children debate, but this is NOT the person I will be on Saturday, and I ask that you do the same! I will only be speaking in my live stream speech; I will not speak to protestors, news or anyone else aggressively. I will NOT become violent; I will not raise my hand or voice even if physically attacked. If I am attached, I will allow it, never to raise a hand and take the blows; I will do this for children because we need to rise above; our children of the world deserve us to adult better. I will lie there and take whatever is given verbally and physically; I ask that you do the same. I will not curse, I will not get angry, I will not do any other this! I ask that you do the same! There is a time and place for things, and this time and place calls for calm, rational silence only to speak when I am scheduled for my live stream presentation. If you are coming to support TReVoices or me and act out of this character, I will ask you to leave! I'm serious; here, people, act accordingly! See You Saturday -Scott Newgent PS - If you think I am not terrified? Think again! Official Email Of Conduct From Erin Friday: The Bad Ass California Mom Who Put This Together! We are hours away from what will be the largest Rally against the medicalization of children and young adults. We are pleased that many different groups are coming together to help educate the doctors. This is how we get it done. I have attached the Rally Rules and Schedule again. Please review and abide by them. COUNTER PROTESTS AND OTHER PROTESTS Random Protestors - The Anaheim police just informed me that a group of Anti-circumcision protestors will be coming. They tend towards violence. Stay away from them. They wear pants with blood stains on their crotches. I had contacted the usual anti-circumcision suspects, and they said they were not coming. So they may or may not come. But steer clear of them if they show up. Not our issue. Specific Protestors to Our Message - There are also known agitators coming to counter us. They are prone to physical assaults when provoked. Their purpose is to disrupt us. Precious child is a known TRA. If you are not comfortable, stay in the conference room. If you are prone to reactionary behaviour, volunteer to distribute materials or remain in the conference room and help there. We need the coolest heads on the sign line. THOSE DISTRIBUTING MATERIALS TO DOCTORS OR GATHERING SIGNATURES SHOULD HAVE A SECOND SHIRT (everyone may want to have an extra as decoy). WE DON'T WANT ANYONE WEARING THE PURPLE SHIRTS WHEN APPROACHING DOCTORS. BLEND IN. WE WILL HAVE BUTTONS FOR YOU. GOAL 1 - HANDING OUT BAGS OF INFORM - GOAL 2 - GET PETITION RESOLUTION 27 SIGNED BY AS MANY MEMBERS AS POSSIBLE. If any group gets disruptive to the point of violence - ANY VIOLENCE - PUSHING, SHOVING, STEALING OUR SIGNS, ETC. the police could deem the event as an UNLAWFUL ASSEMBLY FOR ALL OF THE GROUPS. If we are calm, we may be able to stay assembled and other groups sent away. However, even if our group is not causing the disruption, the police may require us to leave – under the claim that they cannot control the situation and they need to keep us safe. Whether they have a legal basis for standing on won't matter in the moment. We will be broken up and MUST leave the streets. GO TO OUR CONFERENCE ROOM AT THE CLARION IF WE ARE REQUIRED TO LEAVE. DO NOT ARGUE WITH THE POLICE EVEN IF YOU BELIEVE THAT YOU ARE IN THE RIGHT. IT IS NOT HELPFUL. WE NEED THEM ON OUR SIDE. Its not just about our Rally - it's about being able to educate doctors. SAFETY AND BEHAVIOR IN THE FACE OF A COUNTER PROTEST We expect a rambunctious and potentially violent crowd countering us. We are not there to change their minds or even interact with them. We will follow the strategy of standing in silence and letting our signs be our messages. It is no fun for counter-protestors to have a boring adversary. They will shout at us and try to rile us up. We will not engage. They will call us names, let that roll off. Their mission is to make us react. Don't give them that. Our audiences are the doctors and press. Act as if a camera and recording your words at all times. The medical societies just requested that the DOJ investigate the press for "misinformation" about transgender interventions on minors. They are dying to call us a hate-group, a homophobic group, a religious zealot group, terrorists etc. Do nothing to give them any basis for those names. One bible quote, one patriarchal comment, one slur, one wrong fact, one statement about adults (over 25) and trans medicine will give the left the ability to recast the event as a TERF, a conservative, homophobic, terrorist event. Do not curse, no use of derogatory language. No yelling. Calm people always prevail. If you find yourself ready to burst, grab a crew, and take off for a bit. Don't be the one that shuts down our Rally. One mistake on our end, and we have failed in our mission. IF YOU ARE NOT WEARING A PRESS LIAISON SHIRT, PLEASE DO NOT SPEAK WITH PRESS. IF DOCTORS APPROACH YOU AND YOU DON'T KNOW ABOUT RESOLUTION 27 