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  • Why We Are Not STOPPING Childhood Medical Transition & Why It's Keeps Growing! Post You Need To Read!

    by Scott Newgent Trans Regretter Support Work Here Donate Communicating ideas that challenge societal norms around tolerance and love can be quite difficult. Many struggle to grasp the complexities involved in changing someone’s perspective on a product, let alone shifting deeply rooted beliefs about love and tolerance. This endeavor is not only challenging; it is nearly impossible to achieve on a broad scale. The rise of gender ideology and its impact on society exemplifies this, as altering deeply ingrained notions shaped by our subconscious—reinforced by pervasive cultural influences and media—proves to be a formidable task. Memoir: LESBIAN DEVIL TO STRAIGHT MAN SAINT - A trip through trans HELL & back by Scott Newgent The challenge is akin to asking a brilliant person with dyslexia to become the top-ranked spelling bee champion. While it is possible, it would require immense support, time, and dedication. The reality is that there is only a 1% chance of success. Relying on society to effectively communicate the message about gender ideology and its harms, without the gift of clear communication, is not feasible; we must change our approach. In business sales, I stress the significance of selling to an entire organization rather than merely offering a single product to an individual. Think of it as a spider web that connects all the influencers and decision-makers within a company. This level of engagement cannot be achieved through a single meeting or conversation. Every person you interact with must grasp how your service or product benefits them, while also feeling excited about what's in it for them. Your goal is to inspire them to champion your idea to others. As a sales executive, it is your responsibility not only to convert prospects into buyers but also to empower them to sell on your behalf and teach them how to do so effectively. This involves integrating diverse personalities, lived experiences, family dynamics, and unique challenges, as well as addressing a multitude of wants and needs. This rich blend of perspectives is a rare asset that many lack, which is why top salespeople often out-earn their counterparts in other industries. Companies recognize the value of exceptional sales talent because they trust in their ability to sell effortlessly. In fact, 8% of the population generates 87% of the wealth, and this elite group consists primarily of skilled sales professionals. Donald Trump serves as a prime example of a successful salesperson, and teaching others to sell like him is a monumental task. This is precisely why organizations invest heavily in attracting top sales talent—it's a rare gift that few possess, yet many believe they can easily master. When examining the realities of gender ideology, it is striking to see individuals who once embraced these beliefs confronting the truth about the impacts of medical transition on the mind, body, and soul. Many are beginning to understand the sexual aspects of trans women’s fetishes and find the exploitation of children to fulfill adult needs utterly reprehensible. This realization is fueling widespread outrage online, as people struggle to accept the harsh realities being presented to them. The extent of the destruction caused by this ideology often leaves individuals bewildered. It is perplexing how society has come to regard a simple outpatient plastic surgery procedure as a viable solution, despite research indicating that it fails to alleviate mental distress and may, in fact, exacerbate it while introducing a range of medical complications. Those who grasp this perspective are frequently left in a state of astonishment. The astonishment lies in the role of social media warriors—these influencers and advocates can have a significant impact, yet many lack the essential skills needed for effective communication. It's crucial to recognize that 8% of society controls 87% of the world's wealth, and these individuals are often exceptional communicators adept at navigating complex networks. Unfortunately, many advocates, in their efforts to change hearts and minds, are not similarly gifted and, in fact, may worsen the situation. This is evident in the failure to enforce all 23 bills aimed at banning childhood medical transitions, the retraction of puberty blocker bans, and the absence of gender ideology and queer theory in kindergarten curricula in the U.S. The individuals wielding power and financial benefit are amused I have to doubt by the fact that many influencers and advocates remain unaware of their detrimental impact on these critical issues. The diversity of society, along with the multitude of social constructs surrounding wealth, power, beliefs, and lived experiences, presents one of the greatest challenges in selling. This complexity is not only persistent but is also worsening over time. It frustrates me to see social media influencers whose primary concern is not about genuinely helping others, but rather about becoming rich and famous. Additionally, there are many sincere individuals who lack a deep understanding of how to navigate this intricate web, which is incredibly infuriating. The interview I conducted with Matt Walsh for the documentary "What is a Woman" was strategically planned and stands out as one of the most influential projects I’ve encountered. The discussion was incredibly challenging; being that open and vulnerable requires a genuine sacrifice, as you share a part of yourself to help someone comprehend the complexities of childhood medical transition. This can only be achieved through candid honesty, with the speaker willing to risk their own comfort for the sake of clarity and understanding. People often express surprise when they contact me and find that I don't jump at every project or podcast opportunity. I'm not eager to promote myself because I'm not interested in anything that doesn't serve a greater purpose. Each podcast or project takes a significant toll on me, and my sole motivation is to save these children. I'm not publicizing anything other than the mission to protect others' kids. Additionally, choosing to speak out has cost me opportunities in the business sales realm, but I anticipated this consequence. I chose to act anyway because the situation facing children is profoundly disturbing, and as a mother armed with this knowledge, I cannot let go of my commitment to make a difference. I am currently crafting a detailed post on how we can change hearts and minds. Before I finish, I wanted to gauge the response, hoping for a warm reception, because the current approaches to this issue are simply ineffective. A conservative, religious individual discussing the harsh realities of childhood medical transition, queer theory, and related issues will never resonate. Instead, we need voices that can advocate financially for those with the power, gifts, courage, and moral integrity to shift perceptions without selfish motives. Let's be honest, no one is purely selfless—I certainly am not. I continue this work because I made a promise to God to share my experiences after surviving medical transition, all for the sake of my children. I'm not a martyr; I’m simply a mother using my communication skills to protect my kids, fueled by one of the strongest motivations in the universe—motherly love. I have always known how to change hearts and minds, but the anger, rage, and pain from surviving this experience intensified my feelings. I wasn't well, either physically or spiritually, and I was operating in survival mode, trying to fulfill my promises. However, each day I grow stronger, and now it's time to demonstrate, educate, and teach how we can put an end to the chaos surrounding gender ideology. I truly believe this is the only way forward. After all, what do we have to lose by trying something different? What is currently being done is not working, despite what today’s leaders claim. In reality, we are losing ground, and those pushing gender ideology are laughing at our struggles. #SCREAMLouder #SCREAMTogether #SCREAMTheRightWay

  • It's Keira Bell y'all....K E I R A , I love Keira Bell...B E L L.....Ok, Now It's Getting Weird! But, it's Keira! You don't know who Keira Bell Is Within Gender Ideology - Oh, You Must Read This!

    By Transman Regretter Scott Newgent K eira Bell has been a pivotal figure in challenging the UK's Tavistock gender clinic, sharing her story of being medically transitioned as a child. With the support of attorneys, her experience has significantly impacted the legal system and sparked a global movement to pass legislation aimed at halting childhood medical transitions. Keira's talent for conveying messages not only illuminates the screen but also touches hearts and minds through her writing. Across any era, the written word—when infused with compassion, wisdom, and experience, paired with a touch of inspiration—forms a potent formula for enlightening society on crucial issues and Keira has both of these gifts and we are lucky to have her. Keira Bell sued the Tavistock Gender Clinic after they didn't warn her of the full ramifications before she 'transitioned'. She now has a low voice and facial hair, as well as other attributes that she can't turn back. #detrans   #tavistock   #gender   Keira Bell: My Story: As a teen, she transitioned to male but came to regret it. Here’s how it felt to enter history in the trans debate. Keira Bell, the youngest and most resolute activist among those who regret transitioning and detransitioners, has courageously faced numerous challenges and criticisms. She possesses a remarkable talent—an essential skill in the ongoing debate about medical transitions in childhood. I approach this topic with utmost seriousness, emphasizing that medical transition is not a matter of human rights but rather influenced by profit motives of pharmaceutical companies, clinics, and surgeons. This process subjects our youth to an experimental and dangerous medical pathway that does not cure anything, leads to significant health issues, and ultimately exacerbates mental health problems. These are the facts, whether one accepts them or not. A ctivism is essential in supporting organizations that champion "Queer Theory" and advocate for the medical transitioning of children. One standout example is The Trevor Project, which emerged in the 1980s to provide crucial suicide hotlines for LGBTQ+ youth and has since been a fierce advocate for gender and queer rights across the United States. As we approach 2024, key activism topics are heating up, especially around immigration and the LGBTQ+ community, with a spotlight on gender theories and medical transitioning. The Trevor Project is leading the charge to ensure that all schools in the US embrace and promote gender ideology, making a significant impact on future generations. <---Kinda sounds like I am for it, hold tight. Bell -v- Tavistock judgment PDF Notably, The Trevor Project has funded 287 bills in the U.S. , some of which aim to undermine efforts to ban childhood medical transition. Their ability to craft compelling messaging has led to a substantial increase in donations, skyrocketing from one million to 67 million in under 5 years. This financial boost has enabled them to expand their operations significantly. The Trevor Project and the ACLU have successfully blocked nearly /oops not nearly they have blocked every state bill in the USA aimed at banning childhood medical transition. While some bills have passed, the ongoing situation remains largely hidden from public view. Even if these bills are not ultimately stopped, sanctuary cities are being legalized across the country, creating a false sense of security regarding the medical transition of children. This has allowed politicians to assert, “We are winning the battle; we are halting childhood medical transition here in Texas,” which is misleading . Despite Governor Greg Abbott's claims, Austin continues to be a global hub for the medical transition of minors. Tragically, many remain unaware of these developments, as significant financial interests and corruption obscure the reality. It is also concerning that Governor Abbott has received over $3 million from Texas' 'Queer Childhood Gender Clinics' since 2015. The right often avoids addressing this issue for fear of damaging their image, while the left tends to sidestep it to avoid highlighting the troubling reality of childhood medical transition. Meanwhile, The Trevor Project continues to generate nearly $70 million in tax-free revenue annually and the butchering of gender confused children in a bustling factory open for business ....... EVERYWHERE! T he corruption extends beyond that. 'Turning Point,' a conservative organization, has seen its donations soar from under $400,000 to $81 million in less than four years. And what is driving this surge? It is none other than the gender debate, which rivals, recently surpassing the issue of illegal immigration making gender ideology their highest ticket sales with their notorious college debate and traveling influencers who gather other people who believe just as they do and together they spend hours talking about everything they already agree with, while people nod their heads yes and hand them checks as they exited the aren't accomplishing nothing more than the bottom line. "Circle Jerks," as I refer to them, often incite strong reactions from conservative Christians. However, it's important to note that every word I choose is deliberate; my aim is to capture your attention and encourage you to momentarily break free from the autopilot of passive agreement. Let the imagery of "Circle Jerks" resonate for a moment, as it perfectly encapsulates the essence of their behavior. Blocked BABY! Over 13 Tabs Filled on Google - Blocked Bills That Were Passed To Ban Childhood Medical Transition - BLOCKED I understand your concerns, but if we truly desire change, we must reassess how we communicate with society. This is where Keira Bell's role in the discussion becomes crucial. If Turning Point aims to address this urgent issue, they should consider bringing Keira on board. It’s important for organizations like Turning Point to take action, especially given recent statistics showing a rise in the number of 13- to 17-year-olds who identify as transgender. The latest figures reveal that 1.7% of teens in the U.S. now believe they are transgender and feel they are in the wrong body, up from just 0.05% four years ago. This growing trend highlights the urgent need for a different approach, as many of these young individuals seek medical transitions that could lead to serious health complications and worsen mental health outcomes. I recognize that conservative organizations may question this decision, but I assure you that the 24-year-old woman in ten years will be grateful for it. She will be marrying the love of her life and eagerly anticipating the arrival of a baby—an opportunity that hinges on the choices we make today. It's not about what is easy or what promotes self-serving agendas; it's about fostering change that truly resonates within our hearts and minds. Follow Ritchie Herron @TullipR I f we fail to act with integrity, that 24-year-old woman might find herself in a situation she never intended. She could end up looking like a man in what appears to be a same-sex couple, grappling with homophobia and feeling alienated, not because she is different, but because of choices made long ago. She may face significant health challenges, including being unable to become a mother, taking multiple medications for blood issues, and being forced to abandon her passion for track due to the stunted development caused by puberty blockers. The likelihood is high that she will require annual bone scans due to early onset symptoms of osteoporosis and will struggle to maintain consistent employment because of recurring bacterial infections, leading to frequent hospital stays as her body fights yet another infection. Keria , is as a liberal and a lesbian, has gone through a complex journey of transitioning, detransitioning, retransitioning, I think she's retransitioning...While the challenges of this journey are daunting, they pale in comparison to the impact Keira has made. She has helped save millions of children who didn't even know they needed help. Despite facing ridicule, hostility, and judgment that often accompany a rare voice like Keira Bell —except for the experience of being love-bombed at a TERF convention, gotta love TERF, I do cool ladies... Keira's voice and commitment remains unwavering. For me, knowing the immense effort it takes to achieve what she has done—like climbing Mount Everest completely naked, without any gear, and returning to camp months later not only alive but with a triumphant story—is truly inspiring. This is what Keira Bel l did and deserves nothing but open arms. I love you, sister! It’s so great to see your face. Can you tell? I know how to hide my emotions well... Hee Hee. Keira Bell, you’re incredible! It's Keira Bell ya'll....K E I R A B E L L ....Ok now it's getting weird! To find out why children and adults are believing in mass hysteria that they are born in the wrong body, I suggest you pick up a copy of my memoir; it was hard to write, but needed to educate more faster! On Sale World Wide - Get Your Copy Today Reviews: LESBIAN DEVIL TO STRAIGHT MAN SAINT - A trip through trans HELL & back! ANN MENASCHE 5.0 out of 5 stars  A GRIPPING MEMOIR FROM A LESBIAN WHO SOUGHT ACCEPTANCE THROUGH MEDICAL TRANSITION Reviewed in the United States on October 3, 2024 Verified Purchase Lesbian Devil is a gripping, no-holds-barred, finely crafted page turner that exposes the significant role of homophobia in “transing away the lesbian.” It chronicles Scott Nugent/Kellie King’s life including the myriad influences that conspired to convince a 42-year-old lesbian, successful career woman, and mother that she was born in the “wrong” body and needed to pursue medical transition. After ingesting cross sex hormones and obtaining multiple drastic surgeries, Kellie emerged with a male appearance – though still a woman – and with her health severely compromised by constant pain and frequent life-threatening infections. Tellingly, the acceptance and self-acceptance that she sought in a sexist and homophobic world through medical transition continued to elude her. Pamela Garfield Jaeger -aka- The Truthful Therapist 5.0 out of 5 stars  So raw, so emotional, so well-written Reviewed in the United States on September 13, 2024 Verified Purchase Wow, this book was captivating. Kellie, (I'm calling you Kellie, I hope you don't mind) you are a beautiful writer. I could feel your love, grief, and pain leap off the pages. So many people failed you, starting with your parents who describe as meaning well, but not able to give you the stability you needed as a little girl. You are a talented hard worker, yet through that facade, you struggled to find peace, acceptance and love, both from others and from yourself. That was apparent throughout the book. You were fooled by a therapist and medical doctors to believe that hormones and surgeries will bring you the love you were seeking, but you learned the hard lesson that it isn't possible. Thank you for putting this book out there so the world can read your raw thoughts and feelings and be warned of a medical system that preys on vulnerable children AND adults. Dragonlady 5.0 out of 5 stars  Heartbreaking and yet inspirational at the same time. Reviewed in the United States on September 10, 2024 Verified Purchase I've been following Scott since I learned about his story in the movie "what is a woman" with Matt Walsh and my heart breaks for all he's gone through. Yes I use the "he/his" pronouns out of respect even though I fully understand that Scott/Kellie is a female. Anyone considering transitioning needs to read this book before going anywhere near a knife or medication. Scott has taken his personal tragedy and turned it into a light in the dark for others to hopefully never go through what he's gone through. No one needs to cut themselves apart to be accepted! Just be yourself as a masculine woman or a feminine guy is my take and is what Scott is saying here. Excellent story, very easy to read and hard to put down. To Scott I say, thank you for sharing your story, for putting yourself out there to help others avoid the pain and horrors that you put yourself through. God Bless and protect you and yours always❤️ Sarah N. 5.0 out of 5 stars  Anyone who knows a child needs to read this book Reviewed in the United States on September 11, 2024 Verified Purchase Scott Newgent is an amazing person of love and compassion. Her account of her life and transition needs to be read and considered by all who know children. Scott's objective is to prevent others from enduring what she has endured by educating them as to the reality of "medical transition". Her story is well written, a gripping tale, and compassionately told. Do not hesitate to read her remarkable account, and share it's message with all and any who may make its message useful to the ones who may need to understand its meaning.