SEND THEM TO SOMEONE WHO DOES. Or state that you want the AAP to re-evaluate its position on transgender interventions for child and young adults given that the Europe has all but stopped medicalization and the number of those that regret their interventions is exploding. You can also send them to someone with the materials or a press liaison. VIOLENCE PROTECTION/PREVENTION You get pushed, don't push back. Police don't care who started it. Blow your whistle. Fall down. Witnessing another being pushed, don't intervene - blow your whistle and film it. Never walk alone - Come to Rally in groups or put your purple shirt on when you arrive. Be aware of surroundings. The counter protestors are easy to spot. If they steal your sign, don't give chase. Find a police officer. Getting too agitated, cannot hold your tongue - walk away (with a couple buddies) Be grossly polite. Haters hate kindness. OUR SIGNS ARE MESSAGES. CALM SILENCE IS THE WINNING STRATEGY THANK YOU Latest News Doctor Groups Push DOJ to Probe ‘Disinformation’ on Meds, Surgeries for Trans-Identifying Youths Three influential American medical groups are urging the U.S. Department of Justice to “investigate and prosecute all organizations, individuals, and entities” that share information deemed to be false about transgender medical treatments for minors. The Oct. 3 letter, sent to U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland, represents the latest salvo in a fierce national debate. In the letter, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), the American Medical Association, and the Children’s Hospital Association are insisting that “disinformation” must be blocked and people who spread it should be prosecuted, adding that their words foment threats, intimidation, and violence against medical professionals. Detractors interpret the letter as an attempt to squelch opposition to the lucrative medical procedures and to shift the focus away from rising concerns over the safety, effectiveness, and ethics of such interventions. They note the letter comes just days in advance of the AAP’s convention in Anaheim, California, where critics of the treatments plan a “First Do No Harm” unity rally on Oct. 8. Won’t Be Silenced In response to the letter, Scott Newgent, a biological woman who deeply regrets medically transitioning to appear male at age 42 after giving birth to two children, said in a text to The Epoch Times: “This was made to silence me and others like me.” Newgent refuses to stop his advocacy, saying that he, too, has been subjected to threats for vociferously opposing medical gender transition for minors. Newgent’s medical transition inflicted lifelong complications and he is passionate about “saving kids” from similar consequences. Newgent’s advocacy group,, declares: “Medical transition is no place for a child!” Newgent plans to participate in the Anaheim protest this weekend and in “The Rally to End Child Mutilation,” set for Oct. 21 at the Tennessee State Capitol in Nashville. There, lawmakers have been expressing dismay over a Vanderbilt University Medical Center video that surfaced in which a doctor described transgender surgery as a “big moneymaker.” Conservative commentator Matt Walsh was first to draw attention to the video. Feud Over ‘Gender-Affirming Care’ People on both sides of the debate agree on one thing: Increasing numbers of young people are being diagnosed with “gender dysphoria,” a strong, persistent conflict between a person’s biological sex and self-perception of gender. The trend’s origins and the best ways to help young sufferers are hotly contested, along with virtually every other facet of this topic. Opponents accuse “gender-affirming” proponents of fast-tracking minors along a course of puberty-blocking drugs, cross-sex hormones, and body-altering surgery, denouncing the process as “child abuse.” Supporters call the procedures “medically necessary” for the patients’ overall wellbeing. Some supporters of the “gender-affirming” model opine that questioning minors’ uncertainty about their gender smacks of “conversion therapy,” a process that aims to switch someone’s same-sex attraction to that of the opposite sex. People like Newgent counter that many youths who “transition” are actually same-sex-attracted, rather than transgender. A number of gay-rights advocacy groups oppose the “gender-affirming” treatments. Lawmakers nationwide are responding to public outcry over the procedures in various ways. Last week, California became a “sanctuary state,” welcoming people to travel there from states that have banned or restricted the treatments for minors. On Oct. 17, a battle over the nation’s first law banning the procedures for minors goes to trial in an Arkansas federal court. Medical Groups Allege ‘Campaign of Disinformation’ Proponents of the “gender-affirming care” model include the trio of groups that wrote to Garland urging “swift action” against a rising tide of “coordinated attacks” against medical professionals who provide the controversial medical interventions. Some medical professionals and patients involved with other types of medical care have been caught in the crossfire, the groups say. “In one hospital, a new mother was prevented from being with her preterm infant,” the groups’ letter said, because the neonatal intensive care unit allowed no one in or out due to a bomb threat. In addition, people who work at medical centers have been subjected to harassing social media messages, telephone calls, and protests, the letter said, alleging that “the attacks are rooted in an intentional campaign of disinformation, where a few high-profile users on social media share false and misleading information,” fomenting threats and violence. Besides seeking intervention from the Department of Justice, the medical groups are also marshaling “Twitter, TikTok and Meta, which owns Facebook and Instagram … to take bolder action when false information is shared about specific institutions and physicians,” an AAP news release said. Because of the threats, medical professionals now are fearful of providing “evidence-based, gender-affirming health care” for children, the letters state. Attempts to Electronically Muzzle Opponents Failing, Activist Says In social media posts reacting to the letter, a number of ordinary citizens expressed concern about the groups’ apparent attempt to censor and persecute opponents. They also denounced violence but supported opponents’ rights to express concerns over the medical procedures. Some questioned the authenticity of the letter, noting it didn’t appear on the group’s official letterhead and bore no signatures—just three typewritten names of the organizations. However, the letter was posted on the American Academy of Pediatrics’ website, accompanied by a news release that quoted leaders of all three groups. In a text to The Epoch Times, Newgent, who calls himself a “transman,” said Big Tech has repeatedly censored his messages on social media; the same thing has happened to others who share his views. Newgent noted that, within hours of the letter being sent to Garland, all of his media accounts came up with warnings. He sent The Epoch Times a screenshot of a “critical security alert” on his email account. Despite apparent attempts to electronically muzzle those messages, Newgent thinks that cries for level-headed, non-medical solutions for gender-dysphoric teens have grown louder. “People are listening … Shadow bans on social media did not stop me,” Newgent texted. “It keeps getting bigger because I’m right.” He said the truth about medical transitioning for children has been withheld from parents, and that many parents are pressured and misled into providing consent. Logos of U.S. online news and social networking service Twitter displayed on computers’ screens on Nov. 20, 2017. (Loic Venance/AFP/Getty Images) Do 270,000 Professionals Agree? Although the three associations that sent the letter to Garland say they represent a total of 270,000 U.S. medical professionals, the groups’ leaders do not necessarily speak for the rank-and-file. Group members who doubt or question the “gender-affirming” model often remain silent due to fear that dissenting would kill their careers, whistleblowers have said. Advocates for the treatments assert they are “life-saving,” because gender-dysphoric young people often threaten or attempt suicide. But transgender adults also have high suicide rates, even after undergoing the procedures. Critics of the procedures also say there are no long-term, robust studies convincing them that the treatments do more good than harm for young people. Supporters accuse those people of ignoring recent findings suggesting that the procedures improve the suffering teens’ mental health and happiness. Alejandra Caraballo, a trans-rights supporter with nearly 50,000 followers on Twitter, cited outcry over a recent grant for a study and wrote on Twitter: “It’s never enough for them. They say gender-affirming care doesn’t have enough evidence or studies. When doctors conduct studies, they say it’s activism. It’s not in good faith, they simply just don’t want trans people to exist.” Matt Walsh, a podcaster and columnist who featured Newgent’s story of regret in his documentary earlier this year, “What is a Woman?” reacted to the doctors’ letter in a tweet to his 1 million followers: “Some of the biggest and most powerful medical organizations in the country are now calling on the federal government to prosecute and imprison those of us who criticize their medical practices. We are entering a very dark time. I’m ready.” In the AAP news release, Children’s Hospital Association President Amy Wimpey Knight called for a return to “civil dialogue” amid the emotionally charged debate. Williams Institute Announces New Rise In Numbers of 13-17 year old's in the US identifying as transgender 2017 - 98,000 - Williams Institute 4 BILLION -Puberty Blocker Revenue In 1 year 2021 - 200,00 - Williams Institute 9 BILLION -Puberty Blocker Revenue In 1 year 2022- 300,00 - Williams Institute 13 BILLION -Puberty Blocker Revenue In 1 year One year for 300,000 