  • Uncovering the Truth: Experts Clash on Childhood Medical Transition! How We Can Do Better? Let's Analyze The Shocking Debate That Made an Influencer With Over 3M Followers Shut His Twitter Down.

    by Transman Scott Newgent I recently engaged in a captivating conversation with Chrissie Mayr a popular pod caster about the urgent crisis of gender ideology and its concerning impact on children. Early in our podcast, Chrissie highlighted a social media influencer who gained significant attention for passionately advocating that the decision to medically transition children should lie with both the parents and the child. Charlie was involved in a pseudo-debate with Sneako, a staunch opponent of childhood medical transition. During this exchange, Sneako passionately challenged Charlie with a barrage of facts and figures, firmly asserting his belief that medically transitioning children is fundamentally wrong—a position I also share as a transman. Despite offering compelling evidence, Sneako failed to convince Charlie or likely any viewer who shared Charlie's perspective, who started believing the issue of transitioning children as a matter of human rights. Unfortunately, this courageous stance attracted significant backlash, and if memory serves, Charlie, ultimately chose to deactivate his social media accounts, but after two months, Charlie's X account seems to be up and active. This situation serves as a powerful reminder of the complexities and challenges inherent in this critical issue. @MoistCr1TiKaL , also known as Charlie, has amassed an impressive following of nearly 3 million, capturing the attention of many. However, being a social media mogul does not necessarily mean having all the answers to life's complexities. The vast audience he commands can significantly sway public opinion and beliefs, placing the responsibility of shaping discourse in the hands of those eager to latch onto the latest trends or emotionally charged debates. Unfortunately, these influencers may not always be best equipped to provide thoughtful analyses of intricate arguments, and I would argue that they rarely possess the answers we seek. These influencers act as gatekeepers of information, holding substantial sway over what you become aware of, which can create a precarious situation. They may withhold crucial information necessary for making informed decisions. After all, having the ability to transform an opinion into a perceived fact, regardless of the evidence, and then commanding millions of followers to echo your words must be intoxicating —but it is also quite dangerous. In this clip from the Chrissie Mayr Podcast, Trans-man Scott Newgent reacts to a recent viral debate between Moist Cr1TiKaL Moist Critical & Sneako where they debated children going through gender confirmation surgeries and marriage under 18 years old. Scott takes on the stance that those on the non-left often get too aggressive with people on the left in debates and would be better served asking them questions in a Socratic method for them to lead themselves to a more knowledgeable standpoint. Scott Newgent was a major voice that came out of the What Is A Woman documentary by Matt Walsh and shows in this clip that same strong spirit. Where are you on the Moist Cr1TiKaL & Sneako debate? @ChrissieMayr - Podcaster - Chrissie Mayr @NotScottNewgent @MoistCr1TiKaL  - Pro Medically Transitioning Children #2 Debtor - Charlie @Sneako Against Medically Transitioning Children - Debtor #1 - Sneako @RepMTG - Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene A recent example of attention-seeking behavior in Congress was displayed by Marjorie Taylor Greene, a prominent figure in the MAGA movement. She tweeted about science's ability to change the weather, suggesting that the Biden administration had engineered the storms in Florida to influence the upcoming election. Many, including myself, criticized her for such a ridiculous statement. However, after someone on X shared a video with me about how we can indeed influence weather patterns, I was intrigued. I watched that video, along with three others, and read four articles. In the end, I came to understand that while MTG makes a valid point, her delivery is fundamentally flawed. I would even argue that it reflects a morally unethical bias, driven by her own self-interest. You see what I learned after this research is that we can mitigate the impacts of weather disasters to lessen their severity, we cannot conjure weather phenomena at will. MTG certainly knows how to energize her base —she has effectively stirred them up, and I believe this faction is on the verge of civil unrest if Trump loses. In my view, such rhetoric is dangerous and could incite violence. As a congresswoman, MTG should convey her views with integrity, avoiding half-truths that merely serve her agenda. Unfortunately, prioritizing ethical standards may lessen her influence, and on that day—the day she opts for integrity—she might find herself without any news organizations amplifying her name. I genuinely hope that her aspirations extend beyond mere notoriety, for if that is her sole aim, she should not be leading a movement and needs to be removed from her position, regardless of alignment with MAGA ideologies. True leaders should embody integrity, and those who fail to do so must be de-platformed. Shall we proceed? I unintentionally hurried off in the wrong direction. My apologies. Today's business model heavily relies on influencers who curate persuasive narratives to validate their opinions, often sidelining meaningful debate —a crucial element of a balanced society. They frequently compile dissenting voices, seeking to undermine them while elevating their own status through clever editing, declaring triumphs with phrases like "So-and-So CRUSHED" their opponents, yet leaving genuine debate absent. As a result, our society grows increasingly unhealthy due to the existence of various subtribes. No single subtribe has all the answers; they all contribute to the problem and they all bring solutions and it's together through debate that society is able to maintain balance. It is clear that society globally is significantly out of balance, with social media and influencers playing a major role in this issue. I frequently raise this concern in discussions, highlighting the risks of relying on influencers who primarily seek followers, likes, and monetization opportunities. While their success may be impressive, this model has cultivated a troubling narrative: we are harming a generation of children through questionable medical experiments that not only fail to provide effective cures but also result in serious health issues and declining mental well-being. Yet, society is cheering . Allowing our leaders to engage in lazy debates, all while fame is packaged in a concept like the "Edit Button." Oh, the 'Edit Button' a tool can make someone with an IQ of 50 appear as intelligent as Einstein—a terrifying thought. It's a complex issue that deserves our attention! Today, as I watched Sneako debate Charlie, I had a troubling realization. The palpable anger Sneako displayed during the discussion prompted me to reflect on my own struggles. I recognized that I might be my own worst enemy, grappling with the residual anger stemming from my decision to medically transition at 42. While listening to Sneako's arguments regarding the medical transition of children, I acknowledged that his points had merit, yet his intense anger often overshadowed his message, he used the wrong delivery and talk tracks to change any hearts and minds, even though he was 100% right. Ultimately, he changed no hearts or minds; instead, he incited his followers into a frenzy of fist bumps, all exclaiming, "Slayed Him." Could I Be Doing The Same Thing, Yet Differently? Now, I have mastered the key talking points and grasped the art of changing hearts and minds. However, today I question whether my own anger and intensity impede my ability to help society understand the gravity of what is being done to children in the name of 'Human Rights.' This reflection was ignited by this video I came across today—an undeniable wake-up call. Throughout my journey following my medical transition, I have come to terms with the harsh realities of significant physical, emotional, and spiritual pain, as well as feelings of embarrassment. I recognize that I am at fault for all, I played the main role in my own struggles. Accepting that I was manipulated and acknowledging that I am not as clever as I once thought is a challenging truth to embrace. While my anger has shed light on important issues, it now threatens to disrupt my life and no longer serves me or the children grappling with gender confusion who are being marginalized. The debate surrounding transgender youth is a deeply personal mission for me. I've come to understand that my messaging is no longer effective; the landscape has shifted. It feels as though I am wearing a winter coat and snow boots in the desert —I cannot afford to lose this debate, it's too important. Here all along I thought I had all the answers, but I am coming to understand that I am Just like Sneako in his video with a twist. I am someone, who is rightly passionate and has every reason to be angry, I too must recognize that the way we communicate in this debate can lead to failure. Delivering our message effectively is essential for meaningful dialogue and change and this includes me. You see there was a time when I felt completely out of place, as if I were born into the wrong body or just a few sandwiches short of a picnic basket crazy, I admit it. Yet, it is my passion and anger that have drawn people’s attention, alongside the sincerity of my heart. However, that same anger is now hindering my ability to educate society about one of the greatest medical scandals in modern history. It also obstructs my healing process. I’ve been focused on saving everyone else's children, while perhaps I need to remind myself that I too deserve to be saved, to walk this earth with comfort and happiness. I've come to realize that although everything I believe and convey is rooted in truth, in experience, the way I deliver these messages can sometimes distort their meaning. I feel that my messages to influencers aren’t resonating as intended. The right talk tracks said the wrong way sway no one and that's just not an option, to fail is not an option. When I discuss the tragic and alarming realities of childhood medical transition, I find success in conveying my commitment to stopping it. However, I am just one voice, and we need many more—voices like Sneako's—to amplify our message. With a few adjustments, we can communicate effectively and change the hearts and minds that are crucial to this cause. But, conveying the debate as it's needed, with compassion and understanding; this business model does not create a mass of followers; it goes against the business model and here is where I am failing, I am bitter, anger watching others prosper in ways that I never will because the message and debate the way it needs to be conveyed is successful at saving kids but not at becoming a media mogul. S I’ve come to realize that I’ve been viewing my struggles the wrong way. The challenges I face in conveying my message are, in fact, an honor to fight for. Ultimately, I am not just advocating for children I have never met; I am metaphorically fighting for myself, for the parts of my childhood that I lacked. Supporting these children is a way to heal my own soul, provided I allow it and resist letting anger overshadow the blessings that arise when I shift my perspective to see the light. I believe I can do this —I must do this. If you’ve already seen this video, consider watching it again; if not, give it a go! You might notice how hearts and minds could have shifted with a slight adjustment in delivery. Did you catch it? Did you see what needed to be be deilvered differently to change hearts and minds? My Opinion: Charlie is a kind-hearted individual who sincerely believes he is advocating for children, especially in defending so called 'transgender youth' against discrimination, as well as addressing the injustices his subtribe highlights. However, his perspectives is shaped by the same half-truths prevalent in the rhetoric of figures like MTG and all other subtribes, everywhere. It's important to note that Charlie genuinely believes in his stance and views Sneako as a bigoted individual. However, the half-truths do not apply to Sneako; he is unequivocally correct in his arguments. So why is Charlie unable to hear the actual truth Sneako is foaming at the mouth with? Because he is focused on everything they do not agree on, giving nothing, no compassion, he's not looking about Charlie's face, it's right there. To win this argument? Align on what you agree on first, create a common bond, then listen, ask questions with sincerity and be willing to find out that after hearing what someone has to say, you might think differently, be vulnerable. Then with this new found place within negotiation bring in the facts that are not being heard in the video you just watched, but do it at a different time, in a different way and sprinkle in true stories that help the Charlie's of the world to get it; on an emotional level because facts are not working. Facts Are Not Working! In conclusion, I extended an invitation to Charlie to engage in a debate, whether on a podcast or via phone—whichever he prefers for his comfort. All I ask is for an open heart, willing to consider different perspectives that may illuminate how his current understanding of this subject might unintentionally harm children rather than help them. I believe Charlie is the kind of man that is up for the challenge, to me? Charlie looks like a nice, caring man that would fight tooth and nail for kids the right way if he knew the truth. Sneako, I love you man, you nailed all the points, your passion was intense and I love that and somehow I have faith you will understand what I have said in a manner that only lifts you as an athletic of debate, who is able to take criticism on their form to achieve greatness and ultimate save these children in a way I believe you can. Thank you for standing up for children. Think about it this. -Scott Newgent If you believe that the insights of TransRegretters can play a crucial role in preventing childhood medical transitions, we invite you to make a small donation today. We are facing a monumental challenge, and the current approach is not yielding the desired results. Together, we can forge a new path and protect our children. Your support can help us make a difference. Donate Today To find out why children and adults are belieivng in mass hysteria that they are born in the wrong body, I suggest you pick up a copy of my memoir; it was hard to write, but needed to educate more faster! On Sale World Wide - Get Your Copy Today

  • Unleash the Secrets: of Medical Transition the Media Doesn't Want You to Know: 'LESBIAN DEVIL to STRAIGHT MAN SAINT' Dominates Amazon's LGBTQ Charts! Grab Your Copy Before It's Gone!"

    "Discover Hidden Truths: '' Soars to the Top of Amazon's “LESBIAN DEVIL TO STRAIGHT MAN SAINT = A trip through trans HELL & Back! Strikes again Receiving Top Release Categories in LGBTQ+ Parenting, Religious Memoirs & LGBTQ+ Biographies  #1 New Release on Amazon in the LGBTQ Family Education, Religion Memoirs & LGBTQ Memoirs categories. Weekend Sale Begins...NOW Now Available WORLDWIDE 6.99 for E-Book 14.99 for Softcover Edition 22.99 for Hardcover Edition For a Limited Duration Only Donate To Market Farther & Wider & Save More Gender Confused Children Donate HER E

  • Reviews - Lesbian Devil to Straight Man Saint - Trip through trans hell & back

    I'm deeply grateful for the unwavering encouragement you've all shown towards this endeavor. If you have journeyed through the pages of the memoir, I'd appreciate it if you could spare a moment to leave your thoughts in a review at this link. Your valuable feedback not only elevates the book's visibility but also enhances its standing in rankings, allowing it to reach a wider audience. My heartfelt thanks in anticipation. Review Link Donate For Advertising Link

  • 47% of imprisoned transwomen are categorized as violent sexual offenders. The question we should be asking is: WHY?