kids on puberty blockers = 13 BILLION and that's not office visits, cross sex hormones or surgery! Cost for puberty blockers average - Adult $44,000 a year Cost for puberty blockers average - children $46,000 a year 8 Times More Expensive when prescribed to children Causes With Studies Attached: Decreased life expectancy Premature death from heart attacks Premature death from pulmonary embolisms Bone damage Possible liver damage Increased mental-health complications Increases chances of mood-syndrome symptoms Increased suicide rates than the non-trans population 12% higher chance than no trans population to develop symptoms of psychosis Brain development stunted during hormone blockers Reduced chance for lifelong sexual pleasure Probably does not even improve mental health outcomes Studies that said it was beneficial that have been retracted: Sweden's Karolinska Ends All Use of Puberty Blockers and Cross-Sex Hormones for Minors Outside of Clinical Studies Correction to Bränström and Pachankis Summary of Key Recommendations from the Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare (Socialstyrelsen/NBHW) The Trans Train New Systematic Reviews of Puberty Blockers and Cross-Sex Hormones Published by NICE Adolescents referred to the GIDS differ in many other ways from their peers of the same age: they are more likely to suffer from depression and to be on the autism spectrum, for example. These conditions increase the risk of suicide One Year Since Finland Broke with WPATH "Standards of Care" The Cass Review has submitted an interim report to NHS England, which sets out our work to date, what has been learnt so far and the approach going forward. The report does not set out final recommendations at this stage. Suicidality in clinic-referred transgender adolescents Long-Term Follow-Up of Transsexual Persons Undergoing Sex Reassignment Surgery: Cohort Study in Sweden Re-cap - It doesn't cure anything, causes more mental illness & destroys health, so why are we doing it? - Because of lazy activism NOT A HUMAN RIGHTS ISSUE - This is about MONEY The longer you stay within the rhetoric of left/right religious/atheist, them bad/ me good - Great business model to make yourself feel better, but terrible for society- Adult Better - Grab My Hand. Keeping this a human rights issue ensures more children are butchered faster - Do you want to HELP? Grab my hand and everyone else's hand; we can fight later. Still, today we need to ADULT BETTER all of us - Together - When we come together, we remove the bigot word - When you do that, you see facts and the facts tell us it's NUT to medically transitioning children. I guess Perez Saying, 'only a couple thousand,' is the misinformation! New estimates show 300,000 youth ages 13-17 identify as transgender in the US Approximately 1.6 million people ages 13 and older—0.6% of the population—identify as transgender in the United States, according to new estimates from the Williams Institute at UCLA School of Law. This includes 1.4% of youth ages 13-17 (about 300,000 youth) and 0.5% of adults (about 1.3 million adults). Transgender individuals are younger on average than the general U.S. population. Nearly one in five people who identify as transgender (18%) are ages 13-17, compared to less than one in ten (8%) who are ages 13-17 in the general U.S. population. Using data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS), the Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (YRBS), and advanced statistical modeling, researchers estimated the population of adults and youth who identify as transgender nationally and in each of the 50 states, plus the District of Columbia. They also provide estimates regarding gender, age, and race/ethnicity. This report updates previous Williams Institute estimates of the transgender population released in 2016 and 2017. Results show that the percentage and number of adults who identify as transgender in the U.S. has remained steady over time. With the availability of better data, our estimate of the number of youth who identify as transgender has doubled from our previous estimate. “Advances in gender identity data collection over the past five years have provided a more accurate picture of youth in the U.S. who identify as transgender. Previously, we could only estimate that based on adult data,” said lead author Jody L. Herman, Senior Scholar of Public Policy at the Williams Institute. “These new estimates show us that current policy debates regarding access to gender-affirming care and the ability to participate in team sports likely impact more youth than we previously thought.” Additional Findings Of the 1.3 million adults in the U.S. who identify as transgender, 38.5% (515,200) are transgender women, 35.9% (480,000) are transgender men, and 25.6% (341,800) reported they are gender non-conforming. Transgender individuals are younger on average than the U.S. population. Youth ages 13 to 17 are significantly more likely to identify as transgender (1.4%) than adults ages 65 or older (0.3%). Adults and youth who identify as transgender in the U.S. reside in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. Regionally, 253,800 adults and 61,700 youth identify as transgender in the Northeast 328,500 adults and 81,700 youth identify as transgender in the West 523,600 adults and 102,200 youth identify as transgender in the South 231,200 adults and 54,500 youth identify as transgender in the Midwest At the state level, estimates range from 0.9% of adults who identify as transgender in North Carolina to 0.2% in Missouri. Among youth, estimates range from 3.0% who identify as transgender in New York to 0.6% in Wyoming. At the national level, racial and ethnic distribution of adults and youth appear similar to the racial/ethnic distribution of the U.S. population. This study provides the first-ever population estimates of Asian and American Indian/Alaska Native adults and youth who identify as transgender. White: 5% (731,200) of adults and 1.3% (138,800) of youth identify as transgender Black: 6% (173,500) of adults and 1.4% (39,600) of youth identify as transgender Latinx:7% (289,700) of adults and 1.8% (92,900) of youth identify as transgender Asian: 0.5% (77,300) of adults and 1.0% (10,800) of youth identify as transgender American Indian/Alaska Native: 0.9% (14,500) of adults and 1.8% (3,000) of youth identify as transgender Multiracial: 0% (50,900) of adults and 1.5% (15,000) of youth identify as transgender “Better collection of data about transgender people on federal surveys is vital to understand the characteristics, experiences, well-being, and needs of the transgender population in the United States,” said study author Andrew R. Flores, Visiting Scholar at the Williams Institute. “The CDC should make the YRBS and BRFSS gender identity questions part of the core survey rather than optional questions, and the U.S. government should include questions to identify transgender people in all federal surveys.”

  • Doctor Groups Push DOJ To Probe ‘Disinformation’ On Meds, Surgeries for Trans-Identifying Youths

    By Janice Hisle October 4, 2022 Updated: October 4, 2022 Support TReVoices Help Us Not Be Silenced - Donate Today Three influential American medical groups are urging the U.S. Department of Justice to “investigate and prosecute all organizations, individuals, and entities” that share information deemed to be false about transgender-related medical treatments for minors. The Oct. 3 letter, sent to U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland, represents the latest salvo in a fierce national debate. In the letter, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), the American Medical Association, and the Children’s Hospital Association are insisting that “disinformation” must be blocked and people who spread it should be prosecuted, adding that their words foment threats, intimidation, and violence against medical professionals. Detractors interpret the letter as an attempt to squelch opposition to the lucrative medical measures and to shift the focus away from rising concerns over the safety, effectiveness, and ethics of such interventions. They note the letter comes just days in advance of the AAP’s convention in Anaheim, California, where critics of the procedures plan a “First Do No Harm” unity rally on Oct. 8. Woman Who ‘Medically Transitioned’ Into A Man Won’t Be Silenced In response to the letter, Scott Newgent, a biological woman who deeply regrets medically transitioning to appear male at age 42 after giving birth to two children, said in a text to The Epoch Times: “This was made to silence me and others like me.” Newgent refuses to stop his advocacy, saying that he, too, has been subjected to threats for vociferously opposing medical gender transition for minors. Newgent’s medical transition inflicted lifelong complications; he is passionate about “saving kids” from similar consequences. Newgent’s advocacy group,, declares: “Medical transition is no place for a child!” Newgent plans to participate in the Anaheim protest this weekend and in “The Rally to End Child Mutilation,” set for Oct. 21 at the Tennessee State Capitol in Nashville. There, lawmakers have been expressing dismay over Vanderbilt University Medical Center’s gender treatments for minors, which conservative commentator Matt Walsh exposed in a recent investigation for The Daily Wire. Feud Over ‘Gender-Affirming Care’ People on both sides of the debate agree on one thing: Increasing numbers of young people are being diagnosed with “gender dysphoria,” a strong, persistent conflict between a person’s biological sex and self-perception of gender. The trend’s origins and the best ways to help young sufferers are hotly contested, along with virtually every other facet of this topic. Opponents accuse “gender-affirming” proponents of fast-tracking minors along a course of puberty-blocking drugs, cross-sex hormones, and body-altering surgery, denouncing the process as “child abuse;” supporters call the procedures “medically necessary” for the patients’ overall wellbeing. Some supporters of the “gender-affirming” model opine that questioning minors’ uncertainty about their gender smacks of “conversion therapy,” a process that aims to switch someone’s same-sex attraction to that of the opposite sex. People like Newgent counter that many youths who “transition” are actually same-sex-attracted, rather than transgender. A number of gay-rights advocacy groups oppose the “gender-affirming” treatments. Lawmakers nationwide are responding to public outcry over the procedures in various ways. Last week, California became a “sanctuary state,” welcoming people to travel there from states that have banned or restricted the treatments for minors. On Oct. 17, a battle over the nation’s first law banning the procedures for minors goes to trial in an Arkansas federal court. Medical Groups Allege ‘Campaign of Disinformation’ Proponents of the “gender-affirming care” model include the trio of groups that wrote to Garland urging “swift action” against a rising tide of “coordinated attacks” against medical professionals who provide the controversial medical interventions. Some medical professionals and patients involved with other types of medical care have been caught in the crossfire, the groups say. “In one hospital, a new mother was prevented from being with her preterm infant,” the groups’ letter said, because the neonatal intensive care unit allowed no one in or out due to a bomb threat. In addition, people who work at medical centers have been subjected to harassing social media messages, telephone calls, and protests, the letter said, alleging that “the attacks are rooted in an intentional campaign of disinformation, where a few high-profile users on social media share false and misleading information,” fomenting threats and violence. Besides seeking intervention from the Department of Justice, the medical groups are also marshaling “Twitter, TikTok and Meta, which owns Facebook and Instagram … to take bolder action when false information is shared about specific institutions and physicians,” an AAP news release said. Because of the threats, medical professionals now are fearful of providing “evidence-based, gender-affirming health care” for children, the letters state. Attempts to Electronically Muzzle Opponents Failing, Activist Says In social media posts reacting to the letter, a number of ordinary citizens expressed concern about the groups’ apparent attempt to censor and persecute opponents. They also denounced violence but supported opponents’ rights to express concerns over the medical procedures. Some questioned the authenticity of the letter, noting it didn’t appear on the group’s official letterhead and bore no signatures—just three typewritten names of the organizations. However, the letter was posted on the American Academy of Pediatrics’ website, accompanied by a news release that quoted leaders of all three groups. In a text to The Epoch Times, Newgent, who calls himself a “transman,” said Big Tech has repeatedly censored his messages on social media; the same thing has happened to others who share his views. Newgent noted that, within hours of the letter being sent to Garland, all of his media accounts came up with warnings. He sent The Epoch Times a screenshot of a “critical security alert” on his email account. Despite apparent attempts to electronically muzzle those messages, Newgent thinks that cries for level-headed, non-medical solutions for gender-dysphoric teens have grown louder. “People are listening … Shadow bans on social media did not stop me,” Newgent texted. “It keeps getting bigger because I’m right.” He said the truth about medical transitioning for children has been withheld from parents, and that many parents are pressured and misled into providing consent. Do 270,000 Professionals Agree? Although the three associations that sent the letter to Garland say they represent a total of 270,000 U.S. medical professionals, the groups’ leaders do not necessarily speak for the rank-and-file. Group members who doubt or question the “gender-affirming” model often remain silent due to fear that dissenting would kill their careers, whistleblowers have said. Advocates for the treatments assert they are “life-saving,” because gender-dysphoric young people often threaten or attempt suicide. But transgender adults also have high suicide rates, even after undergoing the procedures. Critics of the procedures also say there are no long-term, robust studies convincing them that the treatments do more good than harm for young people. Supporters accuse those people of ignoring recent findings suggesting that the procedures improve the suffering teens’ mental health and happiness. Alejandra Caraballo, a trans-rights supporter with nearly 50,000 followers on Twitter, cited outcry over a recent grant for a study and wrote on Twitter: “It’s never enough for them. They say gender-affirming care doesn’t have enough evidence or studies. When doctors conduct studies, they say it’s activism. It’s not in good faith, they simply just don’t want trans people to exist.” Matt Walsh, a podcaster and columnist who featured Newgent’s story of regret in his documentary earlier this year, “What is a Woman?” reacted to the doctors’ letter in a tweet to his 1 million followers: “Some of the biggest and most powerful medical organizations in the country are now calling on the federal government to prosecute and imprison those of us who criticize their medical practices. We are entering a very dark time. I’m ready.” In the AAP news release, Children’s Hospital Association President Amy Wimpey Knight called for a return to “civil dialogue” amid the emotionally

  • Official Letter From The American Academy of Pediatrics - Silences Trans Scott Newgent & Others

    Silence Newgent Immediately You cannot STOP someone on a soul mission. Every time I am cancelled, I rise higher, and this will be a repeat of history. Banning me from social media did not work; I moved to another strategy, and BOOM....More eyeballs.... This is a history repeat; this attempt by the Academy of Pediatrics will be no different! This is a soul mission for me! I will fight 'UNTIL' childhood medical transition is STOPPED or die trying. -Scott Newgent Support TReVoices - We need support to continue to fight - Donate See you Saturday in LA - 10,000 pediatricians & one microphone Register For LA - Today October 3, 2022 The Honorable Merrick Garland Attorney General U.S. Department of Justice 950 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. Washington, DC 20530 Dear Attorney General Garland, On behalf of the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Medical Association, and the Children’s Hospital Association, collectively representing more than 270,000 physicians and more than 220 children’s hospitals across the country, we write to urge you to investigate the organizations, individuals, and entities coordinating, provoking, and carrying out bomb threats and threats of personal violence against children’s hospitals and physicians across the U.S. From Boston to Akron to Nashville to Seattle, children's hospitals, academic health systems, and physicians are being targeted and threatened for providing evidence-based health care. These attacks have not only made it difficult and dangerous for institutions and practices to provide this care, they have also disrupted many other services to families seeking care. In one hospital, a new mother was prevented from being with her preterm infant because the hospital’s Neonatal Intensive Care Unit was on lockdown due to a bomb threat. Children’s hospitals across the nation have substantially increased security in addition to working with local and federal law enforcement, both on their main hospital campuses as well as across their ambulatory delivery sites, in order to ensure the safety of patients, families, and medical staff who work there. In addition, some providers have needed 24/7 security. Children’s hospitals and their medical staffs continue to face increased threats via social media –including to their personal accounts. Coupled with harassing emails, phone calls, and protestors at health care sites, there is elevated and justifiable fear among families, patients, and staff. These coordinated attacks threaten federally protected rights to health care for patients and their families. The attacks are rooted in an intentional campaign of disinformation, where a few high-profile users on social media share false and misleading information targeting individual physicians and hospitals, resulting in a rapid escalation of threats, harassment, and disruption of care across multiple jurisdictions. Our organizations have called on technology companies to do more to prevent this practice on digital platforms, and we now urge your office to take swift action to investigate and prosecute all organizations, individuals, and entities responsible. Attacks against health care institutions that threaten violence, intimidation, and physical harm have left hospitals, staff, and their communities shaken. Providers of evidence-based gender-affirming health care and their colleagues are facing increased stress and fear on top of the conditions they have faced while working on the frontlines of a global pandemic for nearly three years. Families seeking care at these institutions as well as our those providing their care fear for their personal safety in the wake of these attacks. Attorney General Garland: Page 2 Our organizations are dedicated to the health and well-being of all children and adolescents. We are committed to the full spectrum of patient care–from prevention to critical care. We stand with the physicians, nurses, mental health specialists, and other health care professionals providing evidence- based health care, including gender-affirming care, to children and adolescents. On behalf of the patients and families we serve and the physicians we represent, we thank you for your attention to our request. Sincerely, American Academy of Pediatrics American Medical Association Children’s Hospital Association

  • Look Out! They are trying to prosecute Us: who speak out against trans-ing kids...

    This just in. Yesterday, the news dropped, that major medical organizations - the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Medical Association, and the Children’s Hospital Association - are telling the Department of Justice that anyone who talks about what they are doing to kids need to be investigated and prosecuted. But they are lying! There were no bomb threats and there has been no proof that anyone is making violent threats to any of these hospitals/clinics. The mainstream media has been reporting lies about this for the last month. Their only response to us exposing their mutilation of adolescents is to accuse us of something we have not done. Here you can download the letter to the DOJ. Here is an article with more details. And here. The Letter: Dear Attorney General Garland, On behalf of the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Medical Association, and the Children’s Hospital Association, collectively representing more than 270,000 physicians and more than 220 children’s hospitals across the country, we write to urge you to investigate the organizations, individuals, and entities coordinating, provoking, and carrying out bomb threats and threats of personal violence against children’s hospitals and physicians across the U.S. From Boston to Akron to Nashville to Seattle, children's hospitals, academic health systems, and physicians are being targeted and threatened for providing evidence-based health care. These attacks have not only made it difficult and dangerous for institutions and practices to provide this care, they have also disrupted many other services to families seeking care. In one hospital, a new mother was prevented from being with her preterm infant because the hospital’s Neonatal Intensive Care Unit was on lockdown due to a bomb threat. Children’s hospitals across the nation have substantially increased security in addition to working with local and federal law enforcement, both on their main hospital campuses as well as across their ambulatory delivery sites, in order to ensure the safety of patients, families, and medical staff who work there. In addition, some providers have needed 24/7 security. Children’s hospitals and their medical staffs continue to face increased threats via social media – including to their personal accounts. Coupled with harassing emails, phone calls, and protestors at health care sites, there is elevated and justifiable fear among families, patients, and staff. These coordinated attacks threaten federally protected rights to health care for patients and their families. The attacks are rooted in an intentional campaign of disinformation, where a few high-profile users on social media share false and misleading information targeting individual physicians and hospitals, resulting in a rapid escalation of threats, harassment, and disruption of care across multiple jurisdictions. Our organizations have called on technology companies to do more to prevent this practice on digital platforms, and we now urge your office to take swift action to investigate and prosecute all organizations, individuals, and entities responsible. Attacks against health care institutions that threaten violence, intimidation, and physical harm have left hospitals, staff, and their communities shaken. Providers of evidence-based gender-affirming health care and their colleagues are facing increased stress and fear on top of the conditions they have faced while working on the frontlines of a global pandemic for nearly three years. Families seeking care at these institutions as well as our those providing their care fear for their personal safety in the wake of these attacks. Attorney General Garland: Page 2 Our organizations are dedicated to the health and well-being of all children and adolescents. We are committed to the full spectrum of patient care–from prevention to critical care. We stand with the physicians, nurses, mental health specialists, and other health care professionals providing evidence based health care, including gender-affirming care, to children and adolescents. On behalf of the patients and families we serve and the physicians we represent, we thank you for your attention to our request. Sincerely, American Academy of Pediatrics American Medical Association Children’s Hospital Association

Scott Newgent

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