    By trans Scott Newgent The swift changes in sociocultural landscapes of the 21st century have sparked an intriguing shift in the study of criminal activity, revealing a recent and somewhat troubling pattern – a noticeable surge in crimes allegedly committed by transgender individuals. Let's sift through the facts and deceit, scrutinizing the supposed link between transgender individuals and criminal actions, with particular focus on transgender women and violent sexual offenses (Jauk, 2013). Before embarking on my journey of medical transition, I frequented transgender support groups which shed light on the grim reality of mental health struggles. My identity as a woman was never in question for me, but society's relentless resistance suggested that my assertive character, athletic prowess, and attraction to the same sex somehow made me defective. This oddity cast a shadow over my spirit; I never yearned for such distinction.  Scott's Memoir Order Your Copy Today: Lesbian Devil to Straight Man Saint - a trip to trans HELL & back: Order Today During my involvement in these therapeutic circles, I crossed paths with souls adrift, desperately seeking a safe harbor of understanding. But an unexpected aspect struck me like a thunderbolt — the ubiquitous presence of mental health struggles. It's not that I'm untouched by such afflictions; anxiety has been a shadow trailing me throughout my journey. Yet the specter of hallucinations or thoughts veering into the surreal has never haunted my psyche. The feeling of wanting to claw out from beneath my own skin during moments of heightened unease? Undeniably! Succumbing to delusions or subscribing to perceptions beyond reality? Most definitely not! If you want to stop the madness of childhood medical transition you have to life the orgs who can make change.  It's a fundamental truth that nourishing a delusion only leads to its growth and expansion. Imagine an individual who insists the sky is crimson, and every passerby nods in agreement. What ensues? The delusion thrives, and then what? Does it remain confined to this single false belief about the sky's color, or does it spiral out of control? Consider a mother accompanying her young child on a shopping trip. Each time, the child gets precisely what they desire, be it one sweet treat or several. This paints a picture of an environment devoid of opposition. Such instances we encounter as parents during shopping trips with our children are pivotal moments shaping their approach to life. Labeling behavior as either indulging their every whim or denying them all treats is indicative of indifferent parenting because real life unfolds in shades of gray. Parents who fail to introduce these nuances risk preparing their children for future hardship and fostering a perpetual victim mentality. Now , visualize someone molded by these circumstances but add severe mental illness characterized by psychosis and delusional disorders into the mix. There's no challenging or enlightening within a nurturing setting to dismantle delusions, just incessant validation. Does this foster healthy cognitive function? Could there be potential implications for other boundary issues? PDF 🔗 To Study Download Should the confines of reality be stretched in a manner that amplifies mental instability, it's not entirely surprising to comprehend the reason behind the shocking statistic that 47% of imprisoned transgender women are categorized as violent sexual criminals. These studies are just coming out and if Dr. Phil is right, we all better "buckle up, buttercup." Donate to ensure every parent in the world knows about the reality of childhood medical transition and the moronic reasoning behind gender ideology! Donate To Marketing Could this result in a person sustaining robust mental wellness and physical vitality, or would they perpetually strive for additional illusions? The crimson sky fantasy, would that suffice, or could it provoke further hallucinations? This phase of a toddler's growth presents an immense hurdle for parents. Many of us have occasionally desired to react in an absolute yes-or-no fashion since it simplifies things for us, but not necessarily for the child. Gender diverse prisoners and sex-based patterns of offending Upon entering these gatherings of transgender allies, I found myself rendered speechless. Those who know me would understand the magnitude of this, as it takes something quite profound to still my tongue. One such moment is etched in my memory. It was during my inaugural visit when, while reaching for a cup of coffee, I heard a resonating voice echoing from the corridor about 'his tribe'. The man's words were steeped in raw emotion. 'I am a woman,' he announced with conviction to everyone present. My gaze lifted and there before me stood the embodiment of narratives I had often relayed on podcasts: him, a towering figure standing at 6'2", sporting a thick beard contrasted by bright red lipstick, clad in rustic overalls paired with stilettos. For an instant, I thought it must be some sort of jest. Instantly, the room circled him, affirming him, "OMG, you are totally a woman, I can see it, feel it, all woman, baby!" I sat in the corner with my coffee, stunned. As soon as I found a chance, I bolted out the door and called my wife, 'Lynette, these people are nuts, I am not going back there, don't ask me!" Why trans women scare the hell out of me and should as well. A must watch! From the outset, I recognized I was a biological woman and acknowledged that transitioning medically was akin to cosmetic surgery, a choice many in my situation make. The torment of feeling out of place escalated until it was suggested that I might find solace in conforming. It's disheartening to admit that post-transition, I did feel more integrated into society. For the first time in four decades, I felt a sense of happiness; however, this joy was underpinned by deceit. Building an existence on untruths is destined to crumble - as mine did - it's an inevitable consequence for all. Our society is nurturing a subset of people who are at an increased risk of severe mental health disorders. The media's representation of this issue, often framing it as a human rights concern, exacerbates the situation. We are witnessing an alarming surge in violent incidents involving transgender individuals, unpredictable actions from adolescents claiming to be victims, and boys attacking girls amidst public endorsement. Any form of dissent is quickly labeled as bias.Simultaneously, powerful organizations capable of initiating significant change are aligning themselves with business approaches that prioritize financial gain over enlightenment. It's impractical to anticipate evangelicals enlightening liberals or uninformed members of the LGBTQ+ community about the complexities of transgenderism—it simply won't happen.Consequently, when I come across news stories detailing violent acts committed by transgender individuals or increasing cases of sexual crimes committed by this group, my frustration intensifies. We're not engaged in a debate on 'gay marriage,' an issue whose resolution has limited societal repercussions. Instead, we're wrestling with this rising trend of transitioning and for many people involved in various capacities, this conversation could be a matter of life or death. So , pay attention – prepare yourself for what lies ahead. If you're only advocating for your own subgroup against this wave without contemplating wider implications, then you too are part of the problem. Evangelicals often face the harshest criticism because they constitute the largest social group resisting these changes – and their resistance is commendable. However, if you genuinely find this trend disturbing, I implore you to venture beyond your comfort zone and support those driving change because the evangelical echo chambers are aggravating the situation. Doing different is the only way for real change. Are you doing different? Order LESBIAN DEVIL TO STRAIGHT MAN SAINT - A trip through trans HELL & back - Today - Want to know the why? Read This Book! Cited Sources:1. Jauk, D. (2013). Gender violence revisited: Lessons from violent victimization of transgender identified individuals. . Allegart, A et al. (2017). Transgender Women in the Prison Industrial Complex. Retrieved from . Spade, D. (2015). Normal Life: Administrative Violence, Critical Trans Politics, and the Limits of Law. Retrieved from . Davis, G. (2018). 'Transgender people are...' Politics of Science Article Retraction. Retrieved from . Johnson, J. T. (2017). Offending and imprisonment in transgender populations. Retrieved from . West, D. (2019). When It Comes to Criminal Justice, Not All Identities are Treated Equally. Retrieved from ...

  • Read Sample Chapters Free - LESBIAN DEVIL TO STRAIGHT MAN SAINT - A trip through trans HELL & back! You hold the KEY to save gender confused kids! Will you unlock the door?

    Read Sample Chapters Here Post On Social Medial Here Donate For Advertising Help is needed to stop the medicalization of gender-confused children. So far, 136 books have been distributed to spread awareness about this issue. After reading the sample chapters, if you believe this heartfelt journey could help stop the travesty of childhood medical transition, please purchase and read the rest of the story. This memoir was challenging to write, and every word is mine. I am just one person without a team. I do not have a Daily Wire to promote, or Fox News or Turning Point to dot every 'I' and cross every 'T'. It's just me, with raw emotion that can touch people's hearts with honesty that is so lacking in the media today. Support the little person with big heart! Press Release Below - If you believe there is a podcast that would benefit from me appearing on to promote this memoir, please forward this press release. I need help! Please help me educate more! -Scott Newgent Additional Expert: On the day designated for the interview for Matt’s film, ‘What Is a Woman?’, I trudged up the hotel stairwell in New York, attempting to elude my offspring so I could dial in and cancel the appointment. My daughter stood on the fourth-floor landing, predicting my intentions. I am aware of my tendency to retreat at the last moment. She crossed her arms over her chest, giving herself an air of maturity beyond her thirteen years, while I felt like a rebellious teenager under her gaze. Her eyes rolled before she seized my hand and recited one of my worn-out, grating phrases. “You’re always lecturing me about how anxiety is just a part of life’s rich tapestry; well, look at you now; congratulations, MaPaw, you’re feeling alive! Now, pivot on your heel; you got this. You’ve given your word. What message will it send to me if you surrender now?” “Ah...” I flapped my hands dismissively, echoing the old mantra I used to soothe myself: “You’re overreacting, Gooia Gelf. I was grabbing my jacket, not backing out. Easy there, Julia.” “Oh, so you’ve resorted to lying to your offspring now?” Our laughter intertwined as her fingers grasped mine, guiding me towards the waiting Uber. As I prepared to slide into the backseat, she leaned in to address the driver, her instructions clear and firm - he was to take me where she directed, regardless of any objections I might voice. His laughter echoed hers as he nodded in understanding, and I muttered an expletive under my breath; she had read me like an open book yet again. A part of me yearned to defy her predictions, but deep down, I knew she was right. With a resigned sigh, I ducked my head to enter the vehicle when her voice stopped me. “MaPaw,” she began, her tone severe yet laced with mischief. “You can do this. You have to do this. There’s no backing out now.” Then came the punchline: “Maybe after you’re done here, we can get you a pot brownie from that street vendor.” I froze on the spot, shocked. Me? Pot? The very idea was absurd! I’ve always vehemently opposed drugs, and here she was suggesting it. The sound of her laughter brought me back from my stupor just in time for her coup de grâce before I could even think of a retort, she’d left me speechless and off my comedic game. The door slammed shut behind me, and the car pulled away, leaving me shaking my head at her audacity while chuckling at myself. That girl had gotten one over on me. Glancing out the window, she stood; hand raised not in farewell but wagged a finger at me as if admonishing: “Don’t you dare turn around!” My My thirteen-year-old daughter had out-maneuvered me again! That day was more than just an additional exposure to my raw, emotional underbelly. My protective love for my children was the sole energy potent enough to compel me to weather it. During those three days on our journey, they evolved into caregivers, buoying my morale with their treasured words of wisdom and steadying my mental state with their gentle yet resolute demands. They were privy to a secret that eluded others. The expedition to New York was among the first times I had ventured beyond the confines of my basement, where I rarely strayed from. Label it as PTSD or whatever you wish, but that threshold at my door served as an immediate catalyst for perspiration to cascade down and for my capacity to draw in breath to vanish. As the unblinking eye of the camera lens zeroed in on me, an all too familiar sensation churned within my core; it was akin to standing on the precipice of an emotional landslide. In the wake of these tumultuous events, I had somehow maintained a façade of calm, allowing only a few sparse tears to escape – a stark contrast for someone who would well up at the sentimentality of Hallmark commercials. Yet that day, I felt my emotions surge like a storm as I resonated with the concept of surmounting adversity. As my interview was ending and my tale reached its climax, I looked around the room and experienced an overwhelming victory. As a business salesperson and presenter, I’ve spent years honing the skill of vocal modulation - deftly mixing tones of fervor and unassailable logic to clarify my message. Mastering the art of emotional communication has been a lifelong pursuit, observing the subtle shifts in expressions as each word and its delivery impact - be it triumphant or not. Emotions don’t dwell in shades of gray; they’re black or white. Did the intended sentiment come across? Did you sway their stance? Were you able to stir emotions within them, Kellie? These are the questions I pose to myself. Transforming entrenched perspectives about a commodity can be an arduous task. It becomes even more challenging when it involves altering views on religious, fanatical, or intolerant propaganda—disguised as civil rights issues—that pose a threat to our democratic structures and the well-being of our offspring and women. This problematic endeavor is indeed challenging, but it’s a responsibility that somebody has to shoulder. The influence of the LGBTQ movement has become pervasive, and it seems to go largely unchallenged. It’s baffling to consider how society has permitted a generation of children to undergo irreversible changes. Currently, society views them as saviors, seemingly incapable of making mistakes, but eventually, the reality will surface. More and more parents are noticing the media’s frenzied approach to this topic. They’re paying attention when writers for respected publications like The New York Times casually discuss topics like breast binders and the permanent harm inflicted on young women’s bodies with an air of moral superiority reminiscent of a Chinese foot binder. But on that fateful day, everything fell into place in the heart of New York. The agony I’d withstood over the years morphed into something extraordinary; it forged a tool that I’ve been sharpening throughout my existence. It all culminated when I could enlighten others about the grave injustice being done to children. The torment and deprivation handed me an emotional catalyst potent enough to transform those who needed altering that day. As the cameras wound down, a sudden rush came over me, and I knew I had done it right; I had conveyed the deep well of emotions within me. As the lights turned off, I could no longer control or hide, and I lost it. I burst into tears without warning. My hands covered my face like I was pushing the tears back inside. There was a chance for Matt Walsh and his crew to humiliate me, to let my emotions run rampant and unchecked on the screen for all to see, but he, they didn’t. My breakdown is nowhere within the movie. Despite any disagreements or contrary opinions that might arise between Matt and me in the future, it’s clear he possesses a compassionate heart, and that is something to be respected. The speech you saw was the pre-break, and I knew I had just delivered one of significant power and influence; I felt it. It represented a firm conviction that I would willingly die for it. Until that moment, I hadn’t grasped its importance to me. But as I sat there, the realization hit me like a wave crashing against the shore. I was aware of my potential to transform people’s perspectives, but I was unsure if my heart was in it. That day, something undeniable proved that I was wholeheartedly committed to this cause. Back at the hotel room, my three hearts—a personal metaphor for those who meant everything to me—awaited my return. Confined within those four walls of the hotel, my children were aware of how much their presence meant to me, just like your children mean the world to you. My daughter’s voice shatters the tranquility, “Is it time for your Cannabis Cookie?” A ripple of laughter cuts through the room, and I can’t help but let loose a few teardrops. They all gather around me in an embrace; no words are necessary. Kellie Ellen King Mother to Joshua, Julia & Justice

  • Unveiled: The Shocking Memoir of a Transman Who Exposes the Truth Behind Mass Hysteria—Find Out Why Kids Believe They're in the Wrong Bodies! Lauches Worldwide Today!

    Purchase Hardback: Here     Purchase Paperback: Here Donate: Here Questions about why today's young people perceive themselves as born into a world of turmoil and misunderstanding that clashes with their self-identity often confront me. The bewilderment is palpable, regardless of the frequency with which we furnish them with unambiguous facts. It's indisputable - medically transitioning children poses significant risks, a yet to be fully explored medical procedure that doesn't necessarily resolve any issues but instead can potentially trigger serious health complications. Why then does reality seem impotent? It's because our brains aren't primarily driven by statistics; it's our emotions that truly mold our viewpoints and beliefs. With social media now playing a pivotal role in politics, our society has reached unparalleled degrees of division. Spreading the truth becomes an arduous task when it involves human rights, or what individuals perceive as human rights. Gender ideology has been cunningly ensconced behind the emblem of diversity - the rainbow - and with same-sex marriage becoming more widely accepted, advocates sought a fresh cause to support; thus transgenderism assumed prominence. Despite harboring no ill-will or hostility, religious individuals' warnings about the perils of childhood medical transition often fail to reach those who need to hear it most. That’s where this memoir steps in. This memoir didn't emerge from a place of desire; rather, it was a laborious endeavor to decode and clarify my choice for medical transition, and the ensuing regret that trailed after. My motivation wasn't anchored in chasing profit or acclaim, since these goals wouldn't align with my mission of enlightening those who are hastily making uninformed decisions about their identities. To lay bare my soul while participating in Matt Walsh’s documentary ‘What is a woman’ served as an educational tool but also shattered my existence further, taking my career too. It intensified my daily struggles to such an extent that there were instances when I regretted my decision to participate. The repercussions have been harsh - I've lost two jobs and my obstinate refusal to conform to societal norms has only magnified my struggles, something I barely thought possible. Through these experiences, I've sharpened the skill of influencing perceptions and attitudes during my tenure as a sales executive. The key to genuinely enlightening others is to help them grasp the deep emotional distress someone might undergo when they believe they've been born into the wrong body. My objective in writing this is to assist you in understanding that complexity so that you can, in turn, extend this comprehension to others. This memoir will transform hearts and minds. I didn't write this for amusement or for any other reason than to help people understand the ‘WHY?’ I extend a heartfelt thank you to all those who donated to enable me to write this memoir; without your support, it wouldn't have been possible. The potential backlash from this terrifies me, but someone had to be candid, someone had to bare their soul, someone had to do what was right without considering their personal interests first. And what could possibly worsen my situation after already losing my career? I made a promise that I would write it and I followed through! But remember, once you learn the truth, you too are obligated to protect these children. -Scott Newgent


    EXCITING UPDATE - PUBLISHING DATE ANNOUNCED 'LESBIAN DEVIL TO STRAIGHT MAN SAINT' to trans hell & back - BY TRANS REGERTTER SCOTT NEWGENT August 17th 2024 - My Twins Birthday Things are moving on schedule, and I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to everyone who has donated to make this memoir possible. Your support has been invaluable. I asked for help and received a little over $5000 for the memoir. As many of you know, I lost a second job several months ago when a man recognized me from 'What is a Woman' and threatened to kick my a$$ and another woman when I was training my team. The salespeople felt uncomfortable with me as their manager. I often say that 'What is a woman' was the worst and best thing that I could have ever agreed to do. The best because it opened so many people's eyes, but the worst because it has been nothing more than more suffering from me and my own children. Progress is unfolding as planned, and I find myself overwhelmed with appreciation for every individual who has contributed to making this memoir a reality. The generosity you've shown has been more than instrumental - it's been the lifeblood of this project. When I reached out, unsure of what response I'd receive, you answered with an astonishing $5000 towards the memoir. Update Donate Today I often reflect on how 'What is a Woman' was simultaneously the best and worst decision I've ever made. It was enlightening for many, but it also brought unprecedented hardship upon me and my children. However, there's no changing the past; all we can do is move forward. And so, I'm grateful for your support in helping me share an insightful memoir about why so many individuals feel they were born in the wrong body. The book is gradually taking shape and should be available for 'Pre-Sale' by next week's end. Its publication date coincides with a personal milestone - my twins' birthday on August 17th. My hope lies in turning this turmoil into something meaningful – educating others without causing further distress to my children. Your contributions go beyond financial aid; they're part of a movement that can instigate real change. The words to express my appreciation feel insufficient for the unwavering backing you've provided during this expedition. As for publishing houses, I haven't ventured far into that realm just yet. I’ve attempted to connect with notable figures from my past work regarding my memoir- their lack of response was deafening in its revelation of their interest or disinterest. However, don't misconstrue this as a reflection on the quality of the memoir; my inquiry was simply to gauge if they would be open to entertaining a business proposal, their silence was quite telling. The Lesbian Devil To the Straight Man Saint -To Trans Hell & Back Scott/Kellie Newgent Chapter 1: 1st Surgery: 'So Sorry, We Cut Your Bladder. Here's Tylenol!' Chapter 2: 1st Surgery Take 2: Transman & The Gargantuan Woman Names Clarence Chapter 3: Conquering Kindergarten – Early Childhood; & Alex P. Keaton Briefcases Chapter 4: Sports & Solace Chapter 5: Dad: The Good, The Bad & The Bisexual Grandfather Chapter 6:  We're Bringing His Wife Home! Chapter 7:  What Is the Why? Trauma? Chapter 8: Trying To Escape Abuse Chapter 9: Coming Out Chapter 10: Wild Child Days Sex & Sexuality Chapter 11: Melissa's Motherhood/Faith Chapter 12: "I Finally Get to Meet You?' Chapter 13: Come On In Chapter 14: The Catcher in the Rye Chapter 15: Higher Love Chapter 16: Breaking Each Other's Fall or Breaking Each Other In the Fall? Chapter 17: Third Surgery Making a Man of Me Chapter 18:  Finally, Part of A Family Chapter 19: Damn you, Dr Phil! Chapter 20: The Apartment Chapter 21: Unraveling Love Chapter 22: Finally Broken: By Your Catholic God Chapter 23: Decision To Transition - Lynette's Delight Chapter 24: Leaving Lynette Chapter 25: Fighting For My Life Chapter 26: Naked Comedy: The Electric Charm of Gail Newgent - Murdered by a Chapter 27:  Grandad 'Until' Chapter 28: Regret, Remorse Chapter 28:  Activism Chapter 30: Current Day/Health/Kids I do not allow any subtribe to claim me, and because of that, I have no help; I give help to others, but the chip is never turned the other way; this is a reality. I do not fall within the outline of any subtribe, and I refuse to lie and say I do. This memoir is not about fitting into a category, but about speaking the truth, raw, honest, and with a genuine heart to save the gender-confused kiddos. This commitment to truth is what makes this memoir powerful and your donation is doing just that; thank you. With a vision of raising $25,000, we didn't quite hit the mark. Yet, your generous donations have served as a buoy, allowing me to remain completely dedicated to this cause. Your support has been nothing short of miraculous and I'm deeply grateful. As we move forward, our focus shifts to marketing - an area where publishers become invaluable allies. Ideally, I would like to set aside at least $10,000 for social media promotion and SEO optimization on Google. Unfortunately, mainstream media is likely to turn a blind eye towards this book. While we might secure some spots on smaller podcasts, breaking into larger platforms presents a challenge. If anyone has creative strategies for gaining access to these bigger outlets, your input would be greatly appreciated. In truth, it often requires financial investment to break free from the pervasive echo chambers that are damaging our society and isolating us from one another. These echo chambers are creating wealth for a select few and bolstering certain organizations while simultaneously excluding others - contributing to an increasingly unhealthy societal landscape. If you or someone you know feels compelled to lead efforts in advertising or donation collection - ensuring funds are used effectively - please don't hesitate to contact me. It may sound like I'm pleading out of desperation but in reality, I'm simply weary and could use some respite. My children deserve my undivided attention and by reaching out for assistance now; I hope it will highlight the challenges many families grapple with while also providing some relief for my own. This memoir isn't just ink splashed onto paper; it's an intimate portrayal of my life journey which has proven emotionally taxing yet cathartic. Reflecting on past experiences is never easy but only through raw emotion tied with truth can we truly awaken others' empathy. When this book finally hits the shelves? Remember that it belongs as much to you as it does me. Your faith in me—expressed through your hard-earned financial support—has made this extraordinary journey possible. I aim to make you proud and am eternally grateful for your backing. Thank you. Scott/Kellie Donate Today

  • Shocking: If Elon Musk Was 14 Today, He Would Come Out as Transgender?!?

    The studies say in a high percentage he would, as a transgender man I say he would! by trans Scott Newgent Support Work Here: Donate A young Elon Musk, just barely 14 sits at his computer, deep in thought and struggling with questions of identity. As he navigates adolescence in a constantly connected world, he grapples with the complexities of gender and sexuality. With his exceptional intellect and traits commonly associated with ASD, he may feel torn and uncertain about how to define himself. His internal conflict manifests itself through a contemplative gaze and a creased forehead as he strives for self-understanding. In solitude, Elon paces restlessly, seeking clarity and comprehension on the internet. As he scrutinizes his reflection in the mirror, he ponders whether it genuinely mirrors his inner self. Yet even amid this battle, his intellectual prowess remains evident in his analytical observations of everything surrounding him. As a transgender man myself, I can't help but speculate whether this would have been Elon's journey today within the boundaries of gender ideology - he checks all the boxes. What would his experience with gender identity have been like if he were navigating adolescence today and exploring the notion of being transgender? At 14 years old, it's likely that he too would have wrestled with understanding himself much like many teenagers do in present times. However, now as an influential figure in society, there is an expectation for him to use his prominence for positive impact. This topic demands more scrutiny and deliberation from every angle. Having walked this path myself, I understand the significance of accepting differences rather than forcing conformity or suppressing them with medication. It's crucial to initiate candid dialogues about this before these young individuals' futures are irrevocably affected. Transgender and nonbinary people are up to six times more likely to also have autism. This intersection has researchers trying to understand the connection and how society views these identities. Autism holds the biggest percentage of children who believe they are transgender, some studies tipping the 50% scale and we have to ask why. It's crucial not to conflate correlation with causation, and it is important to approach the topic with sensitivity and depth. Autistic individuals often experience the world with a unique intensity and may grapple with societal norms that feel arbitrary or challenging. This same sensitivity may make gender non-conforming feelings more potent and, perhaps, the structured categories of gender more confining. Furthermore, autistic individuals might have a heightened preference for self-definition that defies standard classifications, thereby seeking an identity that feels inherently authentic amidst an often inordinately binary framing of gender in society (Strang et al., 2018). Some Studies Reaching Nearly 40% Could not fitting in be the entirety of the gender ideology boom within the youth today? It is also crucial to note that the concept of not fitting in extends beyond autistic or gender-diverse populations. Youth, by nature, is a critical period for exploring and pushing boundaries. When compounded by the rousing cognitive diversity that autism brings, the binary concept of gender might tightly confine an already strained fitting-in process. The idea that an 'ideology boom' is exclusively due to not fitting in requires further examination, as it may oversimplify the confluence of multiple factors at play, including increased awareness, improved access to information, and shifting societal norms (American Psychological Association, 2020). Given the complexity inherent in the intersections of ASD and gender identity, researchers and clinicians have advocated a careful, personalized approach to working with young people navigating these aspects of their experience. Johanna Olson-Kennedy, one of the leading experts in care for transgender youth, emphasizes the importance of individualized treatment and consideration of each person's unique set of circumstances, rather than a one-size-fits-all approach (Olson-Kennedy, 2016). Support Work Here Link The observed link between autism and a higher probability of identifying as transgender, in my perspective, provides almost enough evidence to credit the entire phenomenon known as the "gender ideology boom" to two principal factors: same-sex attraction being prevalent among these individuals at a staggering 47%, and the singular aspect of feeling like an outsider often reported by children on the spectrum. The life experiences of people, regardless of whether they are neurodiverse or neurotypical, are intricate and layered. As discussions persist and fresh insights surface, it is paramount that conversations about autism, gender diversity, and their interconnectedness stay rooted in an empathy-led comprehension of the rich mosaic that forms human identity. This understanding not only propels forward dialogue but also offers thoughtful support to all young people as they traverse through the complex journey of maturation and self-discovery. Allow me to say again: We are butchering a generation of children with a medical process that is experimental, dangerous, doesn’t cure anything, and causes massive health issues. Because if I am right, which I believe I am, we are medically transitioning an entire generation of youth because ...... wait for it ........... kids are autistic and or same-sex attracted, again, curing nothing! Head out of the rectum, people! -Transman Regretter Scott Newgent References National Institute of Mental Health. (2021). Autism Spectrum Disorder. Retrieved from, G. R. (2017). Autistic traits in an Internet sample of gender variant UK adults. International Journal of Transgenderism, 18(4), 394-404. Retrieved from Strang, J.F., et al. (2018). Initial Clinical Guidelines for Co-Occurring Autism Spectrum Disorder and Gender Dysphoria or Incongruence in Adolescents. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, 47(1), 105-115. Retrieved from American Psychological Association. (2020). Psychological Science Accelerator Identifies Four Key Risk Factors for Mental Health. Retrieved from Coll-Planas, G. and Missé, M. (2020). Challenging the Gender Binary? There's No Escape. Sociological Research Online, 25(1), 68-83. Retrieved from Olson-Kennedy, J. (2016). Mental Health Disparities Among Transgender Youth: Rethinking the Role of Professionals. JAMA Pediatrics, 170(5), 423-424. Retrieved from Strang, J.F., Kenworthy, L., Dominska, A., Sokoloff, J., Kenealy, L.E., Berl, M., Walsh, K., Menvielle, E., Slesaransky-Poe, G., Kim, K.E., Luong-Tran, C., Meagher, H., Wallace, G.L. (2018). Increased gender variance in autism spectrum disorders and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 47(8), 2435-2445. doi: 10.1007/s10508-018-1218-3. Retrieved from R. Brown & E. Kale Edmiston. (2019). Transgender Health: A Practitioner’s Guide to Binary and Non-Binary Trans Patient Care, Jessica Kingsley Publishers. Retrieved from, S., & Eriksson, J.M. (2014). Sexuality and gender role in autism spectrum disorder: A case control study. PLoS ONE, 9(1), e87961. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0087961. Retrieved from Identity Development Service (GIDS). (n.d.). Overview of gender dysphoria. Retrieved from Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH). (n.d.). Standards of care. Retrieved from Kapp, S. K., Gillespie-Lynch, K., Sherman, L. E., & Hutman, T. (2013). Deficit, difference, or both? Autism and neurodiversity. Developmental Psychology, 49(1), 59. Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.). [No URL available for the DSM-5 as it is a textbook reference]Strang, J. F., Kenworthy, L., Dominska, A., Sokoloff, J., Kenealy, L. E., Berl, M., Walsh, K., Menvielle, E., Slesaransky-Poe, G., Kim, K. E., Luong-Tran, C., Meagher, H., & Wallace, G. L. (2014). Increased gender variance in autism spectrum disorders and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 43(8), 1525-1533., J., De Graaf, H., & Begeer, S. (2017). Sexual orientation, gender identity, and romantic relationships in adolescents and adults with autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 47(9), 2927-2934., S. J., Uljarević, M., Roberts, A., White, L. C., Morgan, L., Wimpory, D., Ramsden, C., & Leekam, S. R. (2021). Knowledge about autism and empathy toward autistic people: A cross-national study. Autism, 25(3), 787-800.

  • Don't miss out on Rami's incredible story! Join us live this Sunday @2pm EST For An Unforgettable Journey. TRUTH About Medical Transition?

    Don't miss out on Rami's incredible story! Join us live this Sunday at 2pm EST for an unforgettable experience. The first hour will be dedicated to hearing Rami's story, and the second hour will be open for any questions you may have. Mark your calendar and tune in for this must-see event! 6-9-2024 LINK YOUTUBE LIVE I've been immersed in writing my memoir, but after a phone conversation with a 23-year-old transgender man, I realized I needed to take a break and share his story. Transitioning is a challenging journey, and many reach the same point as Rami without regretting their decision. I didn't either at the time, but that doesn't guarantee he won't in the future. It also doesn't mean he will. The true perspective can only come from those who have experienced the pain. Let's not forget, real leaders bring people together - True unity is a battle, one that requires relentless effort and sometimes causes unimaginable pain. I have faced this pain countless times before as I stand before evangelical crowds, their stubborn views on homosexuality digging into my skin like daggers. But I refuse to back down, even as I high five my way to the podium, because it's important to accept disagreement and still stand for what is right. So I grit my teeth and push through the agony to deliver the raw truth about medical transition, pleading with all to listen and question - for together is our only chance at stopping the horrific practice of medically transitioning gender confused children. You want to educate and stop childhood medical transition? Help us Get the word out - Donate Today Rami's Words: I am Rami Ramirez, a 23-year-old transgender man who began transitioning at 18. I do not regret my decision to transition, but I deeply regret not being informed about the potential impact on my overall health. My external appearance may have improved, but my internal well-being has taken a severe blow - what good is that if I lose my entire health? The pain and exhaustion I have endured, both mentally and physically, from the shortcomings of the trans healthcare system are beyond words. We are left to fend for ourselves, with little knowledge of our own anatomy and the potential complications that may arise. The suffering we endure in silence is unimaginable, and it breaks my heart to know that there are countless others experiencing the same fate. The mental toll of this neglect is indescribable. My health deteriorated rapidly once I began transitioning, facing issues I never knew were possible. Doctors must be held accountable for their negligence - hospitals, gender affirming physicians, all of them need to take responsibility. Research must be done, proper plans put in place before blindly prescribing hormones. I am angry and devastated to discover these problems at only 23 years old. Thankfully, a specialist has come into my life to help me recover from the harm caused by the lack of proper care. But others may not be as lucky - some may even lose entire organs due to this neglect. It's time for the trans community to demand better care and for our voices to be heard. I've personally been dismissed by two gynecologists and a urologist, given false diagnoses and ineffective medication. Even a trans gynecologist brushed off my concerns and prescribed estrogen cream without properly addressing the issue. The healthcare system failed me, leaving me to suffer while they profited off my appointments and hormone prescriptions. Sunday 6-09-2024 2 PM EST I was hospitalized thirteen times within just two years of starting my transition due to vaginal changes and infections caused by atrophy - something no one bothered to warn me about. My own transition doctor didn't even inform me when my T levels were dangerously high, simply saying "if you feel fine then you're fine." It took another specialist stepping in to reveal how unhealthy my levels were. Why didn't anyone tell me sooner? Are we just dollar signs to them? I was never given any information or guidance on this matter, and it's my hope that my message will reach someone and prevent them from going through the same experience. The trans healthcare system must be fixed before more lives are harmed or lost. It's time to make a change. My Name Is RAMI

  • SHOCKING CONFESSION: Why Me; A Lesbian Who Medically Transitioned & Detransed Is LEAVING the LGBTQ+ Community & Joining The Society Where We All Matter - Welcome Deanne Chance -

    by Deanne Chance Hello there, I go by Chance. For as long as I can recall, I have worn my lesbian flag with pride and have been a dedicated member of the LGBTQIA+ community. However, in recent times, something has shifted. The community that once felt like a safe haven now feels strange and unfamiliar. While I still support the fight for equal rights, I'm struggling with the increasing emphasis on transgender rights. This internal conflict is causing me to doubt my place within this community and if I truly belong here. Where do I fit in? Let me be clear, I do believe in rights for all individuals. However, I am curious, what specific rights are Transgender people advocating for? One aspect of the current fight is for what is known as "gender-affirming healthcare." This can include surgeries and cross-sex hormones. Many individuals who believe they are transgender claim that these treatments are essential to their well-being and without them, they may consider suicide. Personally, I also struggled with thoughts of suicide in the past. However, my struggle was not due to a lack of gender-affirming healthcare, but rather because I had received it. It's something I don't often share with others, as I used to feel ashamed about this part of my past. At one point, I even took testosterone shots and identified as a transgender male. It has taken me years to come to terms with that experience and heal from it. It's difficult for me to put into words the terror I experienced during my gender-affirming healthcare. For 14 months, I took a full dose of testosterone which caused significant changes in my physical appearance. My facial hair grew in, my voice deepened, and my body fat redistributed. During this time, I went by a different name and used masculine pronouns. As the effects of the hormones intensified, I no longer recognized myself physically or internally. My sense of self was slipping away. My transition was nearly complete, with a plane ticket to Florida for my scheduled double mastectomy. But as the date drew closer, doubts and fears crept in. I made the difficult decision to cancel the surgery, but it hit me like a ton of bricks when reality set in. If I continued with hormones, there would be no turning back from living in the wrong body. In a sudden and drastic move, I quit taking hormones cold turkey. My emotions were all over the place, shifting by the hour. The toll it took on me was immense, and I ended up needing to be hospitalized for a week to cope with the aftermath. It was like searching for a lost city in a vast and unforgiving desert, desperately digging through the sand for any sign of sustenance or salvation. But all I found were whispers of a journey I could have never anticipated, with no map to guide me and no one to hold my hand along the way. It was a lonely and treacherous path, but I clung tightly to the lifeline of those few resources that offered a glimmer of hope and kept me from sinking into the depths of despair. We Never Charge To Speak About Childhood Medical Transition & Why It Shuld Be STOPPED Today! - Support TransRegretters Today The desperation to escape the body at times I don’t even recognize consumed me, driving me to seek refuge in a women's treatment center. But when I called, my voice betrayed me as a man and I was coldly reminded that this place was not for me. My own reflection in the mirror was a stranger, and now even my voice could not convey the woman I once was. The hopelessness of my situation crushed me like a vise, leaving me trapped in a body that no longer felt like mine. The trauma of transition and detransition has left me shattered, a broken shell of who I used to be. It took years of agonizing pain and suffering to finally return to my birth sex, but even then, I am one of the lucky ones. Others are not so fortunate - trapped in distorted bodies with their hormones permanently altered or irreparable damage from surgeries. The scars of my journey will never fully heal, a constant reminder of the dangerous path I once embarked on. I am speaking out today because the truth must be known, no matter how painful. Thousands of women have been misled into believing they were transgender males, only to end up with hearts shattered and bodies mutilated. It tears at my soul to read their stories of regret, for I know their pain all too well. Some women bear deep scars from years of hormone therapy and irreversible surgeries, while others are haunted by the constant thought of what they have lost. And as I stand with Buck Angel, Blaire White, Scott Newgent, Marcus Dibs, Tucker Kergiel, Becky Weiss, Arielle Scarcella, and countless others fighting against this travesty, I can feel the fire in my heart raging against the injustice that has been done to us all. We will not stay silent, we will not back down until change is made. I share my story because I hope it will help others, but at the same time, it's a painful reminder of my own struggles. Maybe someone will find comfort in knowing they're not alone, but I also fear that it may give false hope to those considering cross-sex hormones and surgeries. The world needs to change so that young women don't feel pressured to conform to masculine standards. But I can't ignore the fact that the transition only brought me more pain and regret. If only I could save others from the same fate... My heart shatters as I turn my back on the community I once fought for. This is not the same safe haven where I marched proudly in solidarity for Gay and Lesbian rights many years ago. It no longer reflects who I am. Instead, it betrays women and inflicts deep wounds upon young and old lesbians alike, causing irreparable damage. Today commemorates the formation of my partnership with Scott Newgent, a leading pioneer, and Transman Regretter. Together, we unite with other fighters such as Transwoman Claudia McLean - the first to raise awareness about the harmful effects of medically transitioning children and regretting her own decision to transition so many years ago. We also stand in solidarity with Prisha Mosely, a detransitioner who bravely shares her story of reversing her transition and preparing for motherhood as she carries a baby boy into this world. Among us is also Corinna Cohn, who stands strong in the face of social persecution and hate, remaining steadfast in her convictions to do what is right simply because it is right. Camile Kafiel, whose raw and unfiltered truths have been shared with the world despite the personal sacrifices she has faced. Canadian detransitioner Kellie Andersen embarks on her own detransition journey, bearing the physical toll of years on testosterone without hesitation. Lastly, our fearless leader shatters the mold of traditional activism, selflessly dedicating herself to protecting other people's children and inspiring us all with unwavering passion, strength, and courage to become not only better but to ‘ADULT Better!’ This is a day of transformation, of breaking free from the confines of a singular identity and embracing a new subtribe, one that values open dialogue, truth-seeking, and societal impact above individual comfort. It marks a shift from personal struggles to a larger fight, a battle against the medical transition of children, and a commitment to supporting others in their detransition journeys. It Today is a day of bravery and resilience, of uniting with fighters who reject the status quo and strive to build a brighter tomorrow for everyone, not just those who are gay, lesbian, or transgender. Today I become a TransRegretter Deanne Chance Reddit

  • Law Firm Seeking To End LGBTQ+ Discrimination or Create It - You be the Judge! Is it the right or left or perhaps both! Email Blasts - Are You Suffering LGBTQ+ Discrimination?

    After receiving countless emails like this, I have finally decided to write a response that is worth reading. Hailey, Your despicable law firm of Joseph & Norinsberg should hang their heads in shame. You scurry about like vultures, seeking out LGBTQ+ sites to exploit and line your pockets with money under the guise of fighting discrimination. I have received no such discrimination as a lesbian who medically transitioned to a transman, except for speaking out against the barbaric medicalization of innocent children. While people leaders on the right cry hardship accepting hefty 50 million settlements as well as right evangelical Governor's accepting millions from gender clinics while claiming medically transitioning children is child abuse; our children suffer. I'll say it again - Our Children Suffer! It is a wave of sickening green that turns the stomach and makes the skin crawl, a thick and noxious fog that chokes the air and corrupts with all people like you and your firm, vultures. It’s a betrayal of humanity, a mockery of justice, and a stain on the very fabric of society. If and until society gets that this is all a financial gain, on all sides our children will suffer, our gender-confused children will suffer and I say shame goes all around because of law firms like you rummaging in the gutters to line your pockets with discrimination that is not happening! Our society's morals are deteriorating as people blame either the left or the right when in reality, both sides are contributing to its downfall. It is both the left and right that are causing our society to no only accept, but promote business practices like yours. Link To Twitter Tweet To Retweet - @heytherehaley @NewYorkJustice @the_emancipator ​What is the real definition of inclusivity? Take me off the email list in which you hunt for discrimination that is not happening, but rather created by law firms like you, shame on you and all that you hold dear! Shame on you and all that you stand for. Transman Regretter - Scott Newgent Kellie King! Support people who suffer for truth! Donate Today PayPal References:

  • Memoir Update - Revealing The Secret Sauce - "How to educate the people who need to be educated about the reality of childhood medical transition?'

    Lesbian Devil to Straight Man Saint - To Trans Hell & Back Again by, Scott Newgent -Transman Regretter Updates: The conclusion of this article addresses the important topic of educating society about medically transitioning children. It is worth reading as it uncovers what I strongly believe is the "secret sauce" to successfully approaching this issue. We Have a Professional Editor, Unbelievable! Goal: USD $25,360 Raised: USD $4,025 A significant number of individuals, both young and old, who identify as transgender and undergo medical transition often struggle with severe mental health issues. They are enticed by the idea and told by medical and mental health professionals that they were born in the wrong body and can only find happiness through a series of surgeries and artificial hormones. In this dark era, those in medicine and the pharmaceutical industry prey upon vulnerable individuals, manipulating the mentally ill into believing they were born in the wrong body. These professionals, cloaked in white coats like parental figures, hold immense power over their patients - for a physician or psychologist is no longer an equal, but a superior with absolute authority. And in their hands lies the fate of these fragile souls. Go To & Find The Largest Database of Studies, Facts & Explanations by Trans Regretters These experts convey with authority and rigid sturdiness, immovable that being born with a mismatched body is a result of a misalignment or error during the developmental process or caused by faulty DNA. The end objective is to encourage individuals to recognize that this problem can be resolved, freeing them from any guilt or the struggle of self-discovery. It denounces the idea that the problem might be the person starring back in the mirror. It is viewed as a physical condition, much like the need for insulin in diabetes treatment. These authoritative figures assert this as fact and anyone who questions it is labeled as sick, mentally unstable, intolerant, unenlightened, and compared to the "Hill Billy Haters" of our time. The so-called experts, authority figures, teachers, doctors, mental health professionals, and the Jeffery Marsh groomers of the world wield their power like puppet masters, pulling the strings of public opinion and manipulating the masses with their divisive words and unyielding beliefs. Their towering walls of ignorance and fear cannot be breached, trapping anyone who dares to challenge their version of reality. And when their control is threatened, they unleash their ultimate weapon: the word "bigot." It cuts through rational discourse like a sword, silencing all who dare question or seek the truth. These manipulators thrive on division, building impenetrable barriers that isolate and ostracize those who challenge their beliefs or seek true understanding. Education is the key to breaking down barriers and misconceptions surrounding the idea that anyone is born in the wrong body. By providing ample support, my memoir has the power to tear down these invisible walls and bring awareness to the reasons why individuals feel this way. It can also reveal the dangers of promoting transition as a quick fix for all problems, potentially saving countless lives. Give Send Go - Support & Donate To This Project Today. This message weighs heavily on my shoulders, and I am fully committed to addressing it with determination and unwavering seriousness. As someone who has undergone medical transition, I am intimately familiar with its complexities; as a matter of my own personal survival. I have faced emotional trauma and constantly challenged myself to sit with discomfort without giving in to it. Raising children at the age where children are faced with pressure to transition only adds to my understanding, and even though I have lost almost everything, I still have what truly matters: my children and a strong sense of right and wrong. But only individuals who have gone through similar experiences can fully comprehend the gravity of this issue in a way that others cannot without experiencing it. How do we effectively educate those who are in need of it? Hold tight, its coming . . . Your contributions hold immeasurable value and has a profound impact, even if it may seem like it go unnoticed. The belief people have in me is the source of my strength and determination to keep going. As I continue to battle infections and receive vital IV antibiotic treatment today, it has brought me to where I am, feeling healthier than ever, it all comes back to you - those who believe in me. Every dollar is like a surge of pride pulsing through my soul, a supportive pat on the back and footprints in the sand left by you, whom I may not see but definitely feel and I thank you. Participating in "What is a woman" was both the second worst and greatest decision I have ever made - at least, I hope it will turn out to be. Despite being both my best and worst choice, this has nothing to do with Matt Walsh and his team; they have always treated me with kindness. In fact, one of the reasons I fully support Matt is because he consistently does what's right, even when no one is watching with regard to me and my children. You may not agree with his beliefs, but it's important to separate the person from their opinions, and Matt is a genuinely good human being - that's what truly matters to me. This documentary solidified that I can never return to sales in the business world, and I have finally accepted this truth, grieved for what could have been, and am ready to move forward. Think of it like this: I have nothing left to lose and can be completely honest, vulnerable, and authentic in order to convey the crucial message our society needs to hear. "What is a woman" liberated me! Gender ideology is a contentious topic that often breeds ignorance and discord. It can easily devolve into a clash between "us" and "them," with even the slightest disagreement resulting in the vilification of those who hold opposing views. Those who dare to challenge this ideology are frequently met with hostility and demonization. If you knew me in person and followed my advocacy, you would see a persistent and unwavering attitude. To put it plainly, you would see a mother who is committed to keeping a promise made for her children through her activism. Unfortunately the reality is that many use activism as a way to gain fame, attention, and wealth if executed correctly and with the current business model. However, this approach to activism is the root cause of our society's obsession with material possessions, power and fame. Sitting in the midst of this, constantly questioning, challenging, and enduring criticism without a supportive community has been incredibly difficult. But now, with you here, we are part of a community where we don't have to agree on everything; in fact, having differing opinions helps us achieve balance. Establishing a sub-tribe that fosters compassion and acceptance among its members, where individuals who were once constrained by strict guidelines and social ostracization now have the freedom to express themselves openly. This genuine acceptance is driven by moral values and a genuine respect for others, creating an environment where healthy debates can take place without judgment and people are allowed to agree to disagree. My involvement in activism began over five years ago when I helped draft the initial bill to ban childhood medical transition in South Dakota. This bill serves as the blueprint for current legislative efforts, but that's a story for another time. Since then, I have been working with others to educate about the only long-term study on transgender individuals, conducted in Sweden from 1973-2003 and involving 324 participants. Contrary to popular belief, this study found that suicidal thoughts do not peak before someone begins medical transition or during the first few years of it. In fact, they are at their highest 5-7 years after completing the transition process. This is because individuals often look back and assess whether the procedures and hormones truly brought them happiness or not. Unfortunately, for many, this results in even worse mental health and physical health issues caused by medical transition. As a result, reality hits and suicidal ideation peaks to the highest levels with transgender people. LGBTQ+ organizations are receiving record-breaking donations. The Trevor Project, for example, received one million dollars in yearly donations until two years ago. However, they documented a staggering 67 million dollars in donations in 2023. These organizations also have significant influence, with 287 bills currently in the US House and almost 300 employees who travel to elementary schools teaching about gender ideology and queer theory. Remember that queer theory was coined by a proud pedophile, another man who was completely comfortable with pedophilia, and a lesbian who was accepting of pedophilia as long as the child enjoyed it. Ethics & Money: The Dark Triad Terror, ACLU, Trevor, Planned Parenthood Transing Kids! Link by Scott Newgent As the earliest generation of transgender youth reaches adulthood, known as the "transgender red zone," my inbox is flooded with cries for help. My days are consumed with searching for mental health services, housing options, and other forms of support for these young adults who were medically transitioned during their childhoods. Sadly, they not only face the typical challenges of entering adulthood, but also the distressingly high rates of suicidal thoughts among transgender individuals. The promises made to them in their youth have become a harsh reality as they navigate a tumultuous battlefield. Each day brings a new struggle, another hurdle to overcome. It was inevitable, and I predicted it five years ago: as the first group of individuals who were medically transitioned into adulthood now face the realities of adult life, we are seeing a tragic increase in suicides - the highest among any group within the transgender community and 14X more likely to committ suicide than any other demographic today Yet, the media remains silent and the current activists are unable to get the message to the people that need to hear it in a way they change their hearts and minds. As I struggle to finish my memoir, I am struck by the weight of its impact and the opportunity to educate and inspire others. You are an integral part of this movement, during a significant moment in history where you have the chance to take a stand and be proud of standing up for what is morally right. Your support goes beyond just your own community; it shows belief in someone and helps break down long-standing barriers. To challenge the idea that certain beliefs are considered "normal" or acceptable, while those who speak out against them are labeled as intolerant zealots or overly emotional feminists...We must break through these barriers in order to progress as a society and this my friends, I believe can only be accomplished one way. How can we bring an end to this insanity and change the way people think? We need a different type of spokesperson - no matter how compassionate, enlightened, or open-minded someone from the evangelical or feminist communities may be, they are immediately dismissed without a chance to speak by the ones in society that need to be educated the most. Influential voice is often the one that holds power over the corrupt subtribe to which they belong. That's why I've continued to call myself a transman, even though I had not taken testosterone for more than two years when I did the 'What is a woman' interview. I remained silent, on purpose because its part of the secret sauce how we educate society. Being a transman gives me an essential tool in the battle for equality. It's a powerful weapon that allows me access to places and opportunities that an evangelical may not have. It is truly key in this fight. If I had chosen to follow the conventional path of success in activism - chasing wealth and recognition - I would have relinquished my weapon and announced my detransition, thus eliminating the current struggles I face. I could have proclaimed born again and cured of transgenderism and risen even higher in status. Being authentic is not a necessary requirement to be a victorious activist. I have always known how to be succeed in activism, but the current business model fails to change hearts and minds. Without the title of transmen, it would be extremely difficult to make any weighty impact on changing hearts and minds who desperatly need it. These children need adults in their lives who, embrace who they are not a delusion of something they will never become. Think about it for a moment: changing someone's heart and their perspective on a matter that is deeply intertwined with basic human rights. We're talking about the rights of African Americans, who have faced injustice in their struggles. We're talking about individuals who have suffered for being attracted to the same sex, who have been physically harmed or lost their jobs and even been banned from saying goodbye to their partners of half a century as they lay dying, surrounded by the family that shunned them for their sexual orientation. These are real human rights that should not be affected by your personal opinions of the person in question. Every single human being deserves to be treated with kindness, respect, and the ability to live without fear. These are fundamental human rights that should never be taken away. How can we persuade a portion of society that firmly believes supporting medical transitioning for children is an act of compassion and acceptance, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary? How can we effectively communicate that medical transition is merely cosmetic, and while it may bring temporary relief, it should only be pursued after thorough consideration of mental health and potential consequences? And most importantly, how do we reach those who have the power to protect these vulnerable children from being exploited for profit? What steps can we take to sway those in positions of power, who have the ability to save these innocent children? How can we tip the scales in favor of the truth and reality? The person delivering the message needs to change, and this person must justify the reasons behind it in a specific way. The KEY: Why do individuals believe they were born in the wrong body? Why would someone choose to take cross-sex hormones and drastically alter their identity for a delusion? The answer lies in answering the WHY. This memoir is a powerful mixture of precise ingredients - the perfect location, timing, and messenger - all combined with an unfiltered and emotional retelling. From the first page, I will grab hold of the reader's heart and pull them along through every moment until they finally understand everything and the 'why' is revealed. It will be a moment where someone reads something so profound that they sit back, close the book, and exclaim, "Wow, now I get it!" How this all came about is a testament to the unchanging 'why' that resonates with others, regardless of changing characters or circumstances. It transcends time, place, and situation, leaving a lasting impact on anyone brave enough to read it. And when you discover the 'why' as well, you too can become a warrior and help save these children. Revealing this 'why' is not easy; it would be much simpler for me to have a conversation with a ghostwriter and sign with a publisher who promises something in return. But that's not how it should be done when exposing a shameful secret with vulnerability and honesty. As I tell my children, just because something is difficult doesn't mean we don’t do it! This memoir serves as a lifeline for our most innocent - our children. It holds the key to the 'WHY'. With your support, we can craft a compelling piece of writing that explains the "why" in a comprehensible yet emotional manner. This memoir possesses the capacity to challenge society's belief in the concept of being born in the wrong body. Every donation matters. A seemingly small $5 donation symbolizes five instances of faith in me, and that is tremendously powerful. It's not merely $5; it's the catalyst that brings this memoir to life, providing support and potentially saving other people's children. That $5 holds life-changing power. Lesbian Devil to Straight Man Saint $25 isn't merely $25; it funds three strategically-placed Google ads targeted at those who need education on this matter. $100 isn't just $100; it covers the printing cost for several copies of the memoir, for distribution in libraries, giveaways, or to a mother who thought she was out of strength. $1000 is more than just $1000; it purchases a way around censorship by placing ads in front of the exact people who need to see them on social media. It also gives us professional cover art to draw more attention. $25,000 isn't merely $25,000; it allows merchandise production for placement in bookstores, crafting powerful messages and conversational topics that counter current societal narratives, such as 'Better an alive daughter than a dead son’. Through merchandise, we can disseminate potent messages and potentially spare future generations from suffering like these innocent children. Your contribution signifies more than just dollars - it embodies hope for a brighter future for all those who have fallen victim to societal ignorance. Sure, pharmaceutical corporations, the ACLU, Stonewall - they all have billions of dollars at their disposal, and they use them. However, they lack the one element that trumps what their money can buy - the truth. Thank you for you belief is me! Kellie King / Scott Newgent For My Children! Donate Today

  • Ethics & Money: The Dark Triad Terror, ACLU, Trevor, Planned Parenthood Transing Kids!

    by Transman Scott Newgent Support Work Here: Donate Today Over the past few months, I have had the privilege of assisting an esteemed investigative journalist in uncovering the financial motives behind the alarming rise in childhood medical transition. As a 51-year-old woman who has personally undergone the medical transitioning process and now a transman, I bring a unique perspective to this critical discussion. Furthermore, being a mother to three children, having carried life and experiencing childbirth, has fueled my determination to address this pressing issue head-on. It has become my life's mission to halt the medicalization of gender-confused kids. It is imperative that we redirect our efforts towards providing compassionate support, guidance, and therapy to help children explore their gender identity freely, without resorting to invasive medical procedures. By focusing on mental well-being, nurturing acceptance, and promoting education, we can create an environment where these children are seen, heard, and understood. After careful analysis of the work that I have undertaken, I have reached a firm conclusion regarding the presence of three activist organizations that are significantly impeding the progress and opportunities for medically transitioning children. These organizations, which I refer to as a 'Dark Triad Terror' have been actively working against the well-being and rights of these vulnerable individuals. ACLU The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) is a non-profit organization devoted to protecting the civil liberties of every citizen. An intriguing and controversial topic is the specific focus in recent years on advocating for transgender rights, especially medically transitioning children. This paper comparatively investigates the ACLU's financial gain from 2014 to present, emphasizing their increased focus on campaigns promoting medically transitioning children and its potential impact on the organization's bottom line. Understanding the ACLU's Mission The ACLU was established to "defend and preserve the individual rights and liberties guaranteed to all people in this country by the Constitution and laws of the United States" (ACLU, 2021). However, in the past decade, the advocacy for transgender and specifically under-aged children's rights to transition medically has notably grown within the organization's campaign focus (Hettinger, 2019). 2014 to 2018: A Steep Rise From 2014 to 2018, the ACLU experienced a steady increase in its revenue. According to ProPublica (2019), the group's annual revenue, approximately $100 million in 2014, rose to $240 million in 2018. So, within these four years, the income more than doubled, with an increase particularly evident from 2016 onwards. This period it directly overlapped with the ACLU's emerging advocacy for transgender rights, including medical transitioning for children (ProPublica, 2019). Since 2019, an even more upward trend in the ACLU's revenue has been observed. With the national conversations surrounding transgender rights intensifying, the ACLU has cemented its work on this front. In 2019, the financial report indicated revenue had raised to staggering $300 million (ACLU, 2019). The Link between Advocacy and Rise in Funding While it cannot be definitively correlated, it is undoubtedly noteworthy that an intensifying focus on the rights of medically transitioning children coincides with a significant rise in revenue. Organizations like the ACLU mainly rely on donations, and their supporters may be motivated to donate when they perceive the issues addressed as urgent and personally relevant (Berry, 2019). By highlighting the challenges faced by transgender children, the ACLU appeals to empathic donors resulting in an increase in financial aid (Wallace, 2020). Schultz (2020) and rightly so accused the ACLU of commercially exploiting the transgender issue, arguing that 'woke' capitalism is in play. However, this powerful regard was buried under unicorn farts and glitter bombs. But I heard you Schultz. Overall, it is clear that the ACLU's financial status has considerably increased since 2014. It is intriguing how these financial gains coincide with their drive for advocacy of medically transitioning children. There is a clear link, and caution should be thrown to the wind. We are butchering children with a process that is experimental, dangerous, does not cure anything and causes massive health issues, resulting in making mental health worse. Throw caution to the wind I do not give a ticker toot losing friends, and you should not either.....start to #SCREAMLouder NOW! The Trevor Project The Trevor Project stands as one of the leading American non-profit organizations providing crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer & questioning (LGBTQ) individuals. Recently, a growing discussion has emerged regarding The Trevor Project's increase in financial contributions, particularly about their perceived promotion of medically transitioning children. This essay aims to recognize the ideologies surrounding this issue, analyzing the possible connections and implications. The organization's financial success is apparent. The Trevor Project has reported considerable growth in donations and grants over the years, suggesting a rise in awareness and interest in its mission. For instance, the 2020 annual report registered a significant 113% increase in donations and grants compared to 2019 (The Trevor Project, 2020) [1]. This indicates a growing support base, which, arguably, has been spurred by the contentious issue of promoting medical transitions for transgender children. Before delving into the connection, it is crucial to outline what is meant by 'medically transitioning children.' This term generally refers to the use of hormones and puberty blockers in individuals under the age of 18 to change their physical appearance and develop a body that aligns with their identified gender (WebMD, n.d.) [2]. The process, while contentious, is often advocated for as a means to impact the mental well-being of trans youth positively. Many critics suggest that The Trevor Project's stance on this issue has driven a significant funding influx. The organization maintains a supportive approach towards transgender youth seeking medical transition, highlighting potential benefits like improved mental health and quality of life. They offer resources and information on gender transition in addition to their crisis hotline services (The Trevor Project, n.d.) [3]. The argument is that by promoting this potentially life-saving practice, the project fuels its financial growth. Future research examining other possible factors, such as broader social changes, will be crucial to better understanding the dynamics behind these financial trends and why, nearly five years ago, they received 1.3 million in donations and last year nearly hit 70 million! The real question is: If you were the CEO of 'The Trevor Project', you could increase revenue by 6600% by endorsing a medical procedure to cure what ails children. Would you jump in? The real real question is: Did they continue when they knew the truth about the carnage? I say yes, yes, and yes...Handcuffs are coming! And the Clincher Planned Parenthood The healthcare sector's evolution ties intrinsically with the shifting landscapes of society's acceptance, sensitivities and understanding. An area that has received much attention in recent years is gender dysphoria, particularly related to children and adolescents. I will critically evaluate how organizations like Planned Parenthood have professionally adapted to support these demographics, increasing their revenue streams. One of the significant controversies surrounding Planned Parenthood is its promotion of hormonal therapy for adolescents experiencing gender dysphoria. In recent years, Planned Parenthood has become one of the largest providers of Transgender Care in the United States, going beyond providing reproductive healthcare (Planned Parenthood, n.d.).[1]. This strategic shift in services is a response to the increasing demand for affordable transgender healthcare services. Consistent with this, revenue streams began to increase as Planned Parenthood expanded its programs promoting medical transition in children. These services are not without criticism, mainly due to ethical considerations and concerns surrounding the long-term effects on a growing child's physical and mental development (Biggs, 2019)[2]. However, as financial performance merely reflects demand, it is clear that some families are seeking such services profoundly. While many healthcare organizations like the American Academy of Pediatrics and the Endocrine Society endorse gender-affirming care for youth, the conversation around this issue in children is still charged (Rafferty, 2018; Hembree et al., 2017)[3][4]. Planned Parenthood, embracing the idea that everyone deserves high-quality, compassionate health care, has undoubtedly found an untapped market in this arena. Planned Parenthood's recent annual reports endorse this revelation. Following their offering of hormone therapies for transgender patients, they observed an increase in their revenues. The first-time mark-up year received heightened demand and increased public funding and private donations (Singh, 2020)[5]. This may be partially as a result of an increased societal awareness, acceptance of transgender people and activism promoting equal access to healthcare. The expansion of the services towards promoting medically transitioning children drew both praise and criticism. Supporters argue that Planned Parenthood has provided an essential service to a frequently discriminated community. At the same time, critics contend that significant decisions about a child's sexual identity should not be made hastily or without consideration of potential consequences (Cretella, 2017)[6]. The provision of transition-related services for children by Planned Parenthood has increased its revenue. These developments mirror societal changes, and despite the controversy, they demonstrate the demand for these services. Such an organizational shift is indicative of broader acceptance within society and the commitment of healthcare organizations to meet the demands of previously underserved individuals. Sources: Planned Parenthood (n.d.), Transgender Healthcare. Biggs, M. (Oct 2019), Tavistock's Experimentation with Puberty Blockers: Scrutinizing the Evidence. Rafferty, J., et al. (2018), Ensuring Comprehensive Care and Support for Transgender and Gender-Diverse Children and Adolescents. Hembree, W.C., et al. (2017), Endocrine Treatment of Gender-Dysphoric/Gender-Incongruent Persons: An Endocrine Society Clinical Practice Guideline. Singh, J. (2020), Planned Parenthood Annual Report 2018-2019. Cretella, M.A. (2017), Gender Dysphoria in Children and Suppression of Debate. The Trevor Project. (2020). Annual Report. Retrieved from WebMD. (n.d.). What Does It Mean to Be Transgender? Retrieved from The Trevor Project. (n.d.). A Guide to Being an Ally to Transgender and Nonbinary Youth. Retrieved from GLAAD. (2019). Accelerating Acceptance 2019. Retrieved from Atton, C. (2002). Alternative Media. London, England: Thousand Oaks. 'ACLU', American Civil Liberties Union (2021) Available at: 'The Trevor Project', The Trevor Project (2021) Available at: 'Transgender Services', Planned Parenthood (2021) Available at: 'Gender dysphoria in youth', American Psychological Association (2020) Available at: 'Transgender identities', NHS (2021) Available at: ACLU. 2019 Annual Report. Retrieved from ProPublica. (2019). Nonprofit Explorer - American Civil Liberties Union Incorporated. Retrieved from Hettinger, L. A. (2019). Interest group strategies and judicial outcomes at the US Supreme Court. American Politics Research, 47(2), 403-421. Retrieved from Berry, J. M. (2019). The nonprofit sector and the policy process. The Nonprofit Sector: A Research Handbook, 582-609. Retrieved from Schultz, E. (2020) Woke Capitalism: A Debate. Policy Review. Retrieved from

  • SHOCKING: Another Trans, Medically Transitioned Over 23 Years Reveals The Dangers of Medical Transition & Why it's NOT for kids! - MUST READ!

    Intro by -Transman Regretter Scott Newgent Emerging from the shadows with a fierce determination, risking everything to save innocent children: After living in secrecy for 23 years, with nothing to gain but everything to lose, another courageous trans individual steps forward and boldly declares: "No! The medical transition of a child is not acceptable and I will not stand for it. Here are the reasons why." I came across a tweet last night from a transwoman speaking out against childhood medical transition. It reminded me of a familiar pattern that I've witnessed for over five years now. The person was immediately attacked by everyone: Trans community members labeled them as a traitor and accused them of losing sight of their identity, while the gay community called them a homophobic asshole. An evangelical individual chimed in with judgments, saying they were a hypocrite for discussing trans kids while being a trans adult and wishing for them to burn in hell. Even liberals denounced the person for going against their own community and joining the extreme ideology of the far right. It's not surprising to encounter many trans adults who have regrets or would never go through transition again, but simply can't handle the constant attacks and discrimination. However, it's these personal stories that have the power to change perspectives and inspire empathy. If we shut them out at the first sign of struggle, their voices will be lost. Several days ago a pro football player stands on the stage, his voice booms with fervent conviction as he delivers a commencement speech. He proudly proclaims his devout evangelical beliefs and credits his wife's happiness to her role as mother, wife, and caregiver for their family. In the same breath, he condemns the LGBTQ+ community, declaring their existence to be a sin that will lead them straight to hell. His words drip with venom and intolerance, causing tension and discomfort in the audience, but praised by the Christian community. Link To Speech To stop the medical transition of children, we need individuals who can educate those in society who are misinformed, people who have the power to change hearts and minds. This task is by far the most challenging, as it requires precise wording and a strong emotional connection to truly awaken people's minds. Sadly, what I often witness are individuals who only preach to the choir, failing to reach a wider audience. We must utilize our talents and not become repetitive robots preaching to the same people. A group of Christians who appose childhood medical transition attend a speech from another Christian who agrees with them and cements they are all right accomplishing nothing. I often criticize evangelicals because they have the power and resources to bring about change quickly, yet they are choosing leaders who only stir up their followers. This has resulted in 22 state bills being either blocked or met with sanctuaries to continue to medical transition children. In summary, these states are not enforcing laws against transgender kids transitioning, and every month, the number of children at the William Institute who believe they are transgender continues to rise. The people that need to be educated are often found among the liberals or left-leaning groups within our communities. I urge you to click on the link above and read a portion of the commencement speech, as well as a transman's personal account below explaining why they believe medical transition is not suitable for children. After reading, ask yourself this question: If you had to choose between these two people to educate society about gender ideology, to change hearts and minds an the key is to CHANGE hearts and minds. Who would be the most successful? As I recuperate from yet another infection, I try to control my emotions. But let's be honest, we are losing the battle against childhood medical transition. I know many may disagree with me, especially on social media platforms like Twitter, but the truth is that we are not reaching those who need education the most. Despite all the money and resources being thrown towards Christian, feminists, activists, there seems to be a lack of progress in changing hearts and minds. In fact, it feels like we are moving backwards. It's frustrating because I can't seem to wake people up to the reality of the situation. We have an evangelical governor who has received over three million dollars in bribes from a queer gender clinic, yet publicly proclaims himself as a warrior against medical transitioning, labeling it as abuse. The sheer audacity and cruelty of such thinking is allowed to persist, and many fail to grasp the gravity of this horridness. The fight may feel like it's being won, but in truth, we are losing. Behind closed doors, big pharmaceuticals continue to rake in unimaginable amounts of money while 257 bills have flown through state houses this year alone, undoing the hard-won protections for stopping childhood medical transition. And they don't stop there; they are already three steps ahead, devising new ways to keep harming these innocent kids legal. So I ask you, do you truly want to eradicate the twisted influence of the LGBTQ from our schools? Do you want to put an end to the cruel practice of childhood medical transition? Then, we must do differnt, adult better and promote people with the talent top change hearts and minds. Stop blindly following leaders who do more harm than good, and raise your voice together, reach your hand out further. Because right now, we are losing the battle against those who profit off of hurting our children. In this current state of chaos and turmoil, it is evident that we are in desperate need of new leaders. It seems that the only noteworthy accomplishments being made are those who are becoming rich and famous, while innocent children continue to be senselessly butchered at alarming rates each day. Furthermore, we are witnessing a steady increase in the number of LGBTQ+ lessons being taught in schools across the US. Every day, these numbers tick higher and higher, until it becomes impossible to ignore the gravity of the situation. Perhaps it's time for us to take a step back and re-evaluate our approach before it's too late. We can only succeed if we work together. Please take a moment to consider this important message. This is Harley's Medical Transition Story In 1986, I lived as a masculine lesbian who enjoyed driving trucks and motorcycles. One day at work, I met a transgender woman who suggested I consider sex reassignment surgery. It was a daunting thought, and I didn't know where to begin. A decade earlier, my co-worker had responded to an advertisement in the newspaper seeking volunteers for experimental sex reassignment surgery at Stanford University Medical Center. She met a transgender man who also applied, and they both underwent the procedure together. However, the transman faced numerous complications from phalloplasty surgery and ended up spending several months in the hospital due to infections and additional surgeries. Help Scott Publish Ground Breaking Memoir In the year 1987, I attended a gathering for gay women in Alcoholics Anonymous where I listened to another transgender man share his story. He had made the difficult decision to stop taking testosterone after a few years because of his son's illness; he wanted to be there for his child as a mother. Meanwhile, although I had been sober for seven years, I felt like my life was at a standstill. That's when it hit me - medical transition was my ticket out. I could no longer imagine living as a lesbian. Back then, everything was spread by word of mouth; there was no internet or cell phones to access information. However, I managed to find someone who knew how to help me with my gender transition. For $150 per session, I began seeing a local psychiatrist for hormone therapy and surgery recommendations. On just my second visit, he wrote me a letter to begin hormone replacement therapy and undergo gender confirmation surgery as soon as possible. And so, in January of 1988, at the age of 32, I started injecting testosterone into my system. By April of that same year, I had undergone a double mastectomy - and let me tell you, it was such a relief to finally have them gone! But once the surgery was over and done with, I never went back to see that psychiatrist again. At that time in history, insurance didn't cover any expenses related to hormone therapy or gender confirmation surgeries; those costs were expected to be paid upfront with cash. So, in order to afford all the treatments, hospital stays, surgeons' fees, and anesthesiologists' services, I worked long hours and pushed myself beyond my limits. The surgeon who performed my surgery only offered metoidioplasty procedures at that time but it seemed like my best option. Information about transgender issues and transitions was scarce without access to the internet or even cell phones - but the institution where I underwent surgery had a reputation for successfully performing sex reassignment procedures. There, I met another transgender man who had undergone gender confirmation surgery; while he was not completely satisfied with the results, he eventually learned to live with it after multiple revisions. But I didn't think the same would happen to me because I trusted that my surgeons were highly skilled and knowledgeable about these procedures. Unfortunately, I was naive to believe that my operation would turn out better than his. I underwent metoidioplasty surgery between 1990 and 1991, but there were complications that required further treatment. The surgeon demanded payment before offering any additional help - but by then, I had run out of money and was physically and emotionally exhausted from working long hours and undergoing multiple surgeries. All I wanted at that point was to move on with my life. So, despite the complications, I chose to ignore them and focus instead on my job as a long-haul truck driver, putting in countless miles on the road. After nine long years, in 2001, I finally received the necessary medical treatment for a fistula and the related complications from scar tissue. Scar tissue can gradually cause major issues over time and can continue to reoccur. As the years went by, I started experiencing difficulty with urination and other bodily systems began to fail me. It was a rollercoaster of panic attacks and high blood pressure, with no control over when they would strike or where. Despite seeking help from doctors who ran numerous tests and prescribed various medications, my condition persisted. It wasn't until 2012 that I learned about strictures in my urethra, which required surgery to fix five blockages and potential bladder damage. After the procedure, it was revealed that back in 1990, the surgeons had used improper materials to create a new pathway for my urethra, resulting in hairs growing inside it. The surgeon apologized and informed me that it would never work properly. However, by 2014, the pain became unbearable and I made the difficult decision to have the original urethra reopened so that I could urinate without pain. Fixing my plumbing issues did not solve all of my problems. I still had to deal with bouts of anxiety, irregular heart rate, palpitations, and frequent and urgent urination. At night, I would suffer from hot flashes and excessive sweating. I went through multiple doctors and tried different medications, but nothing seemed to work. Finally, a health practitioner suggested that my problem was due to synthetic testosterone. Unfortunately, I ran out of funds and could no longer afford to see the doctor for further treatment. After realizing the negative effects of taking testosterone on my own, I made the decision to stop. However, this brought about a wave of unpleasant symptoms: pains in my bones and muscles, stiffness, joint inflammation, digestive problems, mood swings, exhaustion, heart palpitations, memory and focus difficulties, and more. Eventually, I couldn't take it anymore and sought help from a doctor. My blood test showed extremely low hormone levels. The doctor told me that living like this was not sustainable and suggested trying bio-identical hormones through surgical implants. Desperate for relief, I underwent three procedures of having pellets implanted into my body. It wasn't a smooth experience as the release of hormones from the pellets was timed and caused fluctuations in my symptoms. After the doctor implanted the final pellets in my buttocks, she miscalculated and inserted too many. This resulted in dangerously high levels of testosterone (over 1500) coursing through my body. The only advice she gave was to drink water and rest, but that wasn't enough. The time-released pellets caused my blood pressure to skyrocket at night when my endocrine system was most active, leading to episodes of tachycardia (a heart rate over 100 beats per minute). For two weeks, I was taken to the hospital by ambulance almost every night. I feared that these incidents would overwhelm my cardiovascular system and possibly lead to death. It's a constant experiment with hormones and surgeries to change a female body into a more masculine one, and it has been a difficult journey confronting health professionals about the reality of medical transition. Hormones and scar tissue are now ongoing issues that I will have to manage for the rest of my life. In 1987, someone warned me that my journey would amplify everything in my life by a factor of 10, for better or for worse. The beginning was fantastic - everything felt fresh and thrilling. I finally had the freedom to be myself and chase after my dreams. But then, bottom surgery came along and everything changed. My life became consumed with medical challenges and a future full of uncertainty. In 1987, someone warned me that my journey would amplify everything in my life by a factor of 10, for better or for worse. The beginning was fantastic - everything felt fresh and thrilling. I finally had the freedom to be myself and chase after my dreams. But then, bottom surgery came along and everything changed. My life became consumed with medical challenges and a future full of uncertainty. by transman Harley

  • Arkansas Republicans! OMG - Arkansas Trans Bill? - BRAVO - From A Transman

    I finally had the time to sit down and review the much-discussed and highly controversial Arkansas bill, frankly prepared to hate it. I mean I was ready with word tracks in my head: “These Republican jerks, blah blah, what idiots.” My fire is fierce when I believe someone is off track and self absorbed for a career or to make a point. Medically transitioning gender-questioning children should never be a political ladder used to further careers. Medical transitioning gender-confused children is a serious infraction that chips away at every child's health for a lifetime. It's serious and needs to be understood and presented that way. I kneel to no one about the topic of medical transition for gender-questioning kids. I don’t care who you are, how famous you are, or how much money you have. I will give in to no one and call out anyone I believe needs to be called out! But boy, was I pleasantly surprised to see what was in the actual language. Arkansas, a heavily Republican state, almost got it 100%. Which goes to show you that sometimes your enemies are the exact people you need to turn to. In this circumstance I say, “Bravo.” A few tweaks and this could be a nationwide HALT to medical transitioning children. It contains almost everything I would recommend in such a bill, which should go into effect in July. It recognizes the experimental nature of and lack of long-term studies for puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones, which the UK’s National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) recently did a systemic review of and found the evidence “very low” (their words) in all categories. Similarly, as of May 1, 2021, Sweden’s Karolinska Hospital (part the the Karolinska Institute, which grants the Nobel Prize) has stopped all new prescriptions of puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones for gender dysphoric minors under age 18 and will only allow their use in research studies. (Sweden! One of the most progressive countries in the world when it comes to issues of gender dysphoria.) It outlaws puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and gender surgeries for all gender-confused children under the age of 18, recognizing that adolescence is a time of great identity exploration and development, much in line with what Finland (Finland! Another progressive Nordic country) did last year. It recognizes that most gender-confused children will outgrow such gender-confusion. It recognizes that medical transition does NOT improve mental health outcomes, in line with a recent correction to a study that was not reported in the mainstream news. It recognizes the unexplained exploding rates of gender-confused children in recent years. It recognizes biological sex. It does not use the term “transgender” at all in the bill, which is factually correct. These are kids with gender dysphoria or who are otherwise gender-confused. Transgender is not the correct term for them. When we are speaking about gender confused kids, the word trans should be nowhere around! Why? If you combine trans and kids, it acknowledges that trans kids exist...They do not! Gender-confused kids do exist and have an 80% of recovering to live contentedly in the sex they were born into. Which is contrary to the gay and lesbian human rights campaigns that focused on homosexuality being ingrained, which it is. Never has there been a conversion therapy that stuck or was successful long term with a homosexual. It always backfires. Why? Because homosexuality is who you are, but trans is something you create through medicalization. I’ll keep saying it; 80% of kids become content in their biological sex! It’s not transphobic to celebrate this! Celebrate on, sisters and brothers! And celebrate that a tiny portion of these kids would find comfort in medical transition, but not most. This is another non-transphobic statement. It’s factual, and facts are not hateful. If you believe you are a female and in fact you are a biological male, this needs to be treated, not celebrated and lifted as brave… Nothing about this is bravery. We need to stop celebrating children who are confused. Nothing to celebrate here, people….Celebrating confused human beings is not furthering human decency - it’s celebrating the most at-risk people. According to CNN, Arkansas state Rep. Robin Lundstrum, the Republican who proposed the Arkansas SAFE ACT, made this statement, with which I wholeheartedly agree: “Those kids are precious. Some of them may choose to be transgender when they’re older. That’s OK .... But when they’re under 18, they need to grow up first. That’s a big decision, there’s no going back.” There are three main problems I see with the bill. One is that it only fleetingly addresses the need for psychological support for these kids. Many of these gender-confused children have serious comorbidities that need addressing, including autism, ADHD, eating disorders, depression, anxiety, and more. And if a child threatens suicide, they need immediate mental health counseling, not medicalized transition. Second, it does not recognize that most gender-confused kids will grow up to be gay. And that’s a-okay. Third, and this is big, it did not have the bipartisan support needed to make this bill palatable to more Americans. To redirect this bill and put it in bipartisan hands with a few changes, in my opinion, could HALT childhood medical transition nationally and even internationally. I wish we didn’t need such a bill. I wish doctors and gender clinics and WPATH and the Endocrine Society would not be held captive by radical trans activists and would follow the latest research and science, as Sweden, Finland, and the UK have done, for the long-term health of our children. But since they show no signs of doing such a thing, I believe we need bills like this. And it needs to be framed as a healthcare bill, not as anti-human rights or Republicans playing into the culture wars. At the same time, Democrats need to recognize that transgenderism is NOT the same as homosexuality, which cannot be outgrown. Where are the brave Democrats who will stand up and speak the truth, for the sake of a generation of gender-confused kids who are becoming guinea pigs? What we really need for such bills are a Democrat and a Republican together, and ideally they should be LGBT or allied with the community in some way. We need bipartisanship when it comes to keeping our gender-confused children safe. These should be people who want to get the bill actually passed, who really care, and not just want to get into the newspapers and advance their careers. As I argued in my Newsweek article and elsewhere, this is absolutely not a partisan issue. We also need to keep religion out of it. This is not a Christian, Jewish, Muslim, or atheist issue. It affects vulnerable children of any and no religion. It is NOT transphobic to want the best for our children, based on the latest research and evidence. We should NOT be arguing about the need for guardrails for our children. Imagine me, Scott Newgent, a fully transitioned transman, saying the words of Robin Lundstrum: “Those kids are precious. Some of them may choose to be transgender when they’re older. That’s OK .... But when they’re under 18, they need to grow up first. That’s a big decision, there’s no going back.” In fact, I have said almost these exact words, many times now. Our children come first. We must protect them. I ask that everyone, for one second, imagine that your own sweet, beloved child was swallowed by the trans phenomenon and allow your brain to take you to a place you believe your child would be in 10 years, with all the horrific side effects that I have documented, and many more that are still unknown… Personalize what is happening to other people’s kids and replace the faces of these kids with your own precious little ones. Only then can we all come together to stop the travesty of childhood medical transition. Listen, I have no doubt, whoever is reading this, that we could have a knock-down, drag-out verbal confrontation on many many things we don’t agree on. Ask me if I care - go ahead: “Do you care, Scott?” No, I don’t give a crap what you believe about anything other than stopping medical transition of gender-confused children, so grab my hand and let's focus on what we all should be focusing on...children! Help Me Save Gender-Confused Kids! Medical Transition Is No Place For A Child - Just Ask Us - We Have Done It Scott Newgent

  • Trans Youth Suicides: Do We Know the Truth?

    Homosexual children have a higher chance of committing suicide than gender confused kids! The warning is sounded often and loudly. "If you don't let your 'trans child' transition, they will possibly kill themselves.", "Would you rather have a live daughter or a dead son?" "Over 40% of 'trans' kids attempt suicide." Pretty scary stuff, right? All of this is used to support the idea that children should be allowed to socially and medically transition. After all, we don't want children to suffer, and we certainly don't want them dying. Only a complete monster would advocate for the death of children, and you're not a monster; are you? Let's look at some numbers. The Trevor Project did a 2020 National Survey on LGBTQ Youth Mental Health. This survey had 40,000 respondents age 13-24 who "identified" as either 1 of over 100 sexualities that were not "heterosexual" or 1 of over 100 gender identities that were not "cisgender", or both (Side note: WTF!) I could not find a breakdown of LGB vs T so I'll use the figures from the 2020 UCLA Williams Institute LGBT Youth Population Data to extrapolate. If 1,994,000 is the total US LGBT population, 1,844,00 being "cisgender" and 149,750 (Rounded to 150,00) being "transgender" then 92.5% of the LGBT population is "cisgender" LGB youth and 7.5% is "transgender" of any orientation. Applying that to the Trevor Project Survey the respondents are 37,000 LGB and 3,000 T. According to the Trevor Project survey, 34% of "cisgender" LGBQ youth and 52% of "transgender" youth had "considered suicide". Using my estimated numbers, that's 12,580 LGB and 1,560 "trans" youth. Actual suicide attempts are 11% (4,070) and 21% (630) respectively. Wow! That means that over 6 times more LGB youth attempt suicide than transgender youth. Not to diminish ANY suicide, but you would think that would be an important talking point. What else does the Trevor Project survey have to say? 46% of LGBT youth WANTED psychological or emotional counseling from a mental health professional but were unable to get it. Now, I'm not sure, but couldn't THAT mean something? Wouldn't counseling be helpful to people who are suicidal? And what were the most common reasons given for not getting desired therapy: cost, getting parental permission, and finding an LGBT sensitive provider. Interesting.... I wonder if the survey says anything about supporting "trans" youth. Why yes it does. Suicide attempts dropped in half just by most people using "preferred pronouns" Well that's a lot less invasive than puberty blocker, HRT and surgeries. Keep in mind that we don't know how many "trans suicides" there are, especially in regards to young people. A person would have to be out in some way, usually requiring some sort of transition. Yet the argument is that "trans kids" are killing themselves because they can't transition. To Summarize: Significantly more LGB youth are suicidal than "trans" youth LGBT youth, including suicidal ones, lack access to mental health care "Preferred pronoun" use alone lowers "trans" suicidality significantly Given these points, why is transition, especially medical treatment, pushed as the only answer to the "epidemic of trans suicide"? I will gladly advocate for mental health access for anyone, and I feel it's especially important for people with dysphoria. Why aren't we more concerned about the risk of suicide in LGB youth? It's easy to make things sound large when you use percent to talk about a small population. It's easy to assume a cause just from a characteristic. Trans people are like everyone else. We have other things going on in our lives than just "being trans". But for statistics like this, that's the only thing that matters. "Oh you're trans and suicidal? It must be because of being trans!" Maybe, but maybe you're failing math, or you just broke up with your boyfriend, maybe your grandma died. See the people that use these statistics don't care WHY "trans youth" are suicidal, they already have their answer. TX TS Lady Follow Texas Trans Lady On Twitter Oh, And I Stand With #IStandWithJKRowling Most of us transgender adults stand with you Texas Trans Lady! Thank You-Scott Newgent

  • What Makes A Transgender Child? Cliches, it seems…Brave Trans Steps Up To Protect Kids!

    The transition of children has become a proven source of human interest news. The following quotes are extracted from a selection of stories on the Daily Mail (British newspaper) website looking at young transgender males: They had presumed their prancing, pink-loving son who squirreled away cousins’ girl toys was gay… He wore sweatpants around his head to mimic ponytails and dressed as a princess for Halloween. And he hated boy things – especially his body.[1] Sources said the youngster had confided in friends that he wanted to be a girl and would put on a bikini to go swimming and use a Barbie towel. He rode to primary school on a pink scooter and wore pink ribbons in his hair.[2] While Blaine preferred playing with trucks and cars, Keat liked dolls. At school he liked playing dress up with the princess dresses… Keat was so happy in her skin but I dreaded that first day back at school where she would be going back to class with pigtails and a pink backpack.[3] She grew her hair out, pierced her ears, and wore dresses everywhere – even to kindergarten… growing up Jazz’s bedroom was filled with girly things – pink bed linen, a closet filled with dresses and an ample collection of stuffed animals.[4] When she chats with people, she introduces herself as, “Hi, I’m Sadie, my favorite color is pink, I’m vegan, and I’m transgender. Who are you?”‘ Sage said.[5] “I’m wishing for the one I love to find me!” the preschooler would enthusiastically sing into the toilet, copying Snow White, who sings into the echoing wishing well in the animated Disney movie. Six months after her second birthday, her parents say Ryan was drawn to all things pink and sparkly. Ryan, the boy, wore pajama pants on his head, pretending it was long hair, or acted out girl roles from movies.[6] Danann Tyler, who was born male but now dresses as a little girl and has long hair,… he never had any interest in the toys his elder brother Liam had loved. His sippy cup had to be pink. When a family friend playing dress up put him in a princess gown, he refused to take it off.[7] The commonality of these narratives is striking, within these seven stories mention is made of the following: a preference for pink (7/7), hair (6/7), princesses and dresses (5/7), ‘toys for girls’ (5/7). As an example, the association of pink with girls is itself cultural; devoid of culture, pink has no meaning with respect to the preferences of children, or even adults, of either sex. If we can accept that one’s “gender identity” is preference for the cultural conventions applicable to a particular sex, is it such a leap to suggest that for girls who are masculine (or boys who are feminine), such personality traits are being interpreted as an indicator that the child’s “gender identity” is not correspondent with the child’s sex? Is this not tantamount to suggesting that personality determines sex? [1] “Call me Katie: U.S. boy, 8, to live as a girl after being diagnosed with ‘gender identity disorder’” [2] ‘Boy, 12, turns up for school as a girl after sex swap during the summer holidays’ 21 September 2009 [3] ‘The schoolgirl who was born a boy: Parents defy local bullies to support child’s transition after she was diagnosed with gender identity disorder at seven years old’ [4] ‘”He’s asking what parts of a boy I have”: Transgender teenage girl, 12, faces new problems as she starts dating’ [5] ‘’We’re just like everyone else’: Transgender girl, 11, writes speech in response to Obama’s historic inaugural address because she wishes he’d spoken about her community too’ [6] ‘This is Ryan’s first day as a girl, and everyone better be nice’: How transgender kids are navigating school challenges with increased support’ [7] ‘ ”When kids said I was a boy it made me sad”: Transgender eight-year-old reveals why she’s much happier living as a GIRL’ Follow Miranda's Work Here:

Scott Newgent